Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing
CRTC 2006-11
See also: 2006-11-1, 2006-11-2 and 2006-11-3
Ottawa, 19 October 2006
The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 18 December 2006, at 9:00 a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, Quebec, to consider the following applications. The deadline for submission of interventions/comments is 23 November 2006.
[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]
Applicant and locality
François Caron, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Across Canada
Application No.2006-0898-7
MyNRG Inc. Across Canada
Application No.2006-0959-7
TVA Group Inc. Across Canada
Application No.2006-0984-4
Davinder Jhattu, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Across Canada
Application No.2006-1015-6
Davinder Jhattu, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Across Canada
Application No.2006-1016-4
Cosmopolitan Television Canada Company Across Canada
Application No.2006-1022-1
Black Walk Corporation Across Canada
Application No.2006-1025-5
Hookup TV Networks Inc. Across Canada
Application No.2006-0999-3
Bragg Communications Inc. Nova Scotia,
Prince-Edward-Island and
New Brunswick
Application No.2006-0961-2
Newcap Inc. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Application No.2006-1067-7
Radio Humsafar Inc. Montréal, Quebec
Application No.2006-0214-5
S. S. TV Inc. Brampton, Ontario
Application No.2005-1584-3
FormationPLUS, Centre de formation francophone pour adultes Chapleau, Ontario
Application No.2006-0831-7
Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation Goderich, Ontario
Application No.2006-0860-7
Neeti P. Ray, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Mississauga, Ontario
Application No.2006-0989-4
Frank Thibault, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Niagara, Ontario
Application No.2006-1008-1
CHUM Limited Kingston, Ontario
Application No.2006-1094-0
CHUM Limited Peterborough, Ontario
Application No. 2006-1095-8
Education Alternative Radio Society Prince George, British Columbia
Application No.2006-0275-7
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-0898-7
Application by François Caron, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate a national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as The Canadian Public.
The applicant states that the proposed service will be a public access channel, specializing in content provided by Canadian citizens and organizations from across the nation and around the world.
The service will broadcast a daily minimum of 70% Canadian content by the end of the first year of operation, and a daily overall average of 90% Canadian content within three years. Non-Canadian content will consist primarily of community channel programming, public domain material, and independent productions from around the world.
The Canadian content will be provided by Canadian citizens (including Canadian public and private institutions) who are a) amateur filmmakers, b) film and television students, c) professionals working on their own personal projects, or d) institutions presenting their own in-house productions.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3, 5(b), 6(a), 6(b), 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(f), 7(g), 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), 9, 10, 11, and 13 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
The proposed service will be similar to a community channel service as described in Public Notice CRTC 2001-129, Proposed policy framework for community-based media, paragraphs 5 and 6, expanding the community channel format across the entire nation.
Applicant's address:
125 Elmire Street, No. 302
Montréal, Quebec
H2T 1J9
E-mail: milnoc@sympatico.ca
Examination of application:
Metro Vidéo
977 St.Catherine Street, local 109
Montréal, Quebec
Codell Audio
5339 Ferrier Avenue
Montréal, Quebec
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-0959-7
Application by MyNRG Inc., for a licence to operate a national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as MyNRG TV.
The applicant states that the service will consist of overall education and information as it relates to energy use, energy generation and energy conservation and will provide specific time of used energy directly to the individual home of the residence of the subscriber.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 2(a), 2(b), 3, 5(a), 5(b), 10, 12, 13, and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
Applicant's address:
641 Chrislea Road, Unit 8
Woodbridge, Ontario
L4L 8A3
Fax: 905-856-1513
E-Mail: pmills@stratacon.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-0984-4
Application by TVA Group Inc., for a licence to operate a national French-language Category 2 pay programming undertaking to be known as Première Loge.
The applicant states that the pay programming will be devoted to documentaries, performances, mini-series and movies.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 2(b), 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(f), 7(g), 8(a), 9, 11 and 12 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
The applicant indicates that no more than 25% of the programming during the broadcasting week shall be devoted to category 7(d) (Theatrical feature films aired on TV).
The applicant commits to devoting 30% of the broadcast day and of the evening broadcast period to the broadcast of Canadian programs, increasing to 35% in the 5th year.
The applicant also indicates that the amounts involved for the acquisition or investment in Canadian programming for the first year of operation will amount to $2,852,000. From the second year of the licence and until the end of the licence period, a minimum of 20% of the gross revenues will be allocated to the acquisition or investment in Canadian programming.
Applicant's address:
1600 de Maisonneuve Blvd East
Montréal, Quebec H2K 4P2
Fax: 514-985-8834
E-Mail: regularory1@videotron.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1015-6
Application by Davinder Jhattu, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate a national third-language ethnic Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Joyt II TV.
The applicant will provide viewers with programming that will inform, educate and entertain in Punjabi for the Punjabi community.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3, 5(b), 6(a), 6(b), 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(f), 7(g), 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
Applicant's address:
61 Trailside Walk
Brampton, Ontario
L6S 6H6
Fax: 905-799-7753
E-Mail: j_davinder@hotmail.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1016-4
Application by Davinder Jhattu, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate a national third-language ethnic Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Joyt News TV.
The service would be devoted to news for Canada's Punjabi community.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 1, 2(a), 3 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
Applicant's address:
61 Trailside Walk
Brampton, Ontario
L6S 6H6
Fax: 905-799-7753
E-Mail: j_davinder@hotmail.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1022-1
Application by Cosmopolitan Television Canada Company for a licence to operate a national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Cosmopolitan Television.
The applicant states that the programming will be devoted to entertaining young Canadian women with programming related to beauty, lifestyle, relationships, travel, trends and style. The applicant also states that the programming will explore the topics and ideas that are central to the world-renowned Cosmopolitan magazine that will be reflected through movies, series and reality programs of special interest to young women.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 2(a), 2(b), 5(b), 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(f), 7(g), 8(a), 8(b), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
To further refine the nature of service, the applicant proposes the following conditions of licence related to its programming:
1) Any program related to health and wellness issues will be directed to women.
2) No more than 10% of programming, during the broadcast week, shall be devoted to programs about travel.
3) Style-related programming will focus on style as reflected in Cosmopolitan magazine and will not focus on runway footage.
4) No more than 10% of the broadcast year will be drawn from category 8(b) (music video clips) and category 10 (game shows).
Applicant's address:
BCE Place
181 Bay Street, Suite 1630
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2T3
Fax: 416-642-3779
E-Mail: gary.maavara@corusent.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1025-5
Application by Black Walk Corporation for a licence to operate a national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Total TV.
The applicant states that the programming will consist of a variety of programming for people interested in unconventional ways of improving the mind, body, and spirit. The applicant also stated that the service would be a health and wellness channel dedicated to offering a modern take on natural life practices, such as organic food and products, non-medicinal therapies, spirituality, etc. It will provide a wealth of information, advice, and options, lifestyle programs and documentaries; as well as entertainment through movies and TV shows.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 2(a), 2(b), 3, 5(b), 7(c), 7(d), 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
Applicant's address:
99 Sudbury Street, Unit 201
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 3S7
E-Mail: Gordon@blackwalk.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-0999-3
Application by Hookup TV Networks Inc., for a licence to operate a national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Hookup TV.
The applicant states that the programming will be devoted to Canadian and international productions involving relationships and dating. The service will consist of providing advice and entertainment within the realm of human relationships.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 5(b), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(f), 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
The applicant proposes to broadcast a limited amount of content previously broadcast by other stations, but will not be directly competitive with any previously licensed station as no station is focused entirely upon relationships and dating, and none dedicate more than 10% of their schedule to dating and human relationship programming.
Applicant's address:
81 Chartwell Road
Toronto, Ontario
M8Z 4G8
Fax: 416-504-5202
E-Mail: GP@Hookuptv.ca
Examination of application:
c/o David Nakelsky
Green & Spiegel, Barristers and Solicitors
390 Bay Street, Suite 2800
Toronto, Ontario
Nova Scotia,
Prince-Edward-Island and
New Brunswick
Application No. 2006-0961-2
Application by Bragg Communications Incorporated (Bragg) for a licence to operate a regional video-on-demand (VOD) programming undertaking.
The applicant proposes to offer English-language programming that will consist primarily of feature films but may also include programming from all program categories set out in item 6 of Schedule 1 of the Pay Television Regulations, 1990.
Furthermore, the applicant indicated it hopes to offer community programming as part of its program inventory.
The applicant also proposes to add a condition of licence that would prohibit it from distributing programming that contains any commercial message except if the message is already included in a program previously aired by a Canadian television programming undertaking and is subsequently offered on an on-demand basis at no charge to the subscriber.
To this end, Bragg proposes that the condition of licence pertaining to adherence to the Pay Television Regulations, 1990, be amended as follows:
The licensee shall adhere to the Pay Television Regulations, 1990, with the exception of section 3(2)(d) (commercial messages) and section 4 (logs and records).
The applicant also proposes to add the following condition of licence:
The licensee shall not include, as part of its VOD offering, any program containing a commercial message except where:
a. the message was already included in a program previously broadcast by a Canadian programming service;
b. the program's inclusion, as part of the VOD offering, is in accordance with the terms of a written agreement entered into with the operator of the Canadian programming service that broadcast the program; and
c. the program is offered to subscribers on an on-demand basis at no charge.
Additionally, in order to provide community programming, the applicant proposes to add a condition of licence that would allow it, as an exception to the Pay Television Regulations, 1990, to distribute up to 10% of programming produced by itself or a related person.
Applicant's address:
6080 Young Street, 8th Floor
P.O. Box 8660, Station A
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 5M3
Fax: 902-446-9979
E-Mail: Regulatory.Matters@corp.eastlink.ca
Examination of application:
EastLink Kiosk
Charlottetown Mall
670 University Avenue
Charlottetown, Prince-Edward-Island
Sackville Public Library
66 Main Street
Sackville, New-Brunswick
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Application No. 2006-1067-7
Application by Newcap Inc. to convert radio station CFDR Halifax from the AM band to the FM band.
The new station would operate on frequency 88.9 MHz (channel 205C1) with an average effective radiated power of 21,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 50,000 watts/antenna height of 188.8 metres).
The applicant proposes to broadcast an Alternative Rock music format.
The applicant has requested an exemption to the Commission's common ownership policy (the policy). Specifically, approval of this application will see the licensee exceed the ownership limits for commercial radio licensees as set out in Public Notice CRTC 1998-41, Commercial Radio Policy 1998. Under the policy, in markets with 8 commercial stations or more, operating in a given language, such as Halifax, a person may be permitted to own or control as many as 2 FM stations in the same language. In the case of Newcap Inc., approval of its CFDR Halifax conversion application will see the licensee own the new FM along with its existing Halifax commercial radio holdings CFRQ-FM and 50% of CKUL-FM.
In the event of the Commission denying the applicant's exemption request, Newcap Inc. has indicated its willingness to divest of its interest in CKUL-FM so as to comply with the policy.
The applicant is requesting permission to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on CFDR Halifax for a period of three months from the date of implementation of the new station.
The applicant is also requesting, pursuant to sections 9(1)(e) and 24(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the revocation of the licence of CFDR Halifax, effective at the end of the simulcast period.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
This application requires the issuance of a new licence.
Applicant's address:
745 Windmill Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B3B 1C2
Fax: 902-468-5661
E-Mail: ncc@ncc.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Montréal, Quebec
Application No. 2006-0214-5
Application by Radio Humsafar Inc. for a licence to operate an AM commercial ethnicradio programming undertaking in Montréal.
The new station would operate on frequency 1,400 kHz (Class C) with a transmitter power of 1,000 watts day-time and night-time.
By condition of licence, the applicant proposes to direct ethnic programming to a minimum of 8 cultural groups in a minimum of 7 different languages per broadcast week.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
7655 Cordner
Lasalle, Quebec
H8N 2X2
Fax: 450-963-7229
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Brampton, Ontario
Application No. 2005-1584-3
Application by S. S. TV Inc. for a licence to operate an English-language AM commercial (ethnic) radio programming undertaking in Brampton.
The new station would operate on frequency 1,650 kHz (class C) with a transmitter power of 1,000 watts day-time and 680 watts night-time.
By condition of licence, the applicant proposes to direct ethnic programming to a minimum of 7 cultural groups in a minimum of 5 different languages per broadcast week.
Applicant's address:
9400 Goreway Drive, RR #8
Brampton, Ontario
L6P 0M7
Fax: 416-741-3557
E-Mail: rpanu@rogers.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Chapleau, Ontario
Application No. 2006-0831-7
Application by FormationPLUS, Centre de formation francophone pour adultes for a licence to operate a radiocommunication distribution undertaking to serve Chapleau.
The applicant is proposing to distribute, in non-encrypted mode, the programming service of CHYC-FM originating from Sudbury, using an FM transmitter operating on frequency 95.9 MHz (channel 240LP) with an effective radiated power of 40 watts (antenna height of 15 metres).
Applicant's address:
40 Birch Street East
Chapleau, Ontario
P0M 1C0
FAX: 705-864-2822
E-Mail : formationplus@bellnet.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Goderich, Ontario
Application No. 2006-0860-7
Application by Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation (Bayshore) for a licence to operate an English-language commercial FM radio programming undertaking in Goderich.
The new station would operate on frequency 104.9 MHz (channel 285B1) with an average effective radiated power of 5,330 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 12,550 watts/antenna height of 110 metres).
Bayshore would provide a classic adult contemporary format and thematic programming targetting a 35-64 year old demographic.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
270 Ninth Street East
Owen Sound, Ontario
N4K 5P5
Fax: 519-371-4242
E-Mail: bayshore@radioowensound.com
Examination of application:
Goderich Public Library
52 Montreal Street
Goderich, Ontario
Mississauga, Ontario
Application No. 2006-0989-4
Application by Neeti P. Ray, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate a primarily third-language ethnic commercial AM radio programming undertaking in Mississauga.
The new station would operate on frequency 1,650 kHz (Class C) with a transmitter power of 1,000 watts day-time and night time.
The applicant will offer a service devoted entirely to ethnic programming of which 118 hours will be third-language programming. The applicant proposes to direct its programming to a minimum of 9 ethnic groups in a minimum of 6 different languages.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
4 Greystone Road
Unionville, Ontario
L3R 8H9
Fax: 877-841-6678
E-Mail: infinitybroadcasting@gmail.com
Examination of application:
Martyn, Dooley & Partners
4230 Sherwoodtowne Blvd., Suite 200
Mississauga, Ontario
Niagara, Ontario
Application No. 2006-1008-1
Application by Frank Thibault, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate a regional Category 2 English language specialty programming undertaking to be known as Niagara News TV.
The applicant states that the programming would consist of coverage of local news, sports, weather, entertainment and traffic. Provincial, national and international news and events will also be included.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3, 12, 13, and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
The applicant also requested to broadcast up to 9 minutes per hour of local advertising.
Applicant's address:
80 King Street, Suite 205
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2R 7G1
Fax: 905-682-0013
E-Mail: frank@illusionsmediagroup.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Kingston, Ontario
Application No. 2006-1094-0
Application by CHUM Limited to convert radio station CKLC Kingston from the AM band to the FM band.
The new station would operate on frequency 98.9 MHz (channel 255B) with an average effective radiated power of 8,700 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 15,000 watts/antenna height of 132.3 metres).
The applicant is requesting permission to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on CKLC for a period of 3 months from the date of implementation of the new station.
The applicant is also requesting, pursuant to sections 9(1)(e) and 24(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the revocation of the licence of CKLC Kingston effective at the end of the simulcast period.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
This application requires the issuance of a new licence.
Applicant's address:
1331 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4T 1Y1
Fax: 416-340-7005
E-Mail: regulatoryaffairs@chumlimited.com
Examination of application:
993 Princess Street, Suite 10
Kingston, Ontario
Peterborough, Ontario
Application No. 2006-1095-8
Application by CHUM Limited to convert radio station CKPT Peterborough from the AM band to the FM band.
The new station would operate on frequency 99.3 MHz (channel 257B) with an average effective radiated power of 5,700 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 17,000 watts/antenna height of 91.5 metres).
The applicant proposes to operate a "soft oldies" music format.
The applicant is requesting permission to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on CKPT for a period of three months from the date of implementation of the new station.
The applicant is also requesting, pursuant to sections 9(1)(e) and 24(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the revocation of the licence of CKPT effective at the end of the simulcast period.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
This application requires the issuance of a new licence.
Applicant's address:
299 Queen St. West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2Z5
Fax: 416-340-7005
E-Mail: regulatoryaffairs@chumlimited.com
Examination of application:
59 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario
Prince George, British Columbia
Application No. 2006-0275-7
Application by Education Alternative Radio Society for a licence to operate an English-language FM community-based campus radio programming undertaking in Prince George.
The new station would operate on frequency 88.7 MHz (channel 204A) with an effective radiated power of 510 watts (non-directional antenna/antenna height of 108 metres).
Applicant's address:
3333 University Way, Suite 7-222
Prince George, British Columbia
V2N 4Z9
Fax: 250-960-5995
E-Mail: ears@cfur.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Public Participation
Deadline for interventions/comments
23 November 2006
The intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant on or before the above-mentioned date. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays.
The intervention must include one of the following statements in either the first or the last paragraph:
1 - I request to appear at the public hearing.
2 - I do not want to appear at the public hearing.
Your intervention will be considered by the Commission, and will form part of the public record of the proceeding without further notification to you, provided the procedure set out below has been followed. You will be contacted only if your submission raises procedural questions.
Submit your written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission in only one of the following formats:
by using the
[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]
by mail to CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2
by fax at 819-994-0218
A true copy must be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the intervention sent to the Commission.
The Commission advises those who file and serve by electronic mode to exercise caution when using e-mail for service of documents or notification, as it may be difficult to establish that service has occurred.
Before initiating service through electronic mode, please ensure that you will be able to satisfy the Commission, upon request, that service of the notification was completed.
Where the intervention is filed by electronic means, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of the document, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission.
Each paragraph of the document should be numbered.
Your intervention should clearly identify the application and indicate whether you support or oppose the application, or if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds for your proposal.
In the event that the application is brought to the oral phase of the hearing, and if you wish to appear, you must provide reasons why your written comments are not sufficient and why an appearance is necessary.
Persons requiring communications support such as assistance listening devices and sign language interpretation are requested to inform the commission at least twenty (20) days before the commencement of the public hearing so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
Important notice
Note that all information that you provide as part of this public process, except information granted confidentiality, whether sent by postal mail, facsimile, e-mail or through the Commission's web site at www.crtc.gc.ca, becomes part of a publicly accessible file and will be posted on the Commission's web site. This information includes your personal information, such as your full name, e-mail address, postal/street address, telephone and facsimile number(s), and any other personal information you provide.
Documents received electronically or otherwise will be put on the Commission's web site in their entirety exactly as you send them, including any personal information contained therein, in the official language and format in which they are received. Documents not received electronically will be available in PDF format.
The personal information you provide will be used and may be disclosed for the purpose for which the information was obtained or compiled by the Commission, or for a use consistent with that purpose.
Examination of documents
An electronic version of applications is available from the Commission's web site by selecting the application number within this notice.
A list of all interventions/comments will also be available on the Commission's Web site. An electronic version of all interventions/comments submitted will be accessible from this list. To access the list, select "Lists of interventions/comments" under "Public Proceedings" from the Commission's Web site.
Documents are also available during normal office hours at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved with these applications or, upon request, within 2 working days, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres.
Central Building
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage, Room 206
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0N2
Tel: (819) 997-2429
Toll free Telephone: 1-877-249-2782
Toll-free TDD: 1-877-909-2782
FAX: 819-994-0218
Metropolitan Place
99 Wyse Road
Suite 1410
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3A 4S5
Tel: 902-426-7997
FAX: 902-426-2721
205 Viger Avenue West
Suite 504
Montréal, Quebec H2Z 1G2
Tel: 514-283-6607
55 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 624
Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2
Tel: 416-952-9096
Kensington Building
275 Portage Avenue
Suite 1810
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3
Tel: 204-983-6306 - TDD: 204-983-8274
FAX: 204-983-6317
Cornwall Professional Building
2125 - 11th Avenue
Room 103
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3
Tel: 306-780-3422
10405 Jasper Avenue
Suite 520
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4
Tel: 780-495-3224
530-580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6
Tel: 604-666-2111 - TDD: 604-666-0778
FAX: 604-666-8322
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca n