Telecom Order CRTC 2005-123
Ottawa, 4 April 2005
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notice 6812A
Amendment - Internet Voice Access Service
The Commission received an application by Bell Canada, dated 15 December 2004, proposing revisions to Access Services Tariff item 140, Internet Voice Access Service, to include privacy provisions to safeguard customer information that may be available to Voice over the Internet Service Providers (VISPs) through the use of Common Channel Signaling 7 (CCS7) interconnection.
Bell Canada noted that in Telecom Order CRTC 2004-353, 29 October 2004, the Commission approved Tariff Notice 6812 on an interim basis but stated that it had concerns about Bell Canada's proposal to make CCS7 interconnection available to all VISPs registered with the Commission. The Commission expressed the view that the increased number of companies that would qualify for CCS7 interconnection raised concerns for consumer privacy. Accordingly, the Commission limited the availability of the proposed Internet Voice Access Service to carriers.
In response to the Commission's stated concern, Bell Canada proposed to add a requirement in its tariff for VISPs to ensure that such service providers utilize the customer-specific information that the Company may transmit to the VISP through the use of the CCS7 connections solely in compliance with the Commission's customer privacy rules.
The Commission received no comments on this application.
The Commission notes that in the Tariff Notice 6812 proceeding Allstream Corp. (now MTS Allstream Inc.) expressed concern that Bell Canada was attempting to create a new class of service provider by requiring VISPs to be registered with the CRTC. In reply comments, Bell Canada submitted that in Telecom Order CRTC 97-590, 1 May 1997, the Commission established a registration process for service providers. The list(s) compiled based on the registration have been used by the Commission in a variety of circumstances, including participation in Commission information gathering activities. The company indicated that it included the reference to registration simply because it expected that a similar requirement would exist in relation to VISPs.
The Commission notes that it has not established a registration category for carriers offering Voice over Internet Protocol service. Accordingly, the Commission interprets Bell Canada's requirement to be registered with the Commission as meaning that a VISP qualifies for this service if the VISP is registered with the Commission under any of the existing classes of service providers.
The Commission considers that the proposed amendments satisfy its expressed concerns regarding customer privacy.
The Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada's application effective the date of this Order.
Secretary General
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