ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-389
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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-389 |
Ottawa, 29 November 2002 |
Various licensees |
Revocation of the licences for exempted small cable distribution undertakings |
1. |
In Exemption order respecting cable systems having fewer than 2,000 subscribers, Public Notice CRTC 2001-121, 7 December 2001 (Public Notice 2001-121), the Commission announced its determination to exempt from licensing requirements and associated regulations those cable systems that serve small and rural communities, and have fewer than 2,000 subscribers, subject to the criteria announced in the exemption order attached to that notice. The Commission invited those licensees wishing to avail themselves of the benefits of exemption to submit an application for the revocation of their licences. |
2. |
Attached is a list of undertakings whose licensees have confirmed their eligibility for exemption and have requested that their licences be revoked. |
3. |
Pursuant to section 9(1)(e) and section 24(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the Commission hereby revokes the licences issued to the licensees listed in the appendix to this decision. |
4. |
The Commission reminds the operators of these undertakings that they must, at all times, comply with the criteria contained in the exemption order for small cable undertakings, attached to Public Notice 2001-121. |
Secretary General |
This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site: |
Appendix to Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-389 |
List of exempted small cable undertakings for which the licences are surrendered: |
Location |
Licensee |
Quebec |
Sainte-Clotilde-de-Beauce |
Coop Télé-Câble Ste-Clotilde-de-Beauce |
Ontario |
Constance Bay |
Little Britain |
Scugog Island |
Saskatchewan |
Grand Coulee |
Waldheim |
Imperial |
Date Modified: 2002-11-29
- Date modified: