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Order CRTC 2000-1185


Ottawa, 22 December 2000


General Tariff approved on an interim basis with modifications for QuébecTel Alizé Inc.


Reference: Tariff Notice 1


This order approves on an interim basis, with the changes listed below, Alizé's proposed General Tariff covering general terms and conditions and access services.


QuebecTel Alizé Inc. (Alizé)filed an application for approval of its General Tariff (CRTC Tariff 25083) which includes general terms and conditions, and provisions and rates for access services for interconnection with local exchange carriers (LECs), interexchange service providers (IXSPs) and wireless service providers (WSPs). The application was filed on 6 October 2000.


On 8 November 2000, Bell Canada filed comments on behalf of itself, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. and NewTel Communications Inc.


Bell Canada submitted that the following definitions for the following terms in Alizé's tariff require changes: "CCS7 signalling on trunk-side", "class A licensee", "exchange", "link", "local calling area", "overseas circuit", "resale" and "sharing" and that the definition of "alternate provider of long distance services" was not required.


Bell Canada submitted that some wording changes were required to the provisions associated with compensation for traffic termination, terms and conditions associated with interconnection with interexchange service providers, and the contribution charges.


Bell Canada also noted that Alizé's tariff does not reflect the Commissions determinations with respect to:


a) call routing - local routing number absent service in Order CRTC 2000-394, dated 12 May 2000;


b) wireless interconnection in Providing trunk-side access and common channel signalling #7 to wireless service providers, Order CRTC 2000-395, dated 12 May 2000; and


c) contribution provisions associated with the long-distance services provided by Internet service providers in Telecom Orders CRTC 97-570, dated 29 April 1997, and 98-929, dated 17 September 1998.


In reply comments filed on 20 November 2000, Alizé agreed to implement most of the changes suggested by Bell Canada, but submitted that:


a) a definition for "alternate provider of long distance service" is required; and


b) the changes to the general terms and conditions for interconnection with IXSPs are unnecessary.


In addition to the changes that Alizé has agreed to implement, the Commission considers that further changes to the definitions section of the tariff are required. The definition for "trunk-side access" requires amendments, the definition of "master file" is not necessary, and definitions are required for the following terms: "common channel signalling 7", Canada-U.S. circuit", "feature group D service", "local portability", "local routing number", "ported numbers", "service control point".


The Commission also notes that the changes that Bell Canada suggested for Item 300(1)(o) are required.


In addition to the above, Alizé'stariff requires a number of other changes for the purpose of correcting and/or clarifying various references, rates and provisions.


In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:

  1. The proposed tariffs are approved on an interim basis, with the following changes:


a) amend Item 101, Definitions, as follows:


i) Add definitions for the following terms: "common channel signalling 7", "Canada-U.S. circuit", "feature group D service", "Internet service provider", "IP data", "local portability", "local routing number", "PC voice", "ported numbers", "PSTN voice" and "service control point" :


Common channel signalling 7 (CCS7) is the digital signalling system used by telecommunications carriers to route telecommunications traffic and to provide other services.


Canada-U.S. circuit means a circuit that connects a service or facility of an international service provider to the United States for the purpose of providing international service.


Feature group D service provides an IXSP with the capability of offering end-user access to its network by dialling 1+, 0+, 00-. 10XXX, 101XXXX, 011+ and 01+.


Internet service provider (ISP) is a service provider who provides dialled access capability to connect customers to the Internet via an Internet gateway or server.


IP data is traffic that includes all usage on the Internet except for PSTN voice traffic and PC voice traffic. Facilities used to carry IP data traffic may be eligible for an exemption from contribution charges.


Location portability enables an end-user to retain the same telephone number when moving from one location to another within an exchange.


Local routing number is a ten-digit routing number which is returned for a ported number that identifies the new terminating location.


PC voice is real-time voice communication via the Internet using a personal computer or other terminal equipment which is equipped with a modem, and the hardware and software required to perform voice compression and conversion to a form which can be transmitted to or from an ISP over Internet access lines (IALs). At the IAL, PC voice communication is effectively indistinguishable from other forms of communication between a modem-equipped personal computer and an ISP. Facilities used to carry PC voice traffic may be eligible for an exemption from contribution charges.


Ported numbers are those numbers which are identified for local number portability treatment. The term refers to lines or directory numbers (DNs) formerly associated with a particular switch and now associated with a different service provider.


PSTN voice is real-time voice communications via the Internet to or from a telephone set or other equipment where the conversion for carriage on the Internet is performed at the service provider's (i.e., the ISP's) equipment. Unlike PC voice, such communication can be accommodated using a normal telephone set, without requiring the user to be equipped with a modem or a computer with special hardware or software at the terminal location. Facilities used to carry PSTN voice traffic attract contribution charges.


Service control point (SCP) is a network resident database which contains the ported numbers information necessary to support number portability.


ii) delete the definition of "CCS7 signalling on trunk-side";


iii) in the definition of "class A licensee", in the first sentence of sub-item (a), delete the word "equipment" and in sub-item (c), move the last two sentences to a new paragraph that is aligned with first sentence of the definition;


iv) in the definition of "exchange" add the words" by an ILEC" immediately after the words "telephone service";


v) in the definition of "link", delete the words "or CCS7 signalling";


vi) delete the definition for "master file";


vii) replace the definition for "overseas circuit" with the following:


Overseas circuit means a circuit that connects a service or a facility of an international service provider to a country other than the United States, directly or via an overseas carrier, for the purpose of providing overseas services.


viii) in the definition for "resale", replace the term "IXC" with "telecommunications service provider";


ix) in the definition for "sharing", replace the term "IXC" with "telecommunications service provider"; and


x) in the definition of "trunk-side access", add the dialling provisions 0+ and 101XXX.


b) in the first sentence of Item 101(1)(a), add the words "under this tariff" after the word "provided";


c) in Item 101(14)(c)(6), remove the number "(6)" from the beginning of the sentence and realign the sentence with the first sentence in the sub-item;


d) end the sentence in Item 102(3)(f), after the words "exchange basis" and delete the remaining text;


e) amend Item 103(2)(a) as follows:


i) in the first sentence, delete the words "under the terms of this tariff"; and


ii) delete the words "subject to the availability of suitable facilities" from the second sentence;


f) insert the following additional provisions as Items 103(8) and 103(9) and renumber the existing provisions in Items 103(8) to 103(10) accordingly:


8. Quality of 9-1-1 ERS


a) Alizé shall install and operate9-1-1 ERS in a manner that meets the quality standards generally accepted in North America for such services. The following are examples of the content quality standards that are generally accepted in North America:


i) average of 0.1% blocking within the network;


ii) diverse telephone networking capabilities;


iii) updated ANI/ALI records to the 9-1-1 service provider's database; and


iv) special call control features, such as bureau hold, emergency ringback, calling party disconnect signal, and forced disconnect.


b) Alizé shall restore service as quickly as possible and on a priority basis should there be any interruption, delay, mistake or defect in transmission or in its network facilities.


c) The quality of 9-1-1 ERS is subject to the conditions outlined in paragraph 6 of this tariff item.


9. Quality of the municipality's service


a) The municipality shall implement and ensure the operation of its Call Answer Centre in a manner that meets the quality standards generally accepted in North America for such services. The following are examples of the content of quality standards generally accepted in North America:


i) provisioning of 24 hour service;


ii) answering the 9-1-1 call within two rings;


iii) providing effective response including transfer/conference of calls to the appropriate Call Answer Centre; and


iv) recording and logging of calls.


g) in the first sentence of Item 200(1)(a), add the words "and terminates in the same exchange" immediately after the name "Alizé";


h) amend Item 300(1) as follows:


i) in sub-item (n), add the following sentence to the end of the provision: "Resellers and sharing groups are required to register with Alizé and the Commission prior to receiving service, except those who provide only Alizé's switched local exchange and/or switched toll services to persons physically located in or on the reseller's or sharing group's business premises."


ii) in sub-item (o), replace the term "IXSP" with "IXC" ;


i) in the first sentence in Item 301(1)(a), add the dialling provision 101XXXX;


j) amend the table in Item 304(2)(b) as follows:


i) in the first row of the table, delete the words "other than the ILEC "with""; and


ii) in the second row of the table, replace the word "with" with "and";


k) in the descriptions of "column A" and "column B" in Item 304(3), delete the words "where equal access is available";


l) amend Item 304(4)(a) as follows:


i) in the row of the table which is labelled " (2)" , add the words "ILEC IX traffic and" to the beginning of the description;


ii) in note (y), replace all occurrences of the name "Alizé" with the words "the applicable ILEC";


m) amend Item 304(4)(b) as follows,


i) in sub-item (4), replace the term "IXSPs" with the term "APLDS"; and


ii) realign the last paragraph in the provisions with the introductory paragraph;


n) insert the following as an introductory paragraph to Item 304(4)(c):


"Class A licensees are required to provide a quarter ending report to the ILEC, the Commission and the CFA within 60 days of the end of the applicable quarter as follows: ";


o) amend Item 304(5) as follows:


i) in the list associated with sub-item (b), end the third bulleted item after the words "interexchange network" and move the remaining part of the paragraph to a new line that is aligned with the first paragraph of the sub-item;


ii) in sub-item (c), replace the reference to "Items 304.2 and 304.3" with "Item 304.4"; and


iii) in sub-item (d), add the words "class A" in front of all occurrences of the word "licensee".


p) renumber Item 304(5) as Item 304(6) and insert the following provisions as Item 304(5):


5. Internet service providers (ISPs)


a) Internet service providers (ISPs) are required to register with Alizé and the Commission prior to receiving service, with the exception of ISPs that offer contribution-exempt services only, and no other service provider offers PSTN voice or any other contribution-eligible telecommunications services from the same service locations where the ISP contribution-exempt services are provisioned.


b) For an ISP exempted from the requirement to register pursuant to a) above, the contribution charges specified in Items 304.2, 304.3 and 304.4 do not apply. In such cases, there is no requirement for the ISP to seek a contribution exemption from the Commission.


c) When an ISP offers PSTN voice or other contribution-eligible telecommunications services in addition to contribution-exempt services, but no PSTN voice or other contribution-eligible telecommunications services are offered by the ISP or any other service provider from the same service locations where contribution-exempt services are provisioned, the contribution charges specified in Items 304.2, 304.3 and 304.4 do not apply. In such cases, the ISP must register, as specified in a) above, and provide an affidavit to Alizé affirming that the facilities are used by the ISP to provide ISP services only and are not used to provide PSTN voice services or any other services that might be subject to contribution charges.


d) In other cases where the ISP offers PSTN voice or other contribution-eligible telecommunications services, or any other service provider offers PSTN voice or other contribution-eligible telecommunications services from the same service locations, the contribution charges specified in Items 304.2, 304.3 and 304.4 do not apply when an interconnecting circuit associated with line-side access or a Canada-U.S. circuit or an overseas circuit is used to provide IP data service or PC voice service, provided that the ISP registers, as identified in a) above, and applies to the Commission on a case-by-case basis and provides evidence satisfactory to the Commission that by reasons of the technical or economic or operational characteristics of the service, it is unlikely that the connections will be used significantly for joint-use interexchange services.


e) The ISP shall make available to Alizé, at no charge, a five-hour per month low-speed access account that Alizé can use to randomly audit the contribution-exempt status of the ISP's services.


q) in Item 305(3)(c), move the word "is" to the end of the sentence;


r) delete the second sentence in Item 400(1)(i) and replace the last sentence with the following:


The WSP's customer shall be instructed by the WSP, or its duly authorized representative, to report all cases of trouble solely to the WSP.


s) delete Item 400(1)(l) and renumber the remaining provision accordingly;


t) amend Item 401(2) as follows:


i) replace the title of the section with: "Line-side access - Monthly rates";


ii) in the title row of the table, delete the words "trunk-side" from the second column;


iii) replace the monthly rates as follows:


Each access channel to a maximum of 12 channels, or



Each access channel to a maximum of 24 channels, or



Each access channel to a maximum of 36 channels, or



Each access channel to a maximum of 48 channels, or



Each access channel to a maximum of 60 channels, or



Each access channel to a maximum of 72 channels, or



Each access channel to a maximum of 84 channels



Each access channel in excess of 84 channels



iv) in the last row of the table and in the associated note, delete the word "toll" from the phrase "activated toll access channel";


u) replace the title line for Item 401(3) with the following: " Line-side access - Service charge";


v) replace Item 401(4) with the following:


4. Trunk-side interconnection - Monthly rates for trunk charges


Each trunk-side interconnection trunk, to a maximum of 24 trunks, or



Each trunk-side interconnection trunk, to a maximum of 48 trunks, or



Each trunk-side interconnection trunk, to a maximum of 72 trunks, or



Each trunk-side interconnection trunk, to a maximum of 96 trunks, or



More than 96 trunk-side interconnection trunks, each trunk



IX contribution charge, per activated access channel



w) insert the following as Item 401(5):


Trunk-side access - Service charges


Order processing, each order, each location



Trunk-side interconnection trunk activation or change, each trunk group



x) delete Item 403(3);


y) replace the information in the rate table in Item 500(4), with the following:


Call routing LRN absent, per DS-0


Trunk-side CCS7 Interconnecting Circuits


One-way circuits


Monthly rate



Service charge



Two-way circuits


Monthly rate



Service charge



Trunk-side circuits/MF interconnecting circuits


One-way circuit


Monthly rate



Two-way circuit


Monthly rate



Line-side interconnecting circuits


Monthly rate



2. Alizé is to issue forthwith revised tariff pages incorporating the changes set out above.


Secretary General


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