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Ottawa, 6 December 2011

File No.:  8740-S22-201115478


Mr. Robert Hersche
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 3Y2

RE:  Tariff Notice 264 Withdrawal of Rotary Dial Service

Dear Sir:

On 30 November 2011, the Commission received an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), under cover of Tariff Notice 264 in which the company proposed changes to its General Tariff to withdraw item 110.10 Network Access Service - Discontinued (rotary dial service).

In its application, SaskTel attached a copy of the notices to affected customers.  Commission staff notes that SaskTel did not include the appropriate information about how an affected customer can participate in the Commission’s process.  Additionally, SaskTel only invited customers to direct their comments to the Commission in writing by regular mail or by fax.

SaskTel is requested to re-issue its notices to all affected customers, including the correct information about how an affected customer can participate in the Commission’s process.

Interventions on SaskTel’s application may be filed by 30 January 2012 using one of the following methods:

Online: use

Mail:  Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2

Fax:  (819) 994-0218

Include in your comments:

•  the application number (i.e. Tariff Notice 264) and the applicant’s name (i.e. SaskTel);

•  whether you support or oppose the issue or application, or whether you simply want to comment; and

•  details to support your position.

If you fax your submission:

•  number each paragraph;

•  include ***End of document***after the last paragraph to confirm that the document hasn’t been damaged during transmission ;and

•  When submitting your comments to the CRTC on an application, you must send a copy of your comments to the applicant, with a proof to the CRTC that you have done so before the deadline date.

In addition, SaskTel is to indicate that customers who have already submitted their written comments to the Commission using the formats indicated above don’t need to do it again.

Commission staff notes that the comment and reply comment periods will be reset based on the date the revised notices are issued.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by S. Bédard’

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc:  Nancy Webster Cole, CRTC (819) 934-6377,

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