ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8622-R11-200515505

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Ottawa, 19 April 2006

File No:   8622-R11-200515505

By E-mail

Mr. Mirko Bibic
Chief, Regulatory Affairs
Bell Canada
110 O'Connor St., 14 th Floor
Ottawa , Ontario
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Bibic:

Re:   Part VII Application by Rogers Wireless Partnership:   Clarification on the Applicability of Retail Digital Network Access (DNA) Link Charges on Competitor Digital Network (CDN) Facilities

The company is requested to provide a comprehensive answer, including any supporting information, to the attached supplementary question with regard to the above referenced application by 1 May 2006 .

Yours Sincerely,

'Original signed by Y. Davidson'

Yvan Davidson
Senior Manager, Competitor Services and Costing

c.c.:   Ms. Dawn Hunt, Rogers Wireless         
         Mr. Jonathan Holmes, Primus                
         Mr. David Hennessey, Aliant Telecom   
         Ms. Teresa Griffin-Muir, MTS Allstream 
         Mr. Stan Rowe, SaskTel                        
         Mr. Willie Grieve, TELUS                        
         Bob Martin , CRTC (819-953-3361)        


Refer to TELUS Communications Company's (TELUS') response to TCC(CRTC)22Feb06-1 associated with the Part VII Application by Rogers Wireless Partnership:   Clarification on the Applicability of Retail Digital Network Access (DNA) Link Charges on Competitor Digital Network (CDN) Facilities.

In Table 1 and in Attachment 1 of its response, TELUS described and depicted each scenario where it applies link rates for CDN services that connect to non-CDN services, and as well where it applies link rates for CDN services that connect to other CDN services.

Bell Canada is requested to provide the following supplemental information using the same format as that used by TELUS in its response.   Bell Canada is to address all possible service configurations involving the specific CDN services (i.e. access, central office channelization, intra-exchange channel, metropolitan inter-exchange channel and co-location links).

(1)     Identify, describe and depict all of the scenarios where the company applies link rates for CDN services that connect to CDN services, with supporting rationale; and

(2)           Identify, describe and depict all of the scenarios where the company applies link rates for CDN services that connect to non-CDN services, with supporting rationale.

Date Modified: 2006-04-19
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