ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 96-622

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Ottawa, 11 September 1996
Decision CRTC 96-622
AGI Cablevision Inc.
Port Bruce/Copenhagen, Ontario - 199606240
Addition of distant head end and interconnection to the Alymer/Springfield undertaking; licence amendment
Following Public Notice CRTC 1996-84 dated 14 June 1996, the Commission approves the application by AGI Cablevision Inc. (AGI) to amend the broadcasting licence for the undertaking serving Port Bruce/Copenhagen:
- by authorizing the licensee to add a distant head end to interconnect the Port Bruce/Copenhagen undertaking, via optical fibre, with its cable distribution undertaking serving Alymer/Springfield; and
- by authorizing the licensee to add WJW-TV (FOX) Cleveland, Ohio and WEWS-TV (ABC) Erie, Pennsylvania which will duplicate WJET-TV (ABC) Erie, already authorized to be distributed in Port Bruce/Copenhagen.
The Commission notes that the Alymer/Springfield undertaking is a Class 2 system (2,000 or more subscribers) and that the Port Bruce/Copenhagen undertaking is regulated pursuant to Parts I, III and IV of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations). The proposed changes will improve the technical quality and the number of programming services provided to the undertaking serving Port Bruce/Copenhagen.
In the context of the authority granted above, the Commission notes that the licensee will cease the distribution of CHCH-TV Hamilton, received via satellite from CANCOM since the Alymer/ Springfield system receives this service over the air.
In cases of interconnection, it has been the Commission's general practice to expect the licensee to reduce monthly fees for the basic service by an amount equivalent to the direct cost savings related to the interconnection, and to not allow the licensee to recover or be credited for the capital costs of the interconnection.
In this regard, AGI argued in its application that it not reduce its basic rate because the savings resulting from the interconnection would be required to offset the leasing costs for the provision of the optical fibre necessary to transport the programming services from Aylmer/Springfield to Port Bruce/Copenhagen.
After reviewing the information provided by the licensee, the Commission considers that this situation warrants an exception from the standard practice. The Commission will, therefore, take into account the monthly leasing costs for the optical fibre link and will not expect the licensee to make a reduction in its basic monthly fee.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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