Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-3
Ottawa, 26 January 2007
CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Business Process Working Group consensus report on wireless number portability implementation
Reference: 8620-C12-200601288
In this Decision, the Commission approves, with one exception and one condition, a consensus report filed by the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Business Process Working Group on wireless number portability implementation.
In Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability - Follow-up to Public Notice 2006-3, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-28, 18 May 2006, the Commission requested that the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group (BPWG) develop a process to be used for the transfer (bulk porting) of wireless service providers' (WSPs) leased telephone number blocks to WSPs' networks.
The BPWG submitted its initial consensus report, Shared NXX Process, dated 11 August 2006, which the Commission approved in CISC working group reports on regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-74, 22 November 2006.
The BPWG filed its second consensus report, Shared NXXs, dated 18 October 2006. This report can be found on the Commission's CISC website at http://www.crtc.gc.ca/public/cisc/bp/BPRE062b.doc.
The second consensus report updates and expands on various aspects of the initial consensus report and includes recommendations as well as information related to the following items:
- the assumptions, prerequisites, and risks associated with bulk porting and some aspects of the implementation of wireless number portability (WNP). These include the assignment rules for location routing numbers; the WNP rollout schedule and timing; all required agreements being in place; required numbering resources having been obtained; companies having completed all network, business, and operational systems changes to support WNP; and the impact that the industry brown-out period1 may have on location routing number testing and bulk porting testing;
- industry milestones and readiness checklist for bulk porting, such as bulk porting starting on 15 January 2007, and the commercial launch of WNP on 14 March 2007;
- number management of shared Central Office (CO) code telephone numbers;
- notification process for shared CO code readiness for porting, including the numbering information required for first port notification2 being posted on the Commission's website;
- several miscellaneous items that could potentially be impacted by bulk porting;
- several appendices for detailed processes and procedures related to bulk porting; and
- further work activity required for bulk porting.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission considers that the recommendations in the second consensus report are reasonable.
The Commission notes that Appendix A of the second consensus report includes the Local Exchange Routing Guide updates and notification processes, as well as the global title translation and point code industry notification process and a related non-disclosure agreement. The Commission notes that the global title translation and point code industry notification process documents in Appendix A are to be updated by the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) to include WNP requirements. The Commission expects that the CSCN will file these documents via the CISC process for Commission approval once they have been updated. Accordingly, the Commission approves Appendix A with the exception of the global title translation and point code industry notification process documents.
The Commission also notes that Appendix D, which contains the Canadian Local Number Portability Consortium Operations Committee procedures for reporting and error handling, was submitted in draft form with several sections yet to be developed. The Commission understands that these procedures will be finalized once the bulk porting trial has been completed. Accordingly, the Commission approves Appendix D on the condition that the final version of the document, once completed, will be filed with the Commission for approval.
In light of the above, the Commission approves the second consensus report with the exception and the condition noted above.
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca
1 The industry brown‑out period was from 20 November 2006 to 14 January 2007.
2 The required information consists of the numbering plan area, CO code, exchange name, effective date in the Local Exchange Routing Guide, and effective date for database dips (for location number routing).
Date Modified: 2007-01-26