Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-91
Ottawa, 24 March 2006
Coast Broadcasting Ltd.
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Application 2005-0437-5
Public Hearing at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
3 October 2005
Denial of application proposing radio service for Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
In this decision the Commission denies an application for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language, commercial FM radio station in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
On 11 January 2005, the Commission issued Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on radio programming undertakings to serve Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-3, in which it announced that it had received an application for a broadcasting licence to provide a commercial radio programming undertaking to serve Charlottetown, and called for applications from other parties wishing to provide radio programming services to the area. The Commission advised potential applicants that they would be required to provide evidence giving a clear indication that there is a demand and a market for the service they propose, and that they should address, among other things:
- the contribution that the proposed service will make to achieving the objectives established in the Broadcasting Act and, in particular, to the production of local and regional programming;
- the factors relevant to the evaluation of applications, as outlined in Introductory statement - Licensing new radio stations, Decision CRTC 99-480, 28 October 1999, i.e., the quality of the application (including the business plan and the proposed format), the diversity of news voices, the market impact and the competitive state of the market;
- the means by which the applicant will promote the development of Canadian talent, including local and regional talent;
- an analysis of the markets involved and potential advertising revenues, taking into account the results of any survey undertaken supporting the estimates; and
- evidence as to the availability of financial resources consistent with the requirements established in the financial projections of the applicant's business plan.
The application by Coast Broadcasting Ltd. (Coast) was one of four applications to serve Charlottetown considered at the 3 October 2005 public hearing. Maritime Broadcasting System Limited (Maritime) and Newcap Inc. (Newcap) both proposed to convert existing local AM stations to the FM band. Newcap and Coast each proposed to establish new FM radio stations. Coast's proposed station would operate at 95.1 MHz (channel 236C1) with an average effective radiated power of 17,900 watts. The application was considered to be technically mutually exclusive with the application filed by Maritime to convert its station CFCY from the AM band to the FM band using the same frequency.
In Licensing of new radio stations to serve Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island - Introduction to Broadcasting Decisions CRTC 2006-88 to 2006-91, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-34 (Public Notice 2006-34), of today's date, the Commission describes the various applications, and determines that the Charlottetown market can support the conversion of the two existing AM radio stations to the FM band, as well as the entrance of one new commercial FM radio station. In Public Notice 2006-34 the Commission also summarizes its rationale underlying approval of the two AM to FM conversions, as well as its approval of the Newcap application for a broadcasting licence to operate a new commercial FM radio programming undertaking.1
The Commission hereby denies the application by Coast Broadcasting Ltd. for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language, commercial FM radio programming undertaking at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Secretary General
This decision is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca
Footnote: See CHTN Charlottetown - Conversion to FM band, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-88, CFCY Charlottetown - Conversion to FM band, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-89, and English-language FM radio station in Charlottetown, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-90, all dated 24 March 2006.