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Ottawa, 4 November 2011

File No.: 8740-C141-201114371


Mr. William Craig
Chief Executive Officer
City West Group of Companies
248 3rd Avenue West
Prince Rupert, British Columbia
V8J 1L1

RE: City West Group of Companies - Tariff Notice 109

Dear Mr. Craig:

On 26 October 2011, the Commission received an application by City West Group of Companies (City West), under Tariff Notice 109, in which the company proposed to introduce a new residential bundle.

Commission staff notes the following concerns with regards to City West’s application [1]:

 The tariff notice was filed without providing the following in its cover letter

° the application type (Group A, Group B, etc.);
° the proposed effective date;
° date by which approval is sought;
° a reference to an already approved rate as a basis for its proposed rate - which company, when, and where the Commission had approved the rate, or otherwise provide an economic study to accompany the application [2];

The proposed tariff page filed did not include the tariff notice number in the bottom centre of the page.

In addition, Commission staff notes that tariff applications should be addressed to the Acting Executive Director, Telecommunications, Mr. Chris Seidl, rather than addressed to Mr. Len Katz, who is the Vice Chairman, Telecommunications.

Based on the above, this file is now closed. The Commission is prepared to consider a new application under cover of a new tariff notice.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by S. Bédard’

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Cliff Abbott, CRTC (819) 997-4509

[1]See frequently asked questions regarding tariff applications, under Telecommunications Forms on the Commission’s website for more information (

[2]See Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001, paragraph 34.

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