ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 1997-6
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Public Notice |
Ottawa, 10 January 1997
Public Notice CRTC 1997-6
The Commission hereby announces its calendar of Public Hearings (broadcasting) for the Winter/Spring of 1997.
Locations Date
1. Hull, Québec 10 February 1997
Applications by Bell Canada and Telus Multimedia for broadcasting licences to carry on distribution undertakings for the purposes of conducting technical and market trials. |
3. Hull, Québec 17 March 1997
Applications for broadcasting licences to carry on national video-on-demand (VOD) programming undertakings pursuant to Public Notice 1996-107 dated 31 July 1996. |
4. Toronto, Ontario 14 April 1997
Applications for broadcasting licences to carry on FM (radio) programming undertakings at Toronto, Ontario, pursuant to Public Notice 1996-73 dated 5 June 1996. |
5. Toronto, Ontario 26 May 1997
Applications for broadcasting licences to carry on new MDS (radiocommunication) distribution undertakings to provide service in the greater Toronto area and other communities in Southern Ontario, pursuant to Public Notice 1996-150 dated 26 November 1996. |
All locations and dates remain subject to change.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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