Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-218
Ottawa, 6 July 2007
Radio Péninsule inc. Pokemouche, New Brunswick
Application 2006-1479-4, received 16 November 2006
Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2007-18
23 February 2007
CKRO-FM Pokemouche - Licence renewal
The Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the French-language Type B community radio programming undertaking CKRO-FM Pokemouche, from 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2011. This short-term renewal will permit the Commission to review, at an earlier date, the licensee's compliance with the provisions of the Radio Regulations, 1986.
The application
The Commission received an application by Radio Péninsule inc. (Radio Péninsule) to renew the broadcasting licence for the French-language Type B community radio programming undertaking CKRO-FM Pokemouche. The current licence expires 31 August 2007.
On 18 January 2005, the Commission requested that the licensee submit logger tapes and other related material for the programming broadcast by CKRO-FM during the week of 9 to 15 January 2005.
The Commission analysed the programming broadcast on CKRO-FM during the week of 9 to 15 January 2005. The analysis revealed that only 3.8% of all musical selections broadcast during that broadcast week were from category 3 (Special Interest Music). This constituted an alleged violation of the station's condition of licence as set out in the Community radio policy (Public Notice 2000-13), which stipulates that:
Both Type A and Type B community stations are required to ensure that at least 5% of all musical selections played in each broadcast week are from Category 3.
In a letter dated 5 July 2005, the Commission advised the licensee of its apparent non-compliance with its condition of licence regarding the percentage of category 3 musical selections that must be broadcast by CKRO-FM.
The licensee advised the Commission that during the week of 9 to 15 January 2005, the station was unable to broadcast its usual Sunday morning program that included thirty category 3 musical selections.
The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with this application.
Commission's analysis and determination
The Commission has reviewed the renewal application and the licensee's file. Given that this represents Radio Péninsule's first non-compliance and that Radio Péninsule has indicated that it has put in place measures required to solve the problem brought about by the non-compliance, the Commission determines that it is appropriate to renew the licence for a short-term period of four years, in accordance with Circular No. 444. This short-term renewal will enable the Commission to assess, at an earlier date, the licensee's compliance with the Radio Regulations, 1986 and the station's conditions of licence.
Accordingly, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the French-language Type B community radio programming undertaking CKRO-FM Pokemouche, from 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2011.
The licence will be subject to the conditions set out in New licence form for community radio stations, Public Notice CRTC 2000-157, 16 November 2000, as well as to the following condition of licence:
The licensee shall devote, in each broadcast week, a minimum of 12% of its musical selections from content category 3 (Special Interest Music) to Canadian selections broadcast in their entirety.
The Commission considers that community radio stations should be particularly sensitive to employment equity issues in order to reflect fully the communities they serve. It encourages the licensee to consider these issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources.
Secretary General
Related documents
Practices regarding radio non-compliance, Circular No. 444, 7 May 2001
Community radio policy, Public Notice CRTC 2000-13, 28 January 2000
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca