Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-74
Ottawa, 22 November 2006
CISC working group reports on regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability
Reference: 8620-C12-200601288
In this Decision, the Commission approves with one change the consensus reports filed by three CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) working groups on wireless number portability implementation.
In Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability - Follow-up to Public Notice 2006-3, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-28, 18 May 2006 (Decision 2006-28), the Commission requested that three CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) working groups undertake various tasks and file reports with the Commission.
The three working groups filed the following reports:
- the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) updated the Canadian Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines, Appendix E, Location Routing Number (LRN) Selection Criteria to permit wireless service providers (WSPs) to assign LRNs and filed Task Identification Form Report (TIF Report) 61 (CNRE061A) on 27 July 2006 for Commission approval;
- the Network Working Group (NTWG) developed a rollout schedule for additional exchanges to be opened for wireless number portability based on WSPs' requests and filed a report (NTOD0005), on 15 August 2006 for Commission approval; and
- the Business Process Working Group (BPWG) developed a process to be used by the industry to transfer (port) telephone number blocks to the WSPs and filed an initial report, Shared NXX Process (BPRE062a), on 11 August 2006 for Commission approval.
Commission's analysis and determinations
With regard to the CSCN's TIF Report 61, the Commission notes that in addition to the LRN selection criteria for WSPs, the CSCN has reorganized and updated the LRN selection criteria for local exchange carriers (LECs). The LRN selection appendix is now organized into three sections: LRNs that apply equally to LECs and WSPs, those that apply solely to LECs, and those that apply solely to WSPs. The Commission considers that the updates to the LRN selection criteria for WSPs and LECs/WSPs are in accordance with past decisions. However, the Commission finds that the LRN selection criteria that apply solely to LECs go beyond the scope of the instructions provided in Decision 2006-28, since these flowed from a determination with respect to WSPs. Accordingly, the Commission approvesthe CSCN's TIF Report 61 but directs the CSCN to remove paragraph 2.c) relative to the LRN selection criteria applicable to LECs.
With regard to the NTWG rollout schedule for opening exchanges to number portability for WSPs, the Commission notes that the increased demand for central office (CO) codes may create pressure on the available numbering resources within some numbering plan areas. The Commission considers that this sudden large demand may cause an acceleration of CO code exhaust. The Commission therefore approves the rollout schedule but advises that this schedule may need to be modified by the Commission if a CO code exhaust situation arises which cannot be solved prior to code relief being introduced by the industry in accordance with current Commission approved processes.
The Commission approves the BPWG's initial report (BPRE062a) on transferring leased telephone numbers in shared Canadian CO codes to the WSPs.
Secretary General
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