ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2008-1-4

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Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2008-1-4

  See also: 2008-1, 2008-1-1, 2008-1-2 , 2008-1-3, 2008-1-5, 2008-1-6, 2008-1-7
  Ottawa, 18 April 2008
  Notice of consultation and hearing
  13 May 2008
Gatineau, Quebec
Extension of deadline for item 10 only and amendments to item 41
Deadline for submission of interventions/comments for item 10 only has been extended to 25 April 2008.
  Further to its Broadcasting Notices of Public Hearing CRTC 2008-1 dated 14 March 2008, CRTC 2008-1-1 dated 1 April 2008, CRTC 2008-1-2 dated 2 April 2008 and CRTC 2008-1-3 dated 8 April 2008, the Commission announces the following:

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]

  The changes are in bold.
1. Item 10
  Ottawa, Ontario
Application No. 2007-1203-5
  Application by Frank Torres, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate an English-language FM commercial radio programming undertaking in Ottawa.
  The new station would operate on frequency 101.9 MHz (channel 270A) with an average radiated power of 1,300 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 3,000 watts/antenna height of 32.7 metres).
2. Item 41
  Saint-Constant, Quebec
Application No. 2008-0139-1
  Application by 3553230 Canada Inc. to renew the licence of the commercial radio programming undertaking CJMS Saint-Constant, expiring 31 August 2008.
  It appears to the Commission that the licensee may have failed to comply with section 9(2) of the Radio Regulations, 1986 regarding the submission of its annual report for the year ending 31 August 2007.
  The Commission intends to inquire into these matters at the hearing. The Commission expects the licensee to show cause at this hearing, why a mandatory order should not be issued requiring the licensee to comply with its condition of licence regarding the contributions to Canadian content development and with the requirement of section 9(2) of the Radio Regulations, 1986 concerning the provision of annual reports.
  Secretary General
  This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: 

Date Modified: 2008-04-18

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