ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2001-918
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Order CRTC 2001-918 |
Ottawa, 21 December 2001 |
Northern Telephone Limited |
Reference: 8643-N3-01/01 |
PIC/CARE handbook |
1. |
Northern Telephone Limited filed its primary interexchange carrier/customer account record exchange (PIC/CARE) handbook with the Commission on 31 October 2001. On 7 December 2001, Northern filed an amendment to its PIC/CARE handbook. |
2. |
In comments filed on 30 November 2001, O.N.Telcom stated that it has concerns with respect to the manual processing of PIC/CARE transactions and that the manual process is likely to jeopardize efficient PIC/CARE processing throughout the territory. |
3. |
On 17 December 2001, Northern submitted reply comments stating that its PIC/CARE procedures will be fully mechanized in the fourth quarter of 2002. Northern noted that its proposed PIC/CARE procedures are in part a manual process to the extent that interexchange carriers (IXCs) will be required, for an interim period, to use facsimile for their requests. |
4. |
Northern stated that its Carrier Services Group has developed procedures to ensure that it is able to process all requests from any IXC within the time frames specified in the PIC/CARE handbook. |
5. |
The Commission notes that Northern's PIC/CARE handbook sets out the time frames for processing PIC/CARE transactions and that Northern must adhere to these time frames regardless of whether a manual or mechanized process is used. Further, the Commission notes that Northern has set out a time frame within which it will adopt a fully mechanized process. |
6. |
The Commission approves, on an interim basis, Northern's PIC/CARE handbook. |
Secretary General |
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Date Modified: 2001-12-21
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