ARCHIVED -  Telecom Decision CRTC 85-20

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Telecom Decision

Ottawa, 6 September 1985
Telecom Decision CRTC 85-20
In Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13, 9 November 1982 (Decision 82-13), the Commission approved a set of quality of service indicators for Bell Canada (Bell). It gave interim approval to standards for some indicators and final approval to standards for others. For yet other indicators, the Commission directed Bell to develop standards within 15 months.
On 9 February 1984, the company submitted proposed standards along with a summary of the methodology used to develop them. On the basis of available customer satisfaction data, the company submitted that its proposed standards for the outstanding indicators would be adequate for satisfying at least 90% of customers with respect to service quality for these indicators. On 20 June 1985, the company proposed changes to indicators 52 and 53 as well as 13(b) and 13(d).
No comments were received from interested parties with regard to the company's proposed standards or its proposed changes to indicators.
The Commission has reviewed the company's proposals and has made the following determinations:
1. The methodology used by the company to develop the proposed standards is suitable for
determining the level of service quality which will result in 90% of subscribers being satisfied
with service quality.
2. The company's proposed standards and indicators, and those standards approved on an
interim basis in Decision 82-13, are hereby given final approval except
for its proposal to combine indicators 13(b) and 13(d) which is denied. The Commission
considers that separate reporting of results for new service requests and service regrades is
necessary to monitor adequately service quality. (The appendix to this decision lists all of the
quality of service indicators and standards for Bell as approved in this decision and in Decision
3. The company is directed to submit, by 7 October 1985, a proposed method of monitoring
customer satisfaction to ensure that attainment of the standards continues to result in 90%
customer satisfaction with service quality for every indicator.
The Commission has reviewed the follow-up items from Decision 82-13 regarding Bell and has concluded that action has been completed for all except Item 82-13:02 - Reporting of quarterly results and explanation and action Plan reports.
Nevertheless, the Commission wishes to reiterate its statement at page 4 of Decision 82-13 that there will be a continuing need to adapt to changes due to such factors as the technology used to offer services, the mix of services offered, the regulatory environment, the competitive market and customer expectations .
The Commission has determined that Bell's proposed method of monitoring customer satisfaction, directed to be filed at page 2 above, should be the subject of a follow-up process. Accordingly, the Commission establishes the following follow-up item to this decision:
85-20:01 Maintenance of 90% Customer Satisfaction Levels
The Commission intends to deal with this follow-up item in accordance with the following procedure:
(1) Any person who wishes to receive copies of documents relating to this follow-up item should
register with the Commission by letter by 7 October 1985.
(2) The Commission will compile a list of parties who have registered for this follow-up item and will
provide a copy of this list to each registered party.
(3) Subject to subparagraph (b), a copy of each document filed with the Commission shall be sent
to each party registered for this follow-up item.
(4) Parties may comment on any document within thirty days from the date of filing. A copy of
comments shall be sent to the Commission and to each registered party.
(5) Bell may reply to comments within ten days from the date of their receipt .
(6) The provisions of section 19 of CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure apply
to any claim of confidentiality. In addition, a party asserting such a claim shall send a copy of
the claim and supporting reasons to each registered party.
Please note that persons who do not register pursuant to these procedures will nevertheless have access to all documents by consulting the public files of the Commission in its public examination rooms located in Room 561 of the Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudière, Hull, Quebec and Complex Guy Favreau, East Tower, 200 Dorchester Blvd. West, Room 602, Montreal, Quebec.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General
Bell Canada - Quality of Service Indicators and Standards
Indicator Standard
1 - Provision of Service
11 Customer Provisioning Commitment Requests
- Percent Convenient
(a) Residence - Premises Visit 91.6% or more
(b) Residence - No Premises Visit 91.6% or more
(c) Business 91.6% or more
12 Customer Provisioning Commitment Requests
- Percent Met
(a) Residence - Premises Visit 93.8% or more
(b) Residence - No Premises Visit 93.8% or more
(c) Business 90.7% or more
13(a) Held Orders per 100 Network Access
Inward Movement 3.3 or less
13 Service Provisioning Measurement Plan (SPMP)
- Network Access - Local
(b) Service Requests Inside Base Rate Area 90.0% or more
(c) Service Requests Outside Base Rate Area 90.0% or more
(d) Regrade Requests Inside Base Rate Area 90.0% or more
(e) Regrade Requests Outside Base Rate Area None
15(a) Business Office - Customer Access 90.7% or more
2 - Repair Service
21 Initial Customer Trouble Reports per 100 Stations 4.2% or less
22 Subsequent Trouble Reports as Percentage
of Initial Trouble Reports
(a) Residence 12% or less
(b) Business 12% or less
(c) Urban 12% or less
(d) Non-Urban 12% or less
23 Repeated Trouble Reports as a Percentage
of Initial Trouble Reports
(a) Residence 4.7% or less
(b) Business 14.7% or less
(c) Urban 14.7% or less
(d) Non-urban 14.7% or less
24 Percent of Initial Out-of-Service Trouble
Reports Cleared Within 24 Hours
(a) Residence 80% or more
(b) Business 80% or more
(c) Urban 80% or more
(d) Non-urban 80% or more
25 Repair Commitments - Percent Met 90.1% or more
26 Repair Bureau - Customer Access 90.7% or more
3 - Local Service
31 Local Network Service - Access 98.5% or more
32 Local Network Service - Blockages and Failures 98.8% or more
33 Local Network Service - Transmission 98.7% or more
4 - Long Distance Service
41 Toll Network Service - Access 98.5% or more
42 Toll Network Service - Blockages and Failures 96.5% or more
43 Toll Network Service - Transmission 97.9% or more
5 - Operator Services
51 Toll and Assistance
(a) Courtesy and Accuracy 95% or more
(b) Speed of Operator Answer 7.5 seconds or less
52 Directory Assistance and Intercept
(a) Operator Courtesy and Accuracy 95% or more
(b) Speed of Operator Answer 7.5 seconds or less
6 - Directory Assistance
61 Directory Accuracy 93.8% or more
7 - Billing Service
71 Billing Accuracy
(a) Residence 95% or more
(b) Business 95% or more
8 - Complaints None

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