ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8665-C12-18/02 - Access to pay telephoneservice, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-6 - Request for modification of schedule

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Ottawa, 16 January 2003

Our file: 8650-C90-01/01 and 8665-C12-18/02

By Fax and e-mail

To: Parties to Public Notice 2002-6

Re: Access to pay telephone service, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-6 - Request for modification of schedule

This letter is in response to a request dated 8 January 2003 by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs (" the Consumer Groups") for modification to the schedule of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-6 (PN 2002-6).

The Consumer Groups requested that interveners be given until 13 March 2003 to file evidence, with interrogatories on interveners' evidence being filed by 31 March 2003 and responses to those interrogatories by 14 April 2003. The Consumer Groups submitted that the extension is needed in order to permit interveners to gather evidence on the issue of consumer reliance on pay telephone service.

The Association ontarienne des Sourd(e)s francophones, the Canadian Association of the Deaf, the Tatlayoko Think Tank Ltd. and the Yukon Government supported the Consumer Groups' request.

TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (TCI) supported the Consumer Groups' proposed changes to the schedule, with the modification that the scheduled filing dates for all parties be the same to ensure procedural fairness.

Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, Limited Partnership (collectively, the companies) echoed TCI's position, with the modification that the period of time allowed in the schedule for parties to respond to interrogatories on each other's evidence should not be shorter than the three week interval provided in the current schedule.

The Consumer Groups indicated that they do not oppose a symmetrical extension of deadlines for filings by all parties and noted that the dates for filing of comments may also need to be extended.

Staff considers that the Consumer Groups' proposal, as modified by TCI and the companies is reasonable, given the public interest in the establishment of a full record upon which to base the proceeding.

The process as set out in PN 2002-6 is amended as follows:

Paragraph 21:

Any members of the public who only wish to file written comments, without receiving copies of the various submissions, may do so by submitting their comments in writing to the Commission, at the address noted in paragraph 19, by 2 June 2003.

Paragraph 22:

The companies are directed to file with the Commission responses to the initial interrogatories sent on the date of this public notice, and serve copies of these responses on all parties, by 13 March 2003.

Paragraph 23:

The companies are to file with the Commission, serving copies on all parties, their evidence on all matters within the scope of this proceeding. In light of the filing date for the responses to the Commission's initial interrogatories pursuant to paragraph 22, all such material is to be filed with the Commission and served on all parties, by 13 March 2003.

Paragraph 24:

Parties other than the companies may file evidence on any matter within the scope of this proceeding, serving copies on all other parties, by 13 March 2003.

Paragraph 25:

All parties may address interrogatories to any party who filed evidence pursuant to paragraphs 23 and 24. Any such interrogatories must be filed with the Commission and served on the party in question, by 31 March 2003.

Paragraph 26:

Responses to those interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission and served on all parties, by 21 April 2003.

Paragraph 27:

Requests by parties for further responses to their interrogatories, specifying in each case why a further response is both relevant and necessary, and requests for public disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed, setting out in each case the reasons for disclosure, must be filed with the Commission and served on the relevant party or parties by 5 May 2003.

Paragraph 28:

Written responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure must be filed with the Commission and served on the party or parties making the request by 12 May 2003.

Paragraph 29:

A determination with respect to requests for further information and for public disclosure will be disposed of as soon as possible. Any information to be provided pursuant to that determination must be filed with the Commission and served on all parties, by 26 May 2003.

Paragraph 30:

All parties may file arguments with the Commission on any matters within the scope of this proceeding, serving copies on all other parties, by 2 June 2003.

Paragraph 31:

All parties may file reply arguments with the Commission, serving a copy on all other parties, by 9 June 2003.

Staff reminds parties that where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,

original signed by

Campbell Laidlaw
Consumer Policy and Numbering Administration

c.c. Renée Gauthier, CRTC (819) 954-5174

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