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Ottawa, 9 March 2011

File No.:  8665-P8-201104330

Mr. John Lawford
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
One Nicholas Street, Suite 1204
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7

Mr. Howard Maker
Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services
85 Albert St., Suite 1200
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A4
(613) 688-4760
By email:;

Re:     PIAC’s Part VII application concerning the nomination process for the members of the CCTS’s Board of Directors appointed by Canadian consumer groups – CCTS’s request for abridged timelines

Dear Sirs:

The Commission is in receipt of comments from the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (the CCTS) dated 4 March 2011, filed in response to the Public Interest Advocacy Centre’s (PIAC’s) application dated 28 February 2011, whereby the CCTS, among other things, requested that the Commission abridge the timelines for filing comments in the proceeding initiated by the application (the proceeding). Specifically, the CCTS requested that PIAC be required to file its reply by 11 March 2011.

In a letter also dated 4 March 2011, PIAC agreed to file its reply in accordance with the CCTS’s request, but provided its consent without prejudice to the rights of interveners to submit comments on PIAC’s application within 30 days from the date of the application (i.e. by 30 March 2011).

Commission staff notes that CCTS has requested expedited relief in respect of PIAC’s application in light of the time-sensitive nature of the nomination and election process for the CCTS Director positions. Commission staff therefore considers that abridged timelines for the filing of comments in the proceeding are warranted. However, Commission staff also considers that any interveners should be provided with an adequate amount of time to prepare and file their submissions.

Accordingly, interventions in respect of the proceeding are to be filed and served on interested parties by 16 March 2011. Replies are to be filed and served on interested parties by 18 March 2011. Documents to be filed and served in accordance with this process must be received, not merely sent, by the dates indicated.

Yours sincerely,


Celia Millay
Manager, Social & Consumer Policy
Policy Development and Research

c.c.:  Martine Vallee, Director Social & Consumer Policy, (819) 997-9254

Other parties to NoC 2010-247 regulatory@bell.aliant.caregulatory.affair;

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