ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 95-685

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Ottawa, 15 September 1995
Decision CRTC 95-685
Télé-Métropole Inc.
Quebec City, Quebec - 950990200
Licence amendment for CFCM-TV
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1995-127 dated 26 July 1995, the Commission approves the application to amend the condition of licence of the television programming undertaking CFCM-TV Quebec City, pertaining to hours of local programming. The present condition of licence reads as follows:
 It is a condition of licence that the local production of CFCM-TV be maintained at a minimum of 21 hours per week (not including repeats) throughout the new licence term. Total local production shall consist exclusively of programs on subjects of local interest aimed at viewers residing in the area served by the station. In addition, at least 11 hours of this local programming shall be programs broadcast exclusively by CFCM-TV and which reflect, first and foremost, the activities and interests of the residents of Quebec City and the area.
The amended condition of licence reads:
 It is a condition of licence that the local production of CFCM-TV be maintained at a minimum of 21 hours per week (not including repeats) throughout the licence term. Total local production shall consist exclusively of programs on subjects of local interest aimed at viewers residing in the area served by the station. In addition, at least 11 hours of this local programming shall be programs whose video and audio components reflect, first and foremost, the activities and interests of the residents of Quebec City and the surrounding area. In addition, of the minimum of 11 hours of local programming, at least 8 hours shall be devoted to programs broadcast exclusively by CFCM-TV.
 During the 13 weeks of summer, as identified by the licensee in the station's program logs, as well as during any other weeks containing holidays, the licensee shall broadcast not less than 16 hours of local production, including not less than 8 hours of production whose video and audio components reflect, first and foremost, the interests of the residents of Quebec City and the surrounding area. Moreover, total local production in each broadcast year shall be not less than 1,092 hours, and the total hours broadcast exclusively by CFCM-TV shall be not less than 416 hours per broadcast year.
In the Commission's view, the amendments to CFCM-TV's condition of licence relating to local production will provide the licensee with enough flexibility to respond to the station's operational constraints, while meeting the fundamental objectives set out in renewal Decision CRTC 95-62 dated 24 February 1995. The Commission considers that the requirement for a minimum level of 21 hours a week of local production at Quebec City, as committed to by the licensee, should be maintained, and is satisfied that the requirement for programming broadcast exclusively by CFCM-TV is set at a reasonable level, taking into account the economic characteristics of the market.
In approving this application, the Commission also took into account the fact that such approval will give rise to additional investments by the licensee in the Quebec City market of $1.5 million per year over the course of the licence term. This will enable the licensee to increase its funding for the production of programs showcasing the Quebec City area, and to recoup its investments through network advertising. The Commission also notes that the additional flexibility the licensee has now been given, to use a weekly average in calculating the 8 hours of programming to be broadcast exclusively on CFCM-TV, is essentially the same as that granted to other television broadcasters.
The Commission has considered the four interventions filed regarding this application, one in support and three opposed, as well as the licensee's reply thereto.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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