Public Notice
Ottawa, 19 April 1985
Public Notice CRTC 1985-79
CRTC Regulatory Proceedings
On 9 April 1985, the Minister of Communications announced plans to carry out "a fundamental review of Canadian broadcasting policy", and to form a task force to study and prepare recommendations on an industrial and cultural strategy to govern the future evolution of the Canadian broadcasting system. This study will include a review of the role and mandate of the public and the private sectors of the Canadian broadcasting system and their inter-relationships.
On 12 March 1985, at the request of the Corporation, the Commission renewed the licences of the English and French-language television network services of the CBC to 31 March 1987 (Decision CRTC 85-140). In addition, in a decision also released today (Decision CRTC 85-214), the Commission renewed the licences of the CTV Television Network Ltd,, a number of CTV affiliates and the other television stations listed in the appendix to this decision, to 30 September 1987. In both these decisions, the Commission noted that the public interest would best be served if these licensees were asked to file applications for their licence renewal after the recommendations of the Task Force are known. This will allow the Commission to assess their overall long-term programming plans, taking these recommendations into account.
The Commission will continue to carry out its regulatory and supervisory activities and, as planned, will proceed to consider applications for the renewal of licences of television stations and networks which were already scheduled to be heard at various public hearings during the coming months.
During 1984 the Commission received applications for the establishment of new Canadian television services in Regina, Saskatoon, Montreal and Quebec City. Consistent with past practice and with the Commission's stated objective of providing a wider range of Canadian viewing choices to communities across Canada and improving the linguistic balance of services, particularly in Quebec, the Commission issued calls for competing applications in these cities and then proceeded to schedule the applications for public hearings. These proceedings will take place as planned. The applications for new television services to serve Montreal and Quebec City will be heard commencing 13 May in Montreal and those for new services in Regina and Saskatoon, on 18 June in Regina.
In addition, the Commission advises that the following proceedings will also take place as planned: the 30 April and Fall Public Hearings with respect to cable-related issues; the 23 April Public Hearing on community FM radio stations; the proceedings on the establishment of a youth and family-oriented service, on northern and native broadcasting, and on ethnic broadcasting issues.
Fernand Bélisle Secretary General