ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8638-C12-200712457

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Ottawa, 28 December 2007

File No.:   8638-C12-200712457

Mr. Willie Grieve
Vice President
Telecom Policy & Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
21 - 10020 100 Street NW
Edmonton , Alberta   T5J 0N5


Subject:   Broadband Expansion Rollout Plan - Telecom Decision 2007-50

Dear Mr. Grieve:

On 4 September 2007, TELUS Communications Company (TCC) submitted its plan for the rollout of broadband facilities (the rollout plan) for Commission approval pursuant to paragraph 13 of Telecom Decision 2007-50. [1] This letter constitutes the Commission's determinations with respect to TCC's proposed rollout plan.

The Commission notes that TCC proposed to rollout broadband facilities to 48 communities approved in Telecom Decision 2007-50.

Based on a review of the information provided by TCC, the Commission is satisfied that the proposed rollout plan and associated deferral account drawdowns are consistent with its determinations in Telecom Decision 2007-50.

The Commission notes, however, that the issue of whether deferral account funds can be used in the communities of Duncan Lake (Johnsons Landing) and Duncan Lake (Marblehead) has been raised in an application to review and vary Telecom Decision 2007-50.

In light of the above, the Commission approves TCC's rollout plan, except for TCC's proposal to use deferral account funds to expand broadband services to Duncan Lake (Johnsons Landing) and Duncan Lake (Marblehead).


Original signed by Paul Godin

Robert A. Morin
Secretary General

c.c.  Michel Murray, CRTC, 819-997-9300
        Interested parties to the Telecom Public Notice 2006-15 proceeding
       Andy Shadrack,

Annexe A ;  ;  bcgrey_bear@hotmail.combsk@valkyrieriders.commorin_sm@yahoo.cadpingitore@lightspeed.caelbrt4@rogers.comtmcampbell@rogers.comkc.2020@hotmail.comgerichard@rogers.comrikerstarr@yahoo.comwhbford2000@yahoo.comsniven@shaw.casp_cathcart@yahoo.cahowardn@douglas.bc.cajboutros@globility.cawilsonchristine@rogers.comrfee34@msn.comcpresley@rogers.comkasearson@roger

[1] Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-15 - Use of deferral account funds to expand broadband services to certain rural and remote communities , Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-50, 6 July 2007, as amended by Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-50-1, 27 July 2007.

Date Modified: 2007-12-28

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