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Ottawa, 5 February 2010


Our Reference: 8740-A53-201000364


Mr. Denis E. Henry
Regulatory and Government Affairs and Chief of Privacy
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, LP
160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2C4

RE: Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 363 and 363A

Dear Sir:

The Commission received an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), dated 15 January 2010, and amended on 22 January 2010, in which it proposed revisions to its General Tariffs to consolidate voicemail and related services across the Atlantic provinces, and to restructure and simplify the tariffs associated with these services in conjunction with replacing the voicemail platform.

Bell Aliant is to provide responses to the attached interrogatories by 12 February 2010.

Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager

cc: Joseph Cabrera, CRTC (819) 934-6352,

Bell Aliant Tariff Notices 363 and 363A interrogatories.


1. Service/feature definitions in the simplified tariffs do not exactly match the definitions in the existing tariffs. Provide a mapping of features between each of the existing tariffs and the proposed simplified tariffs, identifying whether the service/feature applies to business and/or residential customers.

2. Indicate if there are any existing services/features that will not be available on the new voicemail platform. If yes, provide the company’s views on why the application should not be treated as a destandardization/withdrawal application, and for each of these services/features:

a. Identify the service/feature and discuss how it is typically used.

b. Identify the number of customers.

c. Identify whether the company plans to provide a replacement service/feature. If yes, describe the replacement service/feature the company plans to provide. If not, provide the company’s rationale.

d. Indicate whether the company has notified these customers of the impact on them of the platform change and discuss the results of any discussions with the customers.

3. For existing customers, with regards to usage based voicemail features, identify any differences in operation and discuss the impacts on existing customers that would be caused by the proposed migration to the new structure.

4. Provide a revised Economic Evaluation Report to include the following:

a. Price floor test for each of the following residential services/features: Voicemail, Voicemail Plus, and Talkmail Plus.

b. Price floor test for each of the following business services/features: Voicemail, Voicemail plus, Voicemail non-interfaced, Talkmail plus, Talkmail community.

c. Price floor test for each of the call processing services/features: Transfer Mailbox, Information Services, Auto-Attendant Basic, Auto-Attendant Standard, Additional Simultaneous Calls and Custom Schedule Setup (Please note that for these price floor tests, a resource cost study can be used).

d. Price floor test with respect to the lowest per-unit rate element in the term and volume rate grid for each of Business Voicemail and Business Voicemail non-interfaced features/services. The price floor test is to exclude service-driven causal costs (See paragraph 2-12 of Bell Aliant’s regulatory economic studies manual).

e. Provide justification for assuming that the unit costs are the same for residential, business and Centrex markets.


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