ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-J34-200613895

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Ottawa, 2 November 2006

File No.: 8740-J34-200613895

By E-mail

Mr. Andrew Matoga
ISP Telecom
3615 Laird Road
Suite 13
Mississauga, Ontario
L5L 5Z8

Dear Mr. Matoga:

Re: Tariff Notice 6 - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier General Tariff

On 28 October 2006 , the Commission received an application by ISP Telecom, under cover of Tariff Notice 6, in which the company proposed revisions to its Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) General Tariff.

Commission staff notes that the company did not indicate its CRTC tariff number on the upper right-hand corner of each of its proposed pages.   Commission staff notes that ISP Telecom's CRTC tariff number is CRTC 21341.

Commission staff also notes that ISP Telecom did not follow the format consistent with the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure to file amended tariff pages with the Commission.   More specifically:

  •   the company removed the headers and the footers on its proposed pages;
  •   the company did not show that it is replacing existing pages by changing the word "Original Page" for "1 st Revised Page";
  •   the company did not use the symbols to indicate the proposed changes;
  •   the company did not include a modified Check Page; and
  • the company should have filed all of its revisions to be consistent with the current version of the CLEC Model Tariff (version 27) at the same time.

Commission staff notes that the company is required to use the format consistent with the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure .   For your convenience, the following links explain the procedure to file amended tariff pages with the Commission.

In light of the above, this application is closed.

However, the Commission is open to examining a new application from the company that would address the items noted above.   The application must be filed under cover of a new tariff notice.   Before filing a new application with the Commission, please contact Joëlle Bernier at (819) 994-0551.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by P. Godin'

Paul M. Godin
Acting Director General
Competition, Costing & Tariffs

cc:   Joëlle Bernier, CRT C (819) 994-0551,

Date Modified: 2006-11-02
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