ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-418
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Telecom Order CRTC 2004-418 |
Ottawa, 14 December 2004 | |
Bell Canada |
Reference: Tariff Notices 6767, 6767A, 6767B, 6767C and 6767D | |
Gateway Access Service and High Speed Access Service |
1. |
The Commission received an application by Bell Canada filed under Tariff Notice (TN) 6767, dated 8 August 2003 and subsequently amended on 18 February, 5 July, 22 July, and 19 November 2004, in order to introduce items 5410 and 5420, Gateway Access Service (GAS) and High Speed Access Service (HSA) respectively to its General Tariff (GT) pages. |
2. |
Bell Canada indicated that once approved, the proposed tariff pages associated with TN 6767D would replace existing tariffs as well as those filed pursuant to TNs 6767, 6767A, 6767B, 6767C and 6622. Bell Canada further indicated that asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) service rates approved pursuant to Asymmetric digital subscriber line access service, Order CRTC 2001-914, 21 December 2001 (Order 2001-914), for GT item 5400 would not beimpacted by this application. |
3. |
The Commission received comments from Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net), MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) and Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi) on 22 November 2004 and from Xit Telecom Inc. (Xit) on 26 November 2004. Additional comments were received from MTS Allstream on 29 November 2004. |
4. |
In their comments, MTS Allstream, Call-Net, MNSi and Xit supported the immediate adoption of Bell Canada's proposed GT items 5410 and 5420. However, MTS Allstream, Xit, and MNSi expressed several concerns over the implied withdrawal of TN 6622. |
5. |
In its additional comments, MTS Allstream noted that Bell Canada had not identified the service classification of GAS and HSA. MTS Allstream argued that these ADSL services should be classified as Category II Competitor Services, pursuant to Follow-up to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 - Service basket assignment, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-11, 18 March 2003 (Decision 2003-11). MTS Allstream noted that in Decision 2003-11, the Commission stated that until a final decision was issued in respect of the ADSL Access Service proposed under TN 6622, ADSL service should remain assigned as a Category II Competitor Service. |
6. |
The Commission notes that the GAS and HSA tariffs proposed by Bell Canada are the result of recent negotiations between Bell Canada, MTS Allstream, Call-Net, and other parties. |
7. |
The Commission notes that in Decision 2003-11, it indicated that the classification of the ADSL components would be examined in the proceeding initiated by TN 6622. The Commission notes further that this issue and several others have not been disposed of. |
8. |
The Commission notes that Bell Canada has requested the adoption of the proposed GAS and HAS tariffs effective 1 January 2005. The Commission is awaiting reply comments from Bell Canada. |
9. |
Accordingly, the Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada's application, effective 1 January 2005. |
Secretary General | |
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Date Modified: 2004-12-14
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