Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-348-2

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Additional references: Telecom Notices of Consultation 2011-348, 2011-348-1, 2011-348-3 and 2011-348-4

Ottawa, 28 November 2011

Call for comments

Review of regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters

File number: 8663-C12-201108754

In this notice, the Commission resumes the proceeding established in Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-348 to review the regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers, as well as other related matters.


1.      In Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-348, the Commission initiated a proceeding to review the regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers (small ILECs) and related matters. In Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-348-1, the Commission suspended that proceeding pending its determinations on an application by l’Association des Compagnies de Téléphone du Québec inc., the Ontario Telecommunications Association, and CityWest Telephone Corporation to review and vary Telecom Regulatory Policy 2011-291. The Commission’s determinations with respect to that application were issued in Telecom Decision 2011-733.

Revised procedure

2.      The Commission hereby resumes the proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-348, according to the revised procedure set out below. The revised paragraphs of the notice (paragraphs 29 to 39 and 51) follow for ease of reference (changes are in bold italics). All other information contained in the original notice remains relevant and applicable to this amended notice. Concurrent with the release of this notice, the Commission is sending a letter to the small ILECs with a request for information in the form of interrogatories. That request replaces the request for information, dated 26 May 2011, referenced in paragraph 23 of Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-348.

29.  Any interested person who wishes merely to file written comments in this proceeding, but does not wish to become a party to the proceeding, may do so by using this comments link or by writing to the Secretary General (by mail: CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2; by fax: 819-994-0218) by 5 April 2012. Such persons will not receive copies of the various submissions and will not be permitted to ask or answer interrogatories.

30.  The small ILECs are directed to file proposals with respect to the issues identified in paragraphs 24 and 25 above, by 11 January 2012.   

31.  Other interested persons who wish to become parties to this proceeding must file an intervention with the Commission regarding the above-noted issues, by 11 January 2012. In accordance with section 26 of the Rules of Procedure, the intervention must explicitly state that the person wishes to be considered an intervener.

32.  Shortly thereafter, the Commission will post the interventions on its website. All documents required to be served on a party or parties to the proceeding must be served using the contact information contained in the interventions.

33.  The Commission and parties may request information, in the form of interrogatories, from parties, including the small ILECs, with respect to the issues in this proceeding. In accordance with section 73 of the Rules of Procedure, the requesting party must file its request for information with the Commission on or before 1 February 2012, and must serve the request on the party to whom it is addressed.

34.  Responses to requests for information from other parties or the Commission are to be filed with the Commission and served on all parties by 22 February 2012.

35.  Requests by parties for further responses to the interrogatories posed in their requests for information, specifying in each case why a further response is both relevant and necessary, and requests for public disclosure of information that has been designated confidential, setting out in each case the reasons for disclosure, must be filed with the Commission and served on the relevant party or parties by 29 February 2012

36.  Written responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure must be filed with the Commission and served on the party or parties making the request by 7 March 2012.

37.  Determinations will be issued regarding requests for further information and public disclosure as soon as possible. Any information to be provided pursuant to such determinations must be filed with the Commission and served on all parties by 21 March 2012

38.  All parties may file final written arguments with the Commission on any matter within the scope of this proceeding, serving copies on all other parties, by 5 April 2012. Final arguments, including an executive summary, are not to exceed 15 pages.

39.  All parties may file written reply arguments with the Commission on any matter within the scope of this proceeding, serving copies on all other parties, by 16 April 2012. Reply arguments, including an executive summary, are not to exceed 15 pages.

Location of CRTC offices

51.  Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at Commission offices during normal business hours.

Toll-free telephone: 1-877-249-2782
Toll-free TDD: 1-877-909-2782

Central Building
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage, Room 206
Gatineau, Quebec  J8X 4B1
Tel.: 819-997-2429
Fax: 819-994-0218

Regional offices

Metropolitan Place
99 Wyse Road, Suite 1410
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia  B3A 4S5
Tel.: 902-426-7997
Fax: 902-426-2721

205 Viger Avenue West, Suite 504
Montréal, Quebec  H2Z 1G2
Tel.: 514-283-6607

55 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 624
Toronto, Ontario  M4T 1M2
Tel.: 416-952-9096

360 Main Street, Suite 970
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 3Z3
Tel.: 204-983-6306
Fax: 204-983-6317

2220 – 12th Avenue, Suite 620
Regina, Saskatchewan  S4P 0M8
Tel.: 306-780-3422

100 – 4th Avenue SW, Suite 403
Calgary, Alberta  T2P 3N2
Tel.: 403-292-6660
Fax: 403-292-6686

858 Beatty Street, Suite 290
Vancouver, British Columbia  V6B 1C1
Tel.: 604-666-2111
Fax: 604-666-8322

Secretary General

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