ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-571
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Ottawa, 12 August 2010
Bell Canada - Introduction of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership tariffs
File numbers: Bell Communications Tariff Notices 4, 4A, 4B, 4D, and 7
1. On 1 February 2006, BCE Inc. (BCE) announced its intention to form a new regional income trust, Bell Communications (now Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership), that would offer wireline, legacy data, and Internet services in certain parts of Bell Canada’s territory in Ontario and Quebec. BCE indicated that there would be no changes to the services offered to Bell Canada’s customers, or to the terms and rates applicable to those services, as a result of this corporate restructuring.
2. The Commission received several applications by Bell Canada, including the above-mentioned tariff notices, which, according to the company, essentially replicate the Bell Canada tariffs for use by the new entity.
3. The Commission approved the above-mentioned tariff applications on an interim basis in Telecom Order 2006-161.
4. In Telecom Order 2006-194, the Commission approved Bell Canada’s applications on a final basis, other than certain tariff items that could be affected by related ongoing proceedings. The Commission notes that these outstanding proceedings have now been completed and that it has consequently issued the following: Telecom Orders 2010-402, 2007-83, and 2007-22, as well as Telecom Decisions 2007-77 and 2007-21.
5. Accordingly, the Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff items:
| Tariff | Item | Service |
| 21560 | 5420 | Ethernet Access |
| 21560 | 5420 | High Speed Access Service |
| 21560 | 7010 | Managed Internet Protocol Telephony Service |
| 21560 | 7031 | Bell Digital Voice |
| 21562 | 123 | Ethernet Transport Service |
Secretary General
Related documents
- Telecom Order CRTC 2010-402, 22 June 2010
- Applications to review and vary Ethernet and ADSL Orders, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-77, 31 August 2007
- Bell Digital Voice Service, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-21, 5 April 2007
- Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Managed Internet Protocol Telephony service, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-83, 16 March 2007
- Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership for services provided in Ontario and Quebec - Gateway Access Service and High Speed Access Service, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-22, 25 January 2007
- Bell Canada - Introduction of Bell Aliant’s General Tariff, Exchange Services Tariff, Access Services Tariff, and Special Facilities Tariff, and revisions to Bell Canada’s General Tariff and National Services Tariff, Telecom Order CRTC 2006-194, 26 July 2006, as amended by Telecom Order CRTC 2006-194-1, 9 January 2007
- Bell Canada - Introduction of Bell Communications’ General Tariff, Exchange Services Tariff, Access Services Tariff, and Special Facilities Tariff, and revisions to Bell Canada’s General Tariff and National Services Tariff, Telecom Order CRTC 2006-161, 23 June 2006
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