ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8678-C12-10/01 - Implementation of pricecap regulation for TELUS Québec and Télébec (Public Notice CRTC 2001-36) - Organization and Conduct of Public Hearing

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Ottawa, 9 November 2001

Our files: 1500-005/

To: Distribution List - Interested Parties in Public Notice CRTC 2001-36

Re: Implementation of price cap regulation for TELUS Québec and Télébec (Public Notice CRTC 2001-36) - Organization and Conduct of Public Hearing

This letter is to advise the parties of the Commission's decision on oral final argument.

In view of the unanimous preference of the parties as stated in their respective letters of November 7, 2001, the Commission does not intend to have oral final arguments. The parties are to file and serve written argument no later than November 28, 2001, and file and serve reply argument no later than December 11, 2001, in accordance with the initial schedules set out in the letter of August 21, 2001.

Also, please note that the James Bay Cree Communications Society no longer intends to cross-examine at the hearing. As a result, the order of cross-examination will be:

  1. ARC et al
  2. TELUS Québec


Ursula Menke

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