ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-501-1
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Route reference: 2011-55
Additional reference: 2011-501
Ottawa, 2 September 2011
NB Spring and Manufacturing Ltd.
Across Canada
Application 2010-1694-9, received 16 November 2010
Caribbean Circuit Television – Specialty Category B service – Correction
1. In Caribbean Circuit Television – Specialty Category B service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-501, 16 August 2011 (Broadcasting Decision 2011-501), the Commission approved an application by NB Spring and Manufacturing Ltd. for a broadcasting licence to operate Caribbean Circuit Television, a national, niche ethnic specialty Category B service. In that decision, the Commission noted that no less than 10% of the programming broadcast each broadcast week would be in the Hindi language, but inadvertently omitted in the English-language version only to indicate that the service would ultimately be an English-language service.
2. Accordingly, the Commission corrects the English-language version of Broadcasting Decision 2011-501 by:
replacing the first sentence of paragraph 1 with the following:
NB Spring and Manufacturing Ltd. (NB Spring) filed an application for a broadcasting licence to operate Caribbean Circuit Television, a national, English-language, niche, ethnic Category 2[1] specialty programming undertaking that would be devoted to the Caribbean community and would consist of daily news and issues, politics, economic conditions, religion, youth-oriented programs and live and pre-recorded West Indian shows.
replacing the second sentence of paragraph 6 with the following:
Accordingly, the Commission approves the application by NB Spring and Manufacturing Ltd. for a broadcasting licence to operate the national, English-language, niche ethnic specialty Category B service Caribbean Circuit Television.
replacing condition of licence 2, set out in the appendix to that decision, with the following:
The licensee shall provide a national, English-language, niche, ethnic specialty Category B service devoted to the Caribbean community and would consist of daily news and issues, politics, economic conditions, religion, youth-oriented programs and live and pre-recorded West Indian shows.
Secretary General
*This decision is to be appended to the licence.
[1] As set out in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2008-100, as of 31 August 2011, Category 2 services will be renamed Category B services.
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