ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-293
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Telecom Order CRTC 2004-293 |
Ottawa, 27 August 2004 | |
Aliant Telecom Inc. |
Reference: Tariff Notices 133, 133A, 133B and 133C | |
Migration of services to the Aliant Telecom General Tariff |
1. |
The Commission received an application by Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom), dated 4 May 2004 and amended on 10 May, 14 July and 21 July 2004, proposing to introduce the following tariff items to Aliant Telecom's General Tariff: |
2. |
Aliant Telecom proposed to remove, coincident with the approval of the above noted tariff items, the following items from the tariffs of the predecessor companies: |
3. |
Aliant Telecom submitted that the proposed merger of the above-noted items from the four Aliant Telecom predecessor companies' General Tariffs into Aliant Telecom's General Tariff would not result in any price changes. The company, however, stated that it was proposing to modify or exclude a number of tariff items that are in the predecessor companies' General Tariffs that are no longer applicable in Aliant Telecom's General Tariff. |
4. |
Aliant Telecom proposed to exclude from its General Tariff item 200, Primary Access Service, the rate group information and change of classification information which appear in MTT's and Island Tel's General Tariffs. Aliant Telecom, however, proposed to include for all provinces the bands as defined in Restructured bands, revised loop rates and related issues, Decision CRTC 2001-238, 27 April 2001, as amended by Decision CRTC 2001-238-1 dated 28 May 2001 and Decision CRTC 2001-238-2 dated 7 August 2001. The company also proposed not to incorporate the Continuation of Service and Short Term Service provisions contained in these tariffs since they are covered in the Aliant Telecom General Tariff item 105, Terms of Service. |
5. |
Aliant Telecom also proposed to exclude from its General Tariff item 200, Primary Access Service, the provisions of MTT's General Tariff item 630, Residence One Party Analog Service, as there are no customers subscribing to this service in Nova Scotia. |
6. |
Aliant Telecom further proposed to exclude from its General Tariff the provisions in item 391 of Island Tel's General Tariff for telephone sets and set loss charges for party-line customers as there are no party-line customers in Prince Edward Island. In addition, Aliant Telecom proposed to exclude from its General Tariff the provisions of Island Tel's General Tariff which pertain to Base Rate Area as this terminology is no longer used. Finally, Aliant Telecom proposed to apply in Prince Edward Island the existing Minimum Service Periods and Termination of Service requirements set out in item 105, Terms of Service, of Aliant Telecom's General Tariff. |
7. |
Further, Aliant Telecom proposed to exclude from its General Tariff the provisions for rate groups and rate codes which appear in NBTel's General Tariff. Aliant Telecom also proposed to exclude the following discontinued services from its General Tariff: |
8. |
Aliant Telecom noted that there are no customers subscribing to services in items 3600, 3800 and 3850. Aliant Telecom stated that two customers subscribe to item 3370 for a total of six lines, which the company indicated would be converted to Business Multi-line service. Aliant Telecom proposed to exclude from its General Tariff the reference in NBTel's General Tariff to reduced rates for its employees, which appears at item 40.8 B. |
9. |
Aliant Telecom also proposed to align the application of service charges for Temporary Suspension of Service (TSS) in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island with the company's practice for that same service in New Brunswick. The company stated that as a result, service charges would not apply for TSS in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. |
10. |
Aliant Telecom further proposed to remove the reference to Party-Line Access service, as party-line service is not available in exchanges where TSS is provided. |
11. |
Aliant Telecom further proposed not to incorporate in its General Tariff the references to "A" exchanges and "B" exchanges which appear in NewTel's General Tariff item 50.9(c). Aliant Telecom noted that these terms refer to a forborne toll plan and are thus no longer required in the tariff. The company also proposed to remove from NewTel's General Tariff references to Short Term Service since it was covered in item 105, Terms of Service, of Aliant Telecom's General Tariff. |
12. |
In addition, Aliant Telecom stated that due to the introduction of Residence Multi-line Access service in item 205.3, Business Multi-Line Access Service, in Aliant Telecom's General Tariff, would be renumbered as item 205.4. |
13. |
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application. |
14. |
The Commission notes that the proposed tariff modifications will not result in any price changes to any of the above-noted services. |
15. |
With respect to the proposed withdrawal of certain services, the Commission notes that there are no customers subscribing to these services, with one exception. With respect to item 3370, Key Telephone Service, the remaining two customers subscribe to a total of six lines and will convert to Business Multi-line service. |
16. |
Accordingly, the Commission considers that Aliant Telecom's proposed changes to align its service offerings are reasonable. |
17. |
The Commission approves Aliant Telecom's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order. |
Secretary General | |
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Date Modified: 2004-08-27
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