ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-308

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Ottawa, 24 August 1999
Decision CRTC 99-308
Newfoundland Broadcasting Company Limited
St. John's, Newfoundland - 199901567
Application processed by
Public Notice CRTC 1999-100
dated 21 June 1999
Licence renewal for the radio network rebroadcasting CHOZ-FM
1.  The Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the English-language national radio network rebroadcasting the programming of CHOZ-FM St. John's from 1 September 1999 to 31 August 2002, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued.
2.  The Commission has granted a licence term that is less than the maximum of seven years permitted by the Broadcasting Act. This will allow the next licence renewal of the network to be considered at the same time as that of the originating station, in accordance with the regional plan established by the Commission, and does not reflect any concern regarding the licensee's performance.
3.  The Commission reminds the affiliated stations that they retain complete responsibility for their entire program schedule and that they are required to include the material broadcast during network programs when determining compliance with the Commission's regulations and policies.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

Secretary General
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