ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 94-570

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Ottawa, 10 August 1994
Decision CRTC 94-570
Vidéotron Ltée
Princeville, Quebec - 940396500
Licence amendments
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1994-66 dated 10 June 1994, the Commission approves the application to amend the licence for the cable distribution undertaking serving Princeville by authorizing the licensee:
- to link the undertaking to the Victoriaville head end and by adding the three distant head ends of Pie IX/Rosemont, Villa Maria and Mont Saint-Grégoire, Quebec which are part of the Trans-Québec network;
- to distribute, at its option, the distant programming services of CFTU-TV (IND) Montréal, CFKS-TV (TQS) Sherbrooke, as well as WCAX-TV (CBS) and WVNY (ABC) Burlington, Vermont, WCFE-TV (PBS) and WPTZ (NBC) Plattsburg, New York, received via microwave.
The Commission is satisfied that the distribution of CFTU-TV and CFKS-TV is consistent with the guidelines on the cable distribution of distant Canadian television signals first set out in Public Notice CRTC 1985-61 and reiterated in Public Notice CRTC 1993-74.
The Commission notes that the licensee will cease the distribution of WXYZ-TV (ABC), WTVS (PBS), WDIV (NBC) and WJBK-TV (CBS) Detroit, Michigan, received via satellite from the CANCOM network.
The Commission also notes the licensee's request to be relieved from the requirement of section 22 of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations) that it distribute CKTM-TV Trois-Rivières, a local CBC-affiliate television service, as part of the basic service. The licensee proposed to distribute instead CKSH-TV Sherbrooke.
As the Princeville undertaking will now be interconnected with the Victoriaville undertaking, the distribution list for both undertakings is identical. At the time the present application was filed, however, CKTM-TV Trois-Rivières was not being distributed in Victoriaville. The station has since been added to the distribution list. Therefore, the licensee's request to be relieved from the requirement of section 22 of the regulations is no longer necessary.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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