Broadcasting Circular CRTC 2005-466
Ottawa, 5 July 2005
Electronic filing of applications
On 19 April 2004, the CRTC introduced the secure service "EPass." An Epass is a unique electronic credential that is used to communicate securely with on-line Government services.
As indicated in previous CRTC publications, apart from allowing secure transmissions to the Commission, Epass will authenticate your identity when filing information. Your Epass will also ensure that messages or documents that you transmit on-line are not altered.
The majority of applications are currently filed electronically without the use of Epass. In addition, applicants are required to file a duly signed hard copy of the application which serves as the official document. The requirement for two copies increases the margin of error and impedes the application process. The Commission intends to support the use of a security enhanced service and expedite the filing process by eliminating the need to verify electronic and hard copy versions of an application.
To this end, beginning 1 August 2005, applicants will be required to file their application and all related documents in electronic form using Epass. Applicants who file their application in this manner will no longer be required to submit a hard copy of the application and its related documents.
For instructions on how to file applications using Epass, consult the CRTC web site at http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/file.htm.
Applicants who are unable to file their applications using Epass should contact Daniel Binette, Specialist, External Liaison, for information on alternate filing options. You may reach Mr. Binette by phone at (819) 953-4405 or by e-mail at daniel.binette@crtc.gc.ca.
Confidential Documents
Applicants must ensure that documents that they request to be treated as confidential are submitted in a separate electronic file and must incorporate confidential in the name of the file. It is incumbent upon applicants to clearly identify the confidential documents by indicating confidential on each page and, in such cases, to file an abridged version of the document.
Secretary General
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