Telecom Order CRTC 2005-342
Ottawa, 3 October 2005
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notice 6896
Local access for wavelength select
On 30 August 2005, the Commission received an application by Bell Canada seeking approval of Special Facility Tariff (SFT) item B103, Local access for wavelength select, in order to correct an administrative error that was previously undetected.
In its application, Bell Canada also requested that the Commission ratify, pursuant to subsection 25(4) of the Telecommunications Act, the charging of the rates for SFT item B103 from 28 July 2004 until the present date.
Bell Canada indicated that on 2 April 2004, it filed Tariff Notice 6807 (TN 6807) proposing the introduction of Local access for wavelength select, under SFT item B102.
On 3 June 2004, Bell Canada filed an unrelated application under Tariff Notice 6819 (TN 6819) proposing the introduction of United States (US) Telephone - Relay Service. Bell Canada erroneously identified the Relay Service also as SFT item B102.
In Telecom Order CRTC 2004-217, 9 July 2004, the Commission approved TN 6819. Pursuant to that order, Bell Canada issued tariff pages for SFT item B102, United States (US) Telephone - Relay Service.
In Telecom Order CRTC 2004-254, 28 July 2004, the Commission granted interim approval of the original SFT item B102, filed in TN 6807. Pursuant to that order, Bell Canada erroneously issued tariff pages showing SFT item B103, Local access for wavelength select.
The Commission finds that Bell Canada's application will correct an administrative error that was previously undetected. The Commission also notes that customers have not been prejudiced as a result of the administrative error, and will not be affected by the approval of this application.
In view of the foregoing, the Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada's application.
Secretary General
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