ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 95-510
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Decision |
Ottawa, 31 July 1995
Decision CRTC 95-510
Rogers Broadcasting Limited
Across Canada - 950791400
Transfer of control
Following Public Notice CRTC 1995-96 dated 14 June 1995, the Commission approves the application for authority to transfer control, through the transfer of an 11% interest in the MH Radio/Rawlco Partnership, from CFCN Productions Limited, a partner in the partnership, to the other partner, 566684 Alberta Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rawlco Communications Ltd.
As a result of this transaction, the effective control of the "New Country Network" (formerly "The Country Network") specialty service which the partners are presently licensed to operate will rest with 566684 Alberta Ltd.
The purchase price attached to this transaction will be in the $600,000 - $750,000 range, the amount being 11/60ths of the advances and capital contributions made by CFCN Productions Limited to the partners as of the date of completion of the transaction.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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