ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 89-694

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Ottawa, 14 September 1989
Decision CRTC 89-694
Câblestrie Inc.
Acton Vale/Roxton Falls; Valcourt, Quebec - 891059800 - 891058000
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1989-86 dated 21 July 1989, the Commission approves the applications by Câblestrie Inc. for relief, by condition of licence, from the requirement of section 23 of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 according to which Part III licensees wishing to distribute any pay television, specialty or Part III eligible non-Canadian satellite service must distribute at least four television programming services delivered to its local head end by a network operator licensed to extend television and radio services to remote and underserved communities, at least one of which must be a Canadian television programming service.
In considering this application, the Commission has taken into account the fact that these undertakings will distribute services received via microwave from the distant head end located at Mount Gallup, which has been in operation since 8 May 1989 and which serves the licensee's other cable undertakings in the area. The Commission has also noted that approval of these applications would provide subscribers with access to a range of high-quality, predominantly francophone programming services.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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