Telecom Order CRTC 2003-137
Ottawa, 31 March 2003
Microcell Connexions Inc.'s PIC/CARE access customer handbook
Reference: 8643-M29-01/01
The Commission received an application by Microcell Telecommunications Inc. (Microcell Telecommunications), dated 17 July 2001, requesting approval of Microcell Connexions Inc.'s (Microcell's) Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE handbook). Microcell Telecommunications filed the PIC/CARE handbook pursuant to General Tariff approved on an interim basis with modifications for Microcell Connexions Inc., Order CRTC 2000-831, 8 September 2000.
Microcell's PIC/CARE handbook would provide interexchange carriers (IXCs) with information relating to the exchange of PIC/CARE information between the IXC and a competitive local exchange carrier.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group developed a model PIC/CARE handbook (CISC model) in July 2000 that was to be used by the telecommunications industry. While the Commission finds that the information provided in Microcell's PIC/CARE handbook is generally consistent with the CISC model, it considers that certain provisions in Microcell's PIC/CARE handbook are incomplete or require modifications.
Accordingly, the Commission approves Microcell's PIC/CARE handbook, subject to the company incorporating the amendments identified below:
· on the page entitled "Proprietary Warning", add "CRTC 21300" after the words "Microcell's General Tariff";
· in item 1.1, Background, insert the following as the second paragraph:
In Telecom Order CRTC 99-379, dated 29 April 1999, the Commission established that the requirement to provide equal access did not extend to resellers of local service. However, it required these resellers to comply with certain consumer safeguards to ensure that, before contracting with the reseller, customers are advised of and authorize their assignment by a reseller to a particular interexchange service provider. Further, when resellers change interexchange service providers, they must obtain their customers' authorization.
· in item 1.5, Handbook Updates, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
Microcell will provide, at no charge, two revised copies of the Handbook.
· in item 1.6, Rates and Charges, add the words "CRTC 21300" immediately after the words "Microcell's General Tariff";
· in item 2.3, Equal Access, add the following sentence, inserting the appropriate contact information, to the end of the paragraph:
An AC may contact (insert contact information) to obtain information about Microcell's switches.
· in item 2.4, Access Customer CARE Profile, insert the following sentence at the beginning of the first paragraph:
The AC must complete an Access Customer Care Profile at least 60 calendar days prior to the AC's requested date for commencement of PIC/CARE processing.
· in item 3.2, Services Subject to PIC Selection, add the words "CRTC 21300" immediately after the words "Microcell's General Tariff";
· in item 3.4, Subscriptions, add the following paragraph at the end:
An AC, who has previously submitted a subscription request with a future due date, may submit a change and/or cancellation to the original request. The request is to be received by Microcell no later than (specify timeframe) prior to the original requested due date, and must allow at least (specify timeframe) for the new due date.
· in item 3.7, Acquisitions and Mergers, replace the paragraph with the following:
When an AC acquires a portion of, or all of, the end-users of another AC, a change in PIC may be required. Microcell accepts merger/acquisition transactions at the WTN level only. The AC must provide written notification to Microcell prior to initiating any PIC/CARE merger transaction(s). The notification must be a legal document signed by an official of each AC.
The acquiring AC is assessed both the bulk transfer charge and a variable charge for each end-user access line, as per the rates and charges listed in Microcell's General Tariff CRTC 21300, item 304.
It is the responsibility of the AC to notify the affected end-user of the change in their PIC selection and any related billing implications within 90 days of the transfer. When the AC adjusts any rates, terms or conditions of the end-user's service before the conclusion of the 90-day period, the AC must notify the affected end-user prior to the effective date of the change.
· in the title of item 3.9, IXC Rejection, replace the acronym "IXC" with "AC", and add the following sentence after the first sentence in the paragraph:
Microcell will contact the AC regarding resolution of the transaction and/or send a corrected transaction.
· in item 3.10, Transaction Codes and Status Indicators (TCSI), insert the following after the first sentence:
TCs and SIs are used by Microcell's system to manage the AC-to-AP and AP-to-AC exchange of PIC data and end-user information.
· in item 4.1, Batch Validations, add the following to the end of the third paragraph:
Microcell CSG will notify the AC of the rejected batch before returning it.
· in the first sentence of item 4.4, Validation of Conflicting Requests, replace the words "Carrier Relations" with "Microcell CSG";
· amend item 4.7, Due Date Processing, as follows:
- insert the following paragraph after the fourth paragraph:
If the AC subscription specifies a non-business day as a desired due date, the transaction will be rejected. Business days for CARE processing are Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
- add the following as the last paragraph in item 4.7:
If a subscription request has been submitted with a desired due date and the included WTN cannot be found in the existing CARE database, or on a pending service order install, the request will be rejected.
· in the first sentence of item 4.8, Due Date Changes or Cancellations, replace the words "prior to provisioning" with the specific timeframe required;
· in item 5.3, Change of Billing Responsibility, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
The new end-user may change the AC selection by contacting the new AC.
· in item 9.6, Electronic Order Confirmation, replace the words "Electronic Order" with "Equal Access";
· in the title of item 11.2, Disclosure Guidelines of IXC Information, replace the acronym "IXC" with "AC";
· in the second bulleted item in the list in item 12.3, PIC Correction Validation Criteria, replace the acronym "IXC" with "AC";
· in the first bulleted item in the list in item 13.3, PIC Re-submission Criteria, replace the acronym "IXC" with "AC";
· in item 14.7, LEC Mergers and Acquisitions, add the following sentence to the end of the item:
"For more information, see Schedule H, Section B of the Master Agreement for Local Interconnection."
· in the definition of "LEC", add the words "also referred to as the AP in this Handbook."
The Commission directs Microcell Telecommunications to issue forthwith a revised PIC/CARE handbook. The company is further directed to provide the Commission with a copy of Microcell's revised PIC/CARE handbook for placement in the public examination room in Gatineau.
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca