ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 97-1161

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 22 August 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-1161
The Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des Télécommunicateurs (SATAT), filed, on behalf of its participating member companies (Appendix), an application under Tariff Notice 2 (TN 2) dated 26 May 1997, for final approval of tariffs reflecting a 1996 uniform Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) and interim approval of tariffs reflecting the 1997 company-specific CATs.
File No.: 8740-S10-0002/97
TN 2
1. The application was filed pursuant to Regulatory Framework for the Independent Telephone Companies in Quebec and Ontario (Except Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, Québec-Téléphone and Télébec ltée), Telecom Decision CRTC 96-6, 7 August 1996, as modified by an Errata dated 17 September 1996.
2. In TN 2, the SATAT sought final approval for revisions proposed to the 1996 uniform SATAT CAT.
3. The SATAT also sought interim approval for the proposed company-specific CATs for 1997.
4. Interrogatories with respect to the 1996 uniform SATAT CAT and the 1997 company- specific CATs are being issued on the date of this Order.
5. The Commission notes that the 1996 SATAT CAT which was given interim approval in Telecom Order CRTC 96-1604, dated 23 December 1996, will remain in effect for 1996 until the 1996 uniform CAT is finalized.
6. The Commission is of the view that interconnecting toll carriers should be able to benefit from contribution reductions stemming from the $2 local rate increases approved for the companies effective 1 January 1997.
7. In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
8. The proposed tariffs submitted by SATAT under TN 2 as they pertain to the 1997 company-specific CATs are granted interim approval effective 1 January 1997.
9. The companies are to issue individual tariff pages reflecting the company-specific CATs proposed in TN 2 and approved on an interim basis, within 10 days of the issuance of this Order.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request.
Téléphone Milot inc.
Le Téléphone de St-Liboire de Bagot Inc.
La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie (1993)
La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick
La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc.
La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc.
Compagnie Téléphone Nantes Inc.
Co-op de téléphone de Valcourt
La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc.
Sogetel inc.

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