ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8678-C-12-200605553

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Our File: 8678-C-12-200605553 

Ottawa, 6 October 2006

To: Distribution List - Parties to Review of price cap framework, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, 9 May 2006 (Public Notice 2006-5)

Re: Commission Determinations with respect to the scope of the proceeding

In paragraph 21 of Public Notice 2006-5, the Commission indicated its intention to limit the issues to be considered in this proceeding to those that were directly related to a price cap regime.

In paragraph 22 of Public Notice 2006-5, the Commission invited comments on what changes, if any, should be made to the price cap regime with respect to a specific list of issues. The Commission also identified, in paragraphs 23 and 26 of Public Notice 2006-5, two additional issues for consideration in this proceeding. In addition, the Commission set out in paragraph 24 of Public Notice 2006-5, a list of issues that would not be considered in this proceeding.

The Commission has reviewed the submissions of the parties and has made the following determinations. The Commission determines that the submissions from the City of Calgary and Union des consommateurs with respect to profit levels, rate of return regulation and earnings sharing are beyond the scope of this proceeding as indicated in paragraph 24 of Public Notice 2006-5.

With respect to the submissions of Bell Aliant Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (the Companies) regarding the adoption of a negative disallowance tariff mechanism, the Commission considers that this proposed mechanism does not directly relate to the price cap regime. Therefore, the Commission concludes that the Companies' submissions on this issue are beyond the scope of this proceeding. Moreover, all the parties that would likely be interested in this issue are not parties to this proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by/

Diane Rhéaume
Secretary General

Distribution List: Interested Parties:

Date Modified: 2006-10-06

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