ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 99-758

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Telecom Order


Ottawa, 4 August 1999


Telecom Order CRTC 99-758


On 27 May 1999, MetroNet Communications Group Inc. (MetroNet), filed an application, proposing revisions to General Tariff Items 201, 304 and 402 related to Compensation for Traffic Termination, Contribution Charges and Access Services for interconnection with Wireless Service Providers respectively.


File No.: Tariff Notice 7


1.MetroNet proposed to revise the monthly rates for the termination of local traffic to be consistent with Telecom Order CRTC 98-1190, 30 November 1998 and to revise wording to comply with Telecom Order CRTC 99-352, dated 15 April 1999 (Order 99-352).


2.The Commission considers that the proposed wording is not consistent with the revised wording that was approved in Order 99-352.


3.The Commission notes that MetroNet proposed to increase the monthly rates for the termination of traffic from exchanges within the local calling area to the rates approved for the transport of traffic between exchanges linked through Extended Area Service (EAS).


4.Inasmuch as MetroNet is not proposing to transport traffic between exchanges linked through EAS, the Commission considers that the rates for the termination of traffic from exchanges within the local calling area should continue to be based on the rates for the termination of intra-exchange traffic.


5.The Commission considers that the second paragraph under Item 201 b) is unnecessary and should be deleted.


6.The Commission notes that the proposed wording under Item 304 would result in switching and aggregation charges being applicable to line-side access.


7.The Commission notes that the proposed per minute contribution rates for Manitoba are higher than the approved rates.


8.In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:


A) The proposed tariff revisions are granted interim approval, with the following modifications:


i) in Item 201 a), replace the first sentence in the second paragraph by the following: "Commencing six months after commercial launch, once an imbalance is detected for three consecutive months on specific trunk groups, MetroNet will notify the LEC of the imbalance in the company's favour.", and add the following sentence at the end of the same paragraph: "Billing would commence from the date of notification.";


ii) in Item 201 a), delete the second paragraph and amend the rates as follows:




up to 24 trunks, each trunk $14.75
up to 48 trunks, each trunk $23.15
up to 72 trunks, each trunk $25.65
up to 96 trunks, each trunk $27.00
more than 96 trunks, each trunk $27.65


British Columbia


up to 24 trunks, each trunk $17.45
up to 48 trunks, each trunk $27.40
up to 72 trunks, each trunk $30.40
up to 96 trunks, each trunk $31.95
more than 96 trunks, each trunk $32.75


Ontario and Quebec


up to 24 trunks, each trunk $11.60
up to 48 trunks, each trunk $18.20
up to 72 trunks, each trunk $20.20
up to 96 trunks, each trunk $21.25
more than 96 trunks, each trunk $21.75




up to 24 trunks, each trunk $13.35
up to 48 trunks, each trunk $20.95
up to 72 trunks, each trunk $23.20
up to 96 trunks, each trunk $24.40
more than 96 trunks, each trunk $25.00


iii) in Item 304.1 a), delete the last sentence of the first paragraph, modify the second paragraph by replacing "apply" with the following: "applies with respect to interconnecting trunks with trunk-side access"; and


iv) in Item 304.1 b), amend the contribution rates which are applicable to the incumbent telephone company in Manitoba, effective 1 January 1999, as follows:


Peak Period 0.0131
Off-Peak Period 0.0066


B) MetroNet is directed to issue revised tariff pages within ten days of the date of this Order.


Secretary General


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