ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 99-487
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Decision CRTC 99-487 |
Ottawa, 12 November 1999 | |
Sky Cable Inc. Melita and Selkirk, Manitoba – 199804737 – 199804654 |
Applications processed by Public Notice CRTC 1999-141 dated 26 August 1999 | |
Addition of transmitters | |
1. The Commission approves the applications for authority to amend the licence for the (MDS) radiocommunication distribution undertaking in Manitoba, by adding transmitters at: | |
2. The licensee has indicated that these transmitters are needed to fill in areas not well covered by the existing transmitters. | |
3. The authority will only be effective and the licence will only be amended when the new transmitters are constructed and ready to begin operation. When the licensee has completed construction and is prepared to commence operation, it must advise the Commission in writing. If the transmitters are not constructed and ready to operate within 12 months of today’s date, extensions to this time frame may be granted provided that the licensee applies in writing to the Commission before the 12-month period or any extension of that period expires. | |
Secretary General | |
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site: |
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