ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-296

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Ottawa, 20 May 2010

Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership – Hospital Patient Telephone Service

File number: Tariff Notice 372 (Aliant Telecom)

1.            The Commission received an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), dated 29 April 2010, in which the company proposed rate decreases for its General Tariff Item 348 – Hospital Patient Telephone Service.

2.             Bell Aliant submitted that previous rate increases for the Hospital Patient Telephone Service that were to take effect on 1 June 2009[1] were never implemented in the company's billing system due to an administrative oversight. Bell Aliant indicated that the costs of implementing these rate increases now, without making any other rate changes, would be in excess of the potential related revenues. The company indicated that, as a result, it was proposing to change the rates in its General Tariff back to those that were in effect prior to 1 June 2009.[2]

3.             Bell Aliant also requested that the Commission ratify the rates proposed in its application from 1 June 2009 to the effective date of the proposed tariff pages.

4.             The Commission notes that the Hospital Patient Telephone Service has been assigned to the Other Capped Services basket.[3] The Commission finds that Bell Aliant's proposed rate changes comply with the rate element and basket constraints applicable to services in that basket.

5.             Accordingly, the Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Aliant's proposed rate changes to its Hospital Patient Telephone Service, effective the date of this order. The Commission will address the ratification request, and any other issues related to the application, if necessary, in a subsequent order.

Secretary General

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[1]     Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 341 (Aliant Telecom), 3 April 2009

[2]     The rates were approved in Telecom Order 2003-314

[3]     Pursuant to Telecom Decision 2002-34 and maintained in Telecom Decision 2007-27

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