Telecom Order CRTC 2008-302 |
Ottawa, 29 October 2008 |
Westman Communications Group - PIC/CARE access customer handbook |
Reference: 8643-W28-200811705 |
1. |
The Commission received an application by Westman Communications Group (Westman), dated 28 August 2008 and revised on 3 October 2008, for approval of its Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE access customer handbook). |
2. |
Westman's PIC/CARE access customer handbook sets out the guidelines for the exchange of information between interexchange carriers and Westman, operating as a competitive local exchange carrier. |
3. |
In July 2000, the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group developed a model PIC/CARE access customer handbook (CISC model) for use by the telecommunications industry. The latest updates to the model were approved by the Commission in CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus items, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-121, 3 December 2007. |
4. |
The Commission finds that the PIC/CARE access customer handbook filed by Westman is consistent with the latest version of the CISC model. Westman's PIC/CARE access customer handbook provides the necessary information with respect to PIC processing and is consistent with the PIC/CARE handbooks recently approved for other companies. |
5. |
Accordingly, the Commission approves on an interim basis Westman's PIC/CARE access customer handbook. |
Secretary General |
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