ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-227

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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-227

  Ottawa, 27 August 2008
  Radio programming undertakings
Various locations in British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territory
  The application numbers are set out in this decision
Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2008-53
17 June 2008

Licence renewals


The Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the Type B Native FM radio programming undertakings listed below from 1 September 2008 to 31 August 2015. The licences will be subject to the conditions specified therein as well as to the conditions set out in the appendix to this decision.


The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with these applications.

Licensee & application number



Northern Native Broadcasting (Terrace, B.C.)

CFNR-FM Terrace, British Columbia
and its transmitters
VF2064 Fort St. James, British Columbia;
VF2066 Dease Lake, British Columbia;
VF2065 Kispiox, British Columbia,
VF2078 Lower Post, British Columbia;
VF2079 Masset, British Columbia;
VF2072 Good Hope Lake,
British Columbia;
VF2077 Moberly Lake, British Columbia;
VF2073 Quesnel, British Columbia;
VF2110 Blueberry River, British Columbia;
VF2111 Bruns Lake, British Columbia;
VF2112 Doig River, British Columbia;
VF2113 Fort Ware, British Columbia;
VF2114 Iskut, British Columbia;
VF2115 Kincolith, British Columbia;
VF2116 Kitimat, British Columbia;
VF2117 Kitkatla, British Columbia;
VF2118 Gitanyow, British Columbia;
VF2119 Prince Rupert, British Columbia;
VF2120 Telegraph Creek, British Columbia;
VF2133 Atlin, British Columbia;
VF2134 Canim Lake, British Columbia;
VF2135 Kitseguecla, British Columbia;
VF2169 Smithers, British Columbia; and
VF2235 Williams Lake, British Columbia

White Bear Children's Charity Inc.

CIDD-FM White Bear Lake Resort, Saskatchewan

Natotawin Broadcasting Inc.

CJLR-FM Laronge, Saskatchewan
and its transmitters
CIRN-FM Saskatoon, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-1 Montreal Lake, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-2 Denare Beach, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-3 Prince Albert, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-4 Regina, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-5 Yorkton, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-6 North Battleford, Saskatchewan;
CJLR-FM-7 Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan;
VF2298 Black Lake, Saskatchewan;
VF2299 Fond du Lac, Saskatchewan;
VF2300 James Smith Reserve, Saskatchewan;
VF2301 Shoal Lake, Saskatchewan; and
VF2332 Beardy's F.N. Res. (Duck Lake), Saskatchewan

Native Communication Inc.

CINC-FM Thompson, Manitoba,
and its transmitters
CICP-FM Cranberry Portage, Manitoba;
CIFF-FM Flin Flon, Manitoba;
CIKN-FM Kenora, Ontario;
CINR-FM Norway House, Manitoba;
CISF-FM Swan Lake, Manitoba;
CISI-FM South Indian Lake, Manitoba;
CIST-FM St. Theresa Point, Manitoba;
CISV-FM Swan River, Manitoba;
CITP-FM The Pas, Manitoba;
CIWM-FM Brandon, Manitoba;
CIWR-FM Waterhen, Manitoba;
VF2106 Lac Brochet, Manitoba;
VF2107 Poplar River, Manitoba;
VF2108 Red Sucker Lake, Manitoba;
VF2109 Tadoule Lake, Manitoba;
VF2167 Pukatawagan Manitoba;
VF2168 Wabowden, Manitoba;
VF2174 God's Lake Narrows, Manitoba;
VF2175 God's River, Manitoba;
VF2195 Cross Lake, Manitoba;
VF2196 Berens River, Manitoba;
VF2198 Garden Hill, Manitoba;
VF2199 Shamattawa, Manitoba;
VF2220 Brochet, Manitoba;
VF2222 Nelson House, Manitoba;
VF2261 Cormorant, Manitoba;
VF2262 Duck Bay, Manitoba;
VF2263 Grand Rapids, Manitoba;
VF2264 Pikwitonei, Manitoba;
VF2265 Split Lake, Manitoba;
VF2312 Churchill, Manitoba;
VF2313 Moose Lake, Manitoba;
VF2314 Oxford House, Manitoba;
VF2333 Gillam, Manitoba;
VF2334 Fox Lake, Manitoba;
VF2335 Lake Manitoba, Manitoba;
VF2336 Griswold Manitoba;
VF2337 Easterville, Manitoba;
VF2338 Thicket Portage, Manitoba;
VF2339 Bloodvein, Manitoba;
VF2340 Hollow Water, Manitoba;
VF2342 Sherridon, Manitoba;
VF2382 Long Plain, Manitoba;
VF2404 Jackhead, Manitoba;
VF2405 Pauingassi. Manitoba;
VF2406 Leaf Rapids, Manitoba;
VF2407 Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba;
VF2420 Camperville, Manitoba;
VF2421 Dauphin River, Manitoba;
VF2422 Ilford, Manitoba;
VF2423 Lynn Lake, Manitoba;
VF2462 Snow Lake, Manitoba;
VF2503 Fisher River, Manitoba; and
VF2504 Paint Lake, Manitoba

CKRK K-103 FM Mohawk Radio Kahnawake Association

CKRK-FM Kahnawake, Quebec

Comité de la Radio communautaire huronne Wyandot inc.

CIHW-FM Village-des-Hurons, Quebec

Southern Onkwehon:we Nishinabec Indigenous Communications Society

CKRZ-FM Ohsweken, Ontario

Northern Native Broadcasting, Yukon

CHON-FM Whitehorse, Yukon Territory,
and its transmitters :
CHCK-FM Carmacks, Yukon Territory;
CHHJ-FM Haines Junction,
Yukon Territory;
CHOL-FM Old Crow, Yukon Territory;
CHPE-FM Pelly Crossing, Yukon Territory;
CHTE-FM Teslin, Yukon Territory;
VF2024 Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory;
VF2027 Watson Lake, Yukon Territory;
VF2028 Mayo, Yukon Territory;
VF2035 Ross River, Yukon Territory;
VF2038 Upper Liard, Yukon Territory;
VF2039 Carcross, Yukon Territory;
VF2049 Dawson City, Yukon Territory;
VF2125 Beaver Creek, Yukon Territory;
VF2126 Keno City, Yukon Territory;
VF2127 Stewart Crossing, Yukon Territory;
VF2128 Tagish, Yukon Territory;
VF2147 Destruction Bay, Yukon Territory;
VF2148 Whitehorse
(Mayo Road Subdivision), Yukon Territory;
VF2306 Atlin, British Colombia;
VF2311 Lower Post, Yukon Territory;
VF2352 Good Hope Lake,
VF2354 Aklavik, Northwest Territories;
VF2414 Faro, Yukon Territory; and
VF2498 Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River), Northwest Territories
Secretary General
  This decision is to be appended to each licence. It is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site:

Appendix to Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-227


Conditions of licence and encouragement


Conditions of licence


1. In each broadcast week, a minimum of 35% of all musical selections from category 2 (Popular Music) shall be devoted to Canadian selections broadcast in their entirety.


2. The licensee shall adhere to the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Equitable Portrayal Code, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission. However, the application of the foregoing condition of licence will be suspended if the licensee is a member in good standing of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council.


3. The licensee shall adhere to the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission.



  The Commission encourages the licensee, should it wish to broadcast wrap-around programming after its daily sign-off, to use programming obtained from another Native radio station or network.

Date Modified: 2008-08-27

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