Ottawa, 22 April 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-382
By letter dated 29 December 1997, Western Telecom (Western) filed a submission with respect to a contribution exemption associated with Western's account 514-831-0000. Western sought clarification with respect to its contribution exemption for a circuit used for administrative purposes.
File No.: 8626-W13-01/98
2. By letter dated 20 February 1998, Bell Canada (Bell) noted that pursuant to Telecom Order CRTC 96-965 dated 29 August 1996, Western was granted a contribution exemption for a single-hop Centrex system as well as a business line for administrative use. Bell also noted that the single business line and the Centrex system are billed under the same account referenced above.
3. Bell noted that in Telecom Order CRTC 97-590 dated 1 May 1997, the Commission determined that, in many cases, effective 1 January 1998, contribution exemptions for administrative circuits will no longer be valid. However, at paragraph 59 of that Order the Commission provided the following further clarification: "The Commission further notes that line-side connections associated with stand-alone administrative locations or systems which are not directly connected to the APLDS' network will not be required to pay contribution but that applications for exemptions will continue to be required for this category."
4. Bell noted that Western leases Centrex systems at several locations to provide services to its customers. Bell submitted that, in cases where a reseller does not connect directly to its own or another alternate provider of long distance services' (APLDS) interexchange network, a contribution exemption for stand-alone administrative circuits continues to be appropriate after 1 January 1998. Further, Bell submitted that if an exemption has already been granted pursuant to the provision of a satisfactory affidavit, it is appropriate that the exemption should be continued, effective 1 January 1998, subject to confirmation that the facility is not directly connected to an interexchange network.
5. Accordingly, Bell agreed with Western's request for a continuance of its contribution exemption for a business line used solely for administrative purposes, subject to the provision of a new affidavit from Western affirming that the administrative circuit is stand-alone and not directly connected to an interexchange network.
6. The Commission has treated Western's submission as an application for contribution exemption.
7. The Commission agrees with Bell's submission.
8. In light of the foregoing, Western's application is approved (in effect continuing the existing exemption) subject to Western providing a new affidavit within 30 days of the Order affirming that the administrative circuit is stand-alone and not directly connected to an interexchange network.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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