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Taxation Order CRTC 2000-8
Ottawa, 26 July 2000
Subject: Service to high-cost serving areas proceeding – Telecom Public Notice CRTC 97-42

Reference: 8665-C12-04/97 and 4768-089

Taxation of costs of the Tatlayoko Think Tank
Taxing Officer: Annie Paré


This Order constitutes the taxation of costs awarded to Tatlayoko Think Tank (TTT) in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 97-42, Service to high-cost serving areas, dated 18 December 1997.


In Telecom Costs Order CRTC 99-12 (Costs Order 99-12), dated 1 December 1999, costs were awarded to TTT relating to its participation in the regional hearing in this proceeding in accordance with subsection 44(1) of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules), payable by BC TEL. Costs associated with final argument, with the exception of TTT's initial submission dated 1 May 1998, were denied in Costs Order 99-12. However, by letter dated 31 May 2000, the Commission varied Costs Order 99-12 by awarding TTT its costs in respect of its participation in the proceeding, other than its costs relating to participation in the oral phase of the hearing in Hull, Quebec. Costs in relation to the preparation of TTT's written submissions, including the drafting of interrogatories and responses to interrogatories, were specifically allowed by that letter.


On 8 June 2000, TTT submitted its Bill of Costs consisting of $11,941.20 in fees and $698.40 in disbursements for a total of $12,639.60.


BC TEL did not file comment on TTT's Bill of Costs.



TTT claimed a total of $11,941.20 in fees for its consultants, John Kerr and Dale Kerr. This amount consisted of 238 hours for John Kerr at an hourly rate of $45 and 10 hours for Dale Kerr at an hourly rate of $45. TTT also claimed GST on these amounts.


I have considered the $45 hourly rate claimed and find it to be reasonable in the circumstances of this proceeding. I will therefore allow it.

Preparation and attendance time


Sixty-five hours were claimed for John Kerr to review the file, 142 hours to prepare and respond to interrogatories and to prepare comments, 21 hours to prepare for the Prince George hearing and 10 hours to attend the Prince George hearing. Ten hours to attend the Prince George hearing were also claimed for Dale Kerr. In accordance with the costs award, no time was claimed for attendance at the Hull hearing. I find this time to be reasonable and I will allow it.



In its Bill of Costs, TTT claimed $698.40 for disbursements. This included $350.00 for inter-city car travel at a rate of $0.35 per kilometre, $156.40 for hotel accommodation and $192.00 for meals. I consider these amounts to be reasonable and I will allow the disbursements as claimed.

Costs as taxed


I hereby tax the fees and disbursements of TTT, inclusive of applicable taxes, as follows:

John Kerr


Dale Kerr


Total fees


Inter-city car travel


Hotel Accommodation




Total disbursements


Total fees and disbursements


Pursuant to Costs Order 99-12, this amount is to be paid forthwith by the respondent, TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (the successor company to BC TEL).

Annie Paré
Taxing Officer


Secretary General
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