ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-193

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Ottawa, 3 August 1999

Decision CRTC 99-193

Groupe TVA inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.)

Across Canada - 199811344

Application processed by
Public Notice CRTC 1999-17
dated 29 January 1999

Le Canal Nouvelles - Licence amendment pertaining to the distribution of advertising material

1.  The Commission approves the application to amend condition of licence no. 3 pertaining to the distribution of advertising material by the French-language national specialty programming undertaking "Le Canal Nouvelles". The amended condition of licence will allow an increase in the amount of advertising from the current 8 minutes to a maximum of 12 minutes per hour and will read as follows:

3. (a)  Subject to subsection (b), the licensee shall not distribute more than 12 minutes of advertising material during each clock hour.

(b)  In addition to the 12 minutes of advertising material referred to in subsection (a), the licensee may distribute, during each clock hour, a maximum of 30 seconds of additional advertising material that consists of unpaid public service announcements.

(c)  The licensee shall not distribute any paid advertising material other than national paid advertising.

2.  The Commission received two interventions opposing the application. Le Groupe TQS inc. fears the consequences of greater fragmentation of the French-language broadcasters' advertising base. The applicant replied that the impact of approving the application would be negligible, and that it would be fair to authorize it to broadcast 12 minutes of advertising material as most other French-language specialty services do.

3.  Le Regroupement québécois pour le sous-titrage inc. opposed the application, stating that it was not satisfied with the quality of the captioning offered by the applicant. The applicant maintained that it is currently fulfilling all its captioning commitments and has introduced a mechanism to control the quality of its captioning.

4.  The Commission is satisfied with the applicant's responses to both interventions.

This  decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

Secretary General

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