ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8678-C12-10/01-   IImplementation of price cap regulation for TELUS Québec and Télébec, PublicNotice CRTC 2001-36

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Ottawa, 3 August 2001

Our file : 8678-C12-10/01

To : Distribution list

Re: Implementation of price cap regulation for TELUS Québec and Télébec, Public Notice CRTC 2001-36
Oral Hearing and Notice to Subscribers

In paragraph 25 of Public Notice CRTC 2001-36 dated 13 March 2001 (PN 2001-36), the Commission indicated that it would decide whether to hold a public hearing after examining the companies' submissions. In the same paragraph, the Commission also indicated that should TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.(formerly Québec-Téléphone) or Télébec ltée propose rate increases as part of their price cap submissions, then those companies would need to provide the Commission with a proposal on how they intend to notify subscribers (billing insert, newspaper ads, etc.).

It has been decided that this proceeding will include a public hearing that will be held in Québec City, beginning 5 November 2001. It is anticipated that the hearing will last approximately one week. The first day of the oral hearing will be reserved for comments from the general public.

On 6 July 2001, both TELUS Québec and Télébec submitted their evidence including their Service Improvement Program (SIP) proposals together with their responses to the Commission interrogatories. Both companies proposed rate increases, but did not provide the Commission with a proposal on how they intend to notify subscribers.

Given the potential impact of those proposals on subscribers' rates and the provision of service to either achieve or maintain the basic service objective, each company is to notify its subscribers and potential subscribers of its proposals. Each company is to summarize its SIP and pricing proposals as well as advise its subscribers on how to file written comments on those proposals and / or register for the oral portion of this proceeding.

Pursuant to PN 2001-36, paragraph 26, as amended in the Commission letter dated 5 June 2001, any person who wishes merely to file written comments in this proceeding, without receiving copies of the evidence filed, may do so by writing to the Commission, at the address noted in paragraph 24 by 21 November 2001.

Comments at the oral hearing may be given in person or by teleconference. The notice to subscribers and potential subscribers should state that persons wishing to participate during the oral portion of this proceeding should register by writing to the Commission by 12 October 2001, stating their intention to participate in person or by teleconference. If the person wishes to participate by teleconference, then the person should specify from where it wishes to participate in order to establish teleconference links to as many strategic geographical locations as possible within the province of Quebec. The remainder of the public hearing would be for cross-examination of the evidence of TELUS Québec, Télébec and, if any, of interested parties. A letter relating to the organization and conduct of the hearing including the scope of the cross-examination will be issued prior to the commencement of the oral hearing.

In order to reach the vast majority of the population, each company is to send a notice to subscribers in its August or September billing cycle. The notice must be received by (not merely sent to) subscribers by 1 October 2001. In addition, each company is to publish the notice once in each of the months of August and September, in the local newspapers of its respective high-cost service areas.

If a company is not able to reach all of its subscribers by 1 October 2001, it is in addition to publish the notice, once in each of the months of August and September, in all major daily newspapers in its territory in addition to the notice in local rural papers.

The two companies are to submit, for approval, a draft copy of the bill insert and newspaper ads by 10 August 2001.

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Soehn
Executive Director - Telecommunications

c.c. Claude Rousseau, CRTC (819) 997-4605

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