Telecom Order CRTC 2005-64
Ottawa, 18 February 2005
Compagnie de téléphone Nantes inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 16
Confidentiality of Customer Records
On 15 January 2004 the Commission received an application by Compagnie de téléphone Nantes inc. (Nantes), dated 4 September 2003, to revise General Tariff item 1.2.11 Confidentiality of Customer Records, in order to add a list of the acceptable methods for obtaining express consent for the disclosure of confidential customer information, as directed in Confidentiality provisions of Canadian carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-33, 30 May 2003 (Decision 2003-33), as amended by Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-33-1, 11 July 2003 (Decision 2003-33-1).
The Commission finds that Nantes' application does not conform to the requirements outlined in Decision 2003-33 and Decision 2003-33-1.
The Commission notes that Nantes' application also proposed numerous other changes to item 1.2, Terms of Service. Such changes appear to have been due to formatting difficulties with the result that the reading of the tariff pages is rendered confusing. The Commission further notes that these tariff pages do not deal with the confidentiality of customer records.
The Commission also notes that, during the past twelve months, the company was contacted several times by Commission staff in an attempt to resolve outstanding issues with this application. Nantes was not responsive to the Commission staff's concerns.
In light of the above, the Commission directs Nantes to issue forthwith updated tariff pages of General Tariff item 1.2.11, Confidentiality of Customer Records, reflecting the Commission's directions in Decision 2003-33 and Decision 2003-33-1.
Secretary General
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