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Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13

Ottawa, 9 November 1982

Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation

For related documents in this case, see Telecom Public Notice CRTC 1979-30, 27 July 1979, and CRTC Telecom Public Notice 1981-38, 22 October 1981.




    A. General Policy Issues

    B. Selection of Appropriate Standards

    C. Service Interfaces

    D. Comparability

    E. Reporting Requirements


    A. Bell Canada

    B. British Columbia Telephone Company

    C. NorthwesTel Inc.

    D. Terra Nova Telecommunications Inc.


    A. Bell Canada

    B. British Columbia Telephone Company

    C. NorthwesTel Inc.

    D. Terra Nova Telecommunications Inc.


On 27 July 1979, the Commission issued Telecom Public Notice CRTC 1979-30 (Public Notice 1979-30) initiating a consultative process with those parties interested in the development and use of service quality indicators in connection with the regulation of the telephone companies within the Commission's jurisdiction. At that time, the Commission appointed Mr. Stuart MacPherson, its Director General of Telecommunications Operations, under subsection 81(1) of the National Transportation Act, to carry out this process and report his findings to the Commission. 

Concurrent with Public Notice 1979-30, a document entitled Working Paper on the Quality of Telephone Service was published. The Working Paper contained an analysis of current developments in the measurement of the quality of telephone service, proposals for the use of these measurements in a regulatory framework, a detailed review of each federally-regulated telephone company's use of quality of service indicators and specific recommendations regarding such use for each company.

On 22 October 1981, the Commission released Mr. MacPherson's report entitled Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation (the Report), and issued CRTC Telecom Public Notice 1981-38 inviting comments thereon.

The Report dealt with general issues associated with the establishment and use of service quality indicators and standards for the regulation of telephone companies. It also examined the contact between customers and the telephone companies (service interfaces), pointing out those that warrant regulatory attention, made recommendations for reporting requirements and assessed the usefulness of comparing quality of service results among the federally-regulated telephone companies. Finally, the Report made specific recommendations by company and by service interface with regard to the appropriate indicators, measurement methods and performance standards.

Comments on the Report were received from Admic Controls, Bell Canada (Bell), British Columbia Telephone Company (B.C. Tel), Canadian Industrial Communications Assembly (CICA), Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC), Edmonton telephones, Gatling Communications Inc., the Government of Ontario, the Government of Quebec, Mr. F.M. Hewett, NorthwesTel Inc. (NorthwesTel) and Terra Nova Telecommunications Inc. (Terra Nova). The Commission notes that many of these parties were also active participants in the consultative process leading to the Report and thanks all those who have contributed to this proceeding.


A. General Policy Issues

The quality of the Service provided by the federally-regulated telephone companies has been an important consideration in the Commission's assessment of general rate applications since it acquired jurisdiction over the federally-regulated telecommunications carriers in April 1976. The Commission's objective in this proceeding has been to determine those service quality indicators perceived by subscribers to be of importance, and the standard of performance to be achieved in relation to each indicator, while minimising, to the extent possible, the administrative burden and costs of measuring adherence to those standards for the telephone companies, interested parties and the Commission. The Commission considers that the mechanisms established in this decision will facilitate the objective assessment of the service quality provided and thus assist in the determination of just and reasonable rates.

In arriving at its decision in this matter, the Commission has taken into account not only the record of the consultative process and the Report but also its experience during various rate proceedings where quality of service issues were addressed. The Commission has attempted, to the extent possible, to select measures already in use or under development by the companies.

The Commission notes that there has been general agreement throughout this proceeding that the standards established for the various indicators should be set at a level which ensures that 90% of subscribers are satisfied with the service provided. The Commission accepts this objective at this time. The Commission intends, however, to continue to monitor quality of service standards in the light of the actual cost of maintaining them for each aspect of service, in order to weigh such costs and the resultant subscriber rates against the potential benefits to subscribers.

Finally, the Commission recognises that following this decision, there will be a continuing need to adapt to changes due to such factors as the technology used to offer services, the mix of services offered, the regulatory environment, the competitive market and customer expectations.

B. Selection of Appropriate Standards

With regard to the "90% satisfaction" objective, while the companies and most interested parties stated their agreement with the objective, there were considerable differences of opinion on how to accomplish it. Bell has completed, or has underway, subscriber studies aimed at providing corroborating evidence of subscriber expectations and, as noted in Section IV of this decision, will provide these for each of the relevant indicators. The Commission is pleased to note that NorthwesTel has also begun such studies and has filed a proposal for a customer priority survey.

B.C. Tel has indicated its willingness to carry out such work, and the Commission will expect the Company to do so, in consultation with the Commission staff. B.C. Tel is required to submit to the Commission, within three months of this decision, a detailed plan for undertaking such studies. Terra Nova has asked to be relieved of the responsibility of conducting such studies "until its financial position improves." The Commission does not consider that this kind of "blanket" request for relief from this important regulatory requirement is acceptable, particularly in light of past quality of service problems in Terra Nova territory. Therefore, the Company is required to submit to the Commission, within three months of this decision, a plan to determine subscriber satisfaction levels, listing indicators to be studied, providing an implementation schedule, identifying priorities and describing the financial implications of the proposals. Following a review of this report, the Commission will consider what further action may be required.

With regard to the selection of standards, CICA suggested that, on an interim basis, standards developed by one company be applied to other companies in order to save time and expense. The Commission does not believe this is an appropriate approach, since customer expectations and the circumstances affecting the quality of telephone service vary considerably from company to company.

CAC suggested that upper limits for standards be used as a check against unreasonably high expenditures. The Commission is of the view that this issue is more appropriately dealt with in other proceedings, such as those relating to applications for general rate increases and the Construction Program Review.

Finally, the Commission accepts the Report's recommendations that opportunity for public comment be provided before changing the standard for any indicator and that standards should be established within 15 months of the introduction of an indicator.

C. Service interfaces

The Commission accepts the recommendation in the Report that eight service-interfaces be measured: provision of service, repair service, local service, long distance service, operator service, directory service, billing and complaints.

D. Comparability

The Report indicated that, in all but one instance, that of billing, comparability between companies had effectively been achieved for at least one indicator for each of the seven interfaces for which standards could be developed. The Commission recognises that any conclusions that may be drawn from comparing the performance of federally-regulated carriers on any indicator must take into account differences amongst the companies in terms of size, area served, customer expectations and other factors unique to each company. However, in the Commission's view, these factors should affect only the level of the standard rather than the substance of the indicator.

The Commission has concluded that further study and experience is needed before any significant weight can be attached to comparisons of the performance achieved by different companies on any particular indicator. However, the Commission accepts the recommendation set out in the Report that at least one measure from each service interface should be common to all federally-regulated telephone companies.

Finally the Commission notes that, in the Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons for the fiscal year ending 31 l-larch 1981, it was recommended that the Commission develop an approach for verifying the accuracy of service quality information filed by the telephone companies. The Commission agrees with this recommendation and intends to continue to review the processes used by the companies in collecting and reporting service quality data.

E. Reporting Requirements

As recommended in the Report, the Commission has determined that service quality performance data should be reported on a quarterly basis with separate presentation of data for each month within each quarter. Results are to be provided within 45 days of the end of the relevant quarter.

The Commission accepts the Report's recommendations dealing with the reporting of explanations and action plans in cases of below- standard performance. Explanations and action plan reports are to be filed, where required, within 60 days of the end of the relevant quarter.


The Report made specific recommendations with regard to the reporting detail and service quality indicators for each company. The Commission notes that the consultation process has resulted in a large degree of consensus on these recommendations. The Commission has decided to accept most of these recommendations and accordingly, except as specifically otherwise dealt with in the remainder of this decision, all recommendations of the Report are accepted and approved. Changes made to the recommendations contained in the Report as a result of modifications suggested by parties to the proceeding are reflected in Section IV of this decision: "DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED INDICATORS.

Except where otherwise indicated, the Commission directs the companies to begin reporting as required by this decision with the results for the first quarter of 1983.

A. Bell Canada

1. Reporting Detail

The Report proposed that Bell consider the appropriateness of using definitions of "rural" and "remote", rather than the Company's definitions related to exchange base rate area boundaries. The Company has taken the position that its definition of urban and non-urban is appropriate for quality of service measurement and that any other method "could have a significant operational and administrative impact on the company." However, Bell indicated that it was prepared to comment further if requested. The Commission considers that additional study of this matter is necessary and requires Bell to provide its further comments within two months of this decision.

The Commission accepts the recommendations in the Report regarding the appropriate reporting units and sub-units, except for the Supplementary Billing Information report, for which the amendments proposed by Bell are acceptable.

2. Local Service

In July 1982, the Company submitted the results of a study on the feasibility of modifying the Local Network Service - Transmission measure to reflect urban/non-urban results. The Commission will deal with this matter after interested parties have had an opportunity to review the proposal and submit their comments.

The Commission notes CAC's comment that the coverage of smaller central offices by local service measurements is limited. The Commission requires Bell to provide a report within three months of this decision on the feasibility of sampling these exchanges on a rotating basis. The Commission also notes CAC's comments relative to the methods for measuring blockage and failures and the need to concentrate the data collection in the busy hour. Bell is required to provide a report within three months of this decision on the feasibility of such an approach.

3. Operator Services

With respect to the Toll and Assistance-Courtesy and Accuracy indicator, the Company is required to provide, within two months of this decision, a report on the coverage attained (% of calls and/or subscribers covered) by measuring only those cord board locations with 40 or more operators. This report should include similar information for the new Directory Assistance- Courtesy and Accuracy indicator.

B. British Columbia Telephone Company

1. Reporting Detail

With regard to reporting sub-units for below-standard performance, the Commission notes that B.C. Tel has indicated that, while billing measures would be reported on a corporate basis, a further breakdown of billing accuracy could be developed and provided. B.C. Tel is required to report to the Commission within two months of this decision on the feasibility of implementing such a further breakdown for sub-unit reporting for billing accuracy.

The Report recommended that consideration be given to providing an urban/non-urban breakdown of results. B.C. Tel took the position that the development of an urban/non-urban breakdown would be very costly and of little benefit. Moreover, the Company has indicated that the suggested use of the base rate area as a means of distinguishing urban from non-urban is not appropriate since base rate areas themselves can fall into either category. The Commission agrees with B.C. Tel that it would not be appropriate to establish a special demographic department for this purpose, but is of the view that the base rate area may be a useful alternative. B.C. Tel is required to report to the Commission on this matter within two months, taking into account the approach now in use by Bell, as described in this proceeding.

a. Customer Priorities

The Report recommended that B.C. Tel be required to conduct a study of customer priorities within all service interfaces, including those items now covered by the TEL-CEL customer survey. B.C. Tel has suggested that, if such studies are to be conducted, they should exclude the TEL-CEL items, on the ground that the survey questionnaires were obtained as a package and, "as such, could not be changed without a large capital outlay. Moreover, B.C. Tel stated that the original surveys, on which TEL-CEL is based, were validated by customer priority studies. In doing so, B.C. Tel provided information derived from a study conducted by it to determine the key factors of service quality as perceived by customers. The Company also provided suggestions as to the methodology which could be used in conducting further customer priority studies. Finally, B.C. Tel indicated that, in the event a priority study were conducted, and any significant omissions of customer priorities were found in TEL-CEL, the Company would discuss with the Commission possible approaches to developing a further survey.

The Commission accepts B.C. Tel's proposal to conduct further customer priority studies only on the eight service interfaces at this time. The Company is required to report, within three months of this decision, its proposed study approach and schedule together with a copy of the "key factors" study mentioned above.

b) Standards

The Report recommended that B.C. Tel's customer priority study also be used to determine the standards required to satisfy at least 90% of customers and noted that the Company had agreed that such a study would be an appropriate vehicle for standard development. The Commission agrees that the priority study should be used for the development of standards and the report required in paragraph (a) above should deal with this matter.

c) Response Scales

The Report recommended that consideration be given to the proposal by CAC that the TEL-CEL results employ a five-point scale, rather than the currently used four-point scale, thus allowing customers to choose a neutral mid-point in the range. B.C. Tel has not commented on this point, but has added a follow-up question to its survey, which is posed to respondents who answer "fair or "no opinion, in order to determine whether or not they were satisfied with the service element. Those who reply positively to the follow-up question are then added to the "excellent and "good total to determine the "percent satisfied. The Commission agrees with the Report that this matter may require further review after completion of the customer priority study and, in the interim, as recommended by the Report, the percentage for each of the response categories should be reported separately including the results of the follow-up question.

d) Sampling Methodology

The Report recommended that TEL-CEL results be provided on a monthly basis both by division and for the Company as a whole. B.C. Tel has recommended strongly that a three-month moving average should be reported" since the range of error would be lower due to the larger sample size involved. The Commission considers that the concern raised in the Report regarding the "masking" effect of a report made on an averaged basis outweighs the error level problem, and therefore accepts the recommendation in the Report. It will be noted, however, that, in the event below-standard performance is reported, the statistical factors pointed out by B.C. Tel must be taken into account.

3. Provision of Service

With regard to the held orders and held upgrades measures, the Report recommended that vintage information be provided in the event that the measured results fall below standard. Although B.C. Tel has stated that this requirement would entail the establishment of a costly recording system, the Commission considers that such information would be a vital element in any assessment of below-standard performance for these measures.

Furthermore, since the date of each request must be recorded upon receipt, the Commission is not persuaded that significant additional expense would be involved in recording the data. As for retrieving and reporting the information, the Company is required to provide, within three months of this decision, a report on the cost of implementing the recommendation in the Report. After receipt of this cost study, the Commission will determine the reporting requirements for these measures.

The measure Percent Installation Appointments within Objective was proposed in the Report and B.C. Tel has submitted a proposed definition for it. The Company has also indicated that, because of the cost implications of a detailed recording of all installations, it wishes to explore the possibility of using various sampling techniques. It was estimated that a report and recommendation could be available 12 months after the Commission's decision. The Commission is of the view that a decision on sampling techniques could be reached much sooner and, as a first step, in view of the importance of this aspect of quality of service, requires B.C. Tel to report, within two months of this decision, on the feasibility of employing the customer canvass methods used by Bell for this aspect of service.

4. Directory Services

B.C. Tel has indicated that it is prepared to develop a measure of directory accuracy using customer sampling techniques. The Company had not yet determined which techniques might be employed for this purpose and the Commission requires B.C. Tel to report, within two months of this decision, on the feasibility of using an approach which conforms to that approved for Bell.

B.C. Tel has proposed that the new measure Listing Changes Available within 24 hours be changed to a 48-hour measure, on the ground that a 24-hour objective is not achievable. The Commission accepts this change, but requires the Company to explain, within two months of this decision, its proposal with regard to reporting results on an exception basis.

C. NorthwesTel Inc.

1. Reporting Requirements

With regard to sub-unit reports associated with below-standard performance, the Report recommended using the exchange when dealing with the provision of service, repair and local service interfaces. NorthwesTel has pointed out that almost half of its exchanges have fewer than 100 stations and has recommended an alternative approach. The Commission accepts NorthwesTel's proposal to report the actual numerical results, along with a proposed corrective action plan. The numerical results should be filed by exchange. With regard to the sub-unit for toll service, the Commission notes that, by late 1982, all toll operator functions will be centralised and that directory assistance service is already handled at a single point.

With regard to directory services, the Commission accepts the submission of the Company that no sub-unit reporting is feasible since the Company publishes only two directories.

With regard to billing, the Commission considers that the Company's proposed breakdown of billing adjustments should be reported regularly. Thus, no sub-unit reports will be required.

The Commission accepts NorthwesTel's proposal that, in the event the level of complaints were to increase significantly, separate reports would be provided by operating area.

2. Provision of Service

The Commission notes that there has been no discussion of an outstanding regrade measure. The Company is therefore required to provide a report on the feasibility of such a measure within three months of this decision.

3. Local Service

The Company has agreed with the Report's recommendation regarding the dial tone delay and local dial line analysis measures. However, with regard to the latter, the Company has indicated that it is unable to produce a breakdown of blockage or failures and transmission problems. As noted in the Report, these breakdowns are provided by other companies. Moreover, NorthwesTel has proposed similar breakdowns for long distance service and has not indicated why such information is not available for local. service. NorthwesTel is required to report on this matter to the Commission, within three months of this decision, and in the interim, to report on the basis of the aggregated information.

4. Billing

The Commission considers that a breakdown of business and residential accounts would be useful, especially to permit comparison with other companies. The Commission accepts the recommendations of the Report subject to this modification.

D. Terra Nova Telecommunications Inc.

1. Reporting Requirements

With regard to the appropriate sub-units for reporting below- standard performance, the Commission accepts the approach proposed by the Company provided that the action plan to be furnished to the Commission in such instances identifies as precisely as possible the location of the subscribers most affected by the below-standard performance.

2. Provision of Service

With regard to the held orders and outstanding orders measures, Terra Nova has agreed with the definitions recommended in the Report, but has proposed interim standards which the Commission does not consider acceptable. Although they may reflect recent levels actually experienced, the Commission considers that the establishment of standards based upon customer requirements for these measures should be given highest priority. With regard to the held regrades and outstanding regrades measures, the Company has proposed to report only on those regrade requests received since the last count date, rather than accumulating all held or outstanding regrades as recommended in the Report. This is not an acceptable change, since an important purpose of the measure is to capture all regrade requests, regardless of their vintage.

With regard to the outstanding regrades measure, the proposed interim standard is not acceptable and a customer-based standard should be developed. In this regard, the Commission notes that the Company is currently engaged in a major project aimed at achieving a capability of meeting requests for single-party service on demand for 95% of the Company's subscribers. Standards developed by the Company for this interface should reflect this objective.

3. Long Distance Services

The Commission accepts the recommendations of the Report, and Terra Nova's proposed measurement method, subject to an explanation of what is meant by taking measurements "on selected days. As with local service, the Commission will require a breakdown of performance by blockage and failures and transmission quality, accompanied by separate standards.

4. Directory Services

The Report recommended acceptance of the indicator being used by the Company, but suggested that Terra Nova provide a description of the method used to measure this indicator. Terra Nova has provided such a description and the Commission notes that the method differs from that employed by the other federally-regulated companies. The Company is required to report, within three months of this decision, on the feasibility of developing a measure which is comparable to that in use by such other companies and establishing the measurement on that basis. In the interim, the proposed indicator is accepted.


A. Bell Canada

1.  Provision of Service
a) Customer Provisioning Commitment Requests (Residence):

Percent Convenient

Definition: The percentage of service connection commitments which prove to be convenient to residence customers.

Measurement Method: Residence customers are canvassed after service orders are completed. The sample of customers is selected from service orders originating in the Companys business offices or Phonecentres. A sample of service orders is drawn daily from all completed eligible orders. The sample size is such that approximately 50 customer interviews will be completed for each district entity each month. A breakdown by i) customer premises visit and ii) no customer premises visit .will be reported.

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures. Current standard of 91.6% retained until that time.

Status: Modified indicator. The visit/no visit breakdown will be reported, except for reporting entities in which there are no Phonecentres/ Teleboutiques.

b) Customer Provisioning Commitment Requests (Business): Percent Convenient

Definition: The percentage of service connection commitments which prove to be convenient to business customers.

Measurement Method: Business customers are canvassed after service orders are completed. The sample of customers is selected from service orders originating in the Company's business offices. A sample of service orders is drawn daily from all completed eligible orders. The sample size is such that approximately 50 customer interviews will be completed for each district entity each month.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision. Current standard of 91.6% retained until that time.


Modified indicator

c) Customer provisioning Commitment Requests (Residence): Percent Met

Definition: The percentage of service connection commitments for residence service which were met by the Company.

Measurement Method: The measurement method and sampling detail are as in indicator a) above

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures. Current standard of 93.8% retained until that time.

Status: Modified indicator. The visit/no visit breakdown will be reported, except for reporting entities in which there are no Phonecentres.

d) Customer Provisioning Commitment Requests (Business): Percent Met

Definition: The percentage of service connection commitments for business services which were met by the Company.

Measurement Method: The measurement method and sampling details are as in indicator b) above.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision. Current standard of 90.7% retained until that time.

Status: modified indicator.

e) Held Orders per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: The percentage of orders for main telephone installations not available to customers on the due date because the Company cannot provide the service.

Measurement Method: All held orders are counted on a specific date each month at each switching centre. Inward movement is calculated at each NNX (switching centre code) level. The indicator ratio is calculated for each customer services general manager entity.


Range 2.4% to 3.3%

f) Service Provisioning Measurement Plan (SPMP): Network

Access - Local

Definition: The proportion of customers satisfied with the availability of facilities for new service and for regrades. This measure reflects the Company's overall ability to provide service by examining main station held orders, all services delayed for facilities reasons, along with delay length and the level of customer satisfaction. It considers customer satisfaction associated with delay intervals, all services delayed in the report period, includes regrades, and reflects success in meeting due dates.

Measurement Method: At the end of each month the total orders held for facility reasons for any time during the month are grouped by the total period held and are counted separately by each of the appropriate delay periods. The number of held services in each interval is then multiplied by the appropriate indicator of satisfaction in order to obtain the number of satisfied customers in each delay period. These numbers are then cumulated to provide an estimate of the total number of customers satisfied with the delay interval incurred up to the service or count date (numerator). It is assumed that customers experiencing no delay are satisfied. The above mentioned numerator is then divided by the total number of service orders that have been in the provisioning process during the month (denominator). This process is used to calculate results for each of the indicators. Performance will be reported for service requests both inside and outside the base rate area (BRA) and regrade requests inside the BRA with an associated standard. The performance for regrade requests outside the BRA will also be reported, but without an associated standard.

Standard: 90%

Status: New indicator.

2. Repair Service
a) Initial Customer Trouble Reports Per 100 Stations

Definition: The number of first reports the Company receives about malfunctions in telephones, extensions, coin telephones etc., or about the location or performance of Bell-owned plant or equipment, per 100 stations. These include those instances in which a separate trouble may have been reported and cleared during the previous 30 days (i.e. repeated reports -see (c) below).

Measurement Method: Trouble report data are gathered in each of the Company's repair bureaux based on a count of all reported customer troubles which are cleared during the measurement period. The customer trouble report rate is then calculated on the basis of reports per 100 stations. A station is defined as a telephone terminal or an equivalent station. An equivalent station is counted for those lines which do not terminate on a telephone terminal.

Standard: 4.2%.

b) Subsequent Trouble Reports as a Percentage of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: The number of trouble reports the Company receives following receipt of initial reports and prior to corrective action having been taken by Bell expressed as a percentage of initial trouble reports.

Measurement Method: All subsequent reports are counted in each of the repair bureaux. Each report filed by a customer following the initial report is counted as one subsequent report. Thus three reports about the same problem will result in one initial report and two subsequent reports if the second and third reports are received before the Company has responded to the initial report. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) residence/business, and ii) urban/non-urban.

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures. In the interim, the aggregated 1.1easure will continue to be reported and will be accompanied by the current standard of 12%.

c) Repeated Trouble Reports as a Percentage of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: The percentage of initial trouble reports for Which a further report is received within one month of the receipt of a previous report and after corrective action has been taken on that report. The repeated report may not involve the same precise problem but involves the same line, trunk, circuit or station.

Measurement Method: All repeated reports are recorded and counted in each of the repair bureaux. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) residence/business, and ii) urban/non-urban.

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures. In the interim, the aggregated measure will continue to be reported and will be accompanied by the current standard of 14.7%.

d) Percent of Initial Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared Within 24 Hours

Definition: The percentage of initial reports of out-of-service conditions which are cleared within 24 hours.

Measurement Method: All those initial trouble reports of an out-of-service condition are counted in each of the Company's repair bureaux. The initial out-of-service reports, which are cleared within 24 hours, are calculated as a percentage of all initial out-of-service trouble reports cleared during the measurement period. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) residence/business, and ii) urban/non-urban.

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures. In the interim, the aggregated measure will continue to be reported and will be accompanied by the current standard of 78%.

Status: As proposed by the Company the standard will change to 80% as of 1 January 1983.

e) Repair Commitments: Percent Met

Definition: The percentage of repair commitments which were met by the Company.

Measurement Method: All records of repair activities are reviewed in each repair bureau on a monthly basis. The percentage of commitments which the Company keeps is calculated on a base of all the commitments made to customers.

Standard: 90.1%.

f) Repair Bureau: Customer Access

Definition: The percentage of customer calls to the repair bureau where the customer reached the repair bureau on the first attempt.

Measurement Method: Customers are canvassed after the customer's trouble report has been cleared. A sample of trouble reports is drawn daily from all completed initial customer trouble reports. The sample size is such that approximately 50 customer interviews will be completed for each district entity for each month.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

3. Local Service
a) Local Network Service -Access

Definition: The percentage of calls receiving dial tone within three seconds.

Measurement Method: Dial tone delays greater than three seconds are measured in all of the largest switching machines in Bell, covering approximately 88% of the Company's customers. A measuring device places a demand for dial tone on the equipment simulating a customer attempting to make a local 'call. In electronic offices an internal computer program initiates the simulation. Data are compiled monthly in each switching centre on the basis of a sample and aggregations are weighted to reflect the total originating calls per switch.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

b) Local Network Service - Blockage and Failures

Definition: The percentage of local calls switched without equipment blockage or failure.

Measurement Method: A Company analyst samples approximately 300 actual calls per switching machine per month during the hours 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. to determine if blockages or failures are experienced anywhere in the local network. Working days, weekends and holidays are all sampled, except Christmas Day, Mother's Day and New Year's Day. Data are gathered in switching centres for over 200 switching machines covering approximately 74% of the Company's subscribers on a continuous basis and results are calculated monthly on the basis of a one month sample. Aggregations from the switching centre level are weighted to reflect the total originating calls per switch.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

c) Local Network Service - Transmission

Definition: The percentage of local calls completed successful: with satisfactory transmission.

Measurement Method: Company analysts monitor a sample of local calls for a maximum of 15 seconds per call to determine whether transmission is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Calls are scored as unsatisfactory, based upon the assessment of the experienced and specially trained observer, when conditions such as noise, cross-talk, echo, or hollowness impact on the ability of parties to hear each other. Approximately 300 local calls per switching machine per month are sampled and a random process is used for the sample selection. The number of local machines in the sample represents about 74% of main telephones in service. Aggregations from the switching centre level are weighted to reflect the total originating calls per switch.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

4. Long Distance Service
a) Toll Network Service - Access

Definition: The percentage of direct distance dialed (DDD) calls accessing the toll network successfully.

Measurement Method: Traffic measurements are analysed to calculate a "percent no circuit on ODD access trunk groups. This is accomplished by measuring the overflow and total count of calls for each ODD trunk group of all analysed toll centres, resulting in coverage of approximately 80% of the Company's customers.

The above derived "percent no circuit" of the individual trunk groups are weighted monthly, by usage, to produce the toll centre accessibility result. By similar weighting, results are calculated on a facilities administration district, division, numbering plan area, general manager, regional and company basis.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

b) Toll Network Service -Blockage and Failures

Definition: The percentage of ODD calls that were switched without equipment blockage or failures.

Measurement Method: Observers in toll switching centres monitor a random sample of approximately 300 customer-dialed calls per switch per month on a continuing basis between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. on a sample of weekdays, and holidays except for Christmas Day, Mother's Day and New Year's Day. The observer is located in such a position that blockages and failures in the local network are not included in the measure. Of the 112 access points to outgoing toll trunks in the Company, 45 of the largest are observed, covering 80% of those subscribers having DDD service. Aggregation of data gathered in the toll switching centres are weighted to reflect the volume of originating DDD messages per toll centre.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision. In the interim, the existing standard of 96.5% will be retained.

c) Toll Network Service - Transmission

Definition: The percentage of DDD calls completed successfully with satisfactory transmission.

Measurement Method: Company analysts measure a random sample of ODD calls for a maximum of 15 seconds per call to determine whether transmission is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Calls are scored as unsatisfactory, based upon the assessment of the experienced and specially-trained observer, when conditions such as noise, cross-talk, echo or hollowness affect the ability of parties to hear each other. The number of toll switches in the sample represents about 80% of customers served by ODD.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

5. Operator Services
a) Toll and Assistance -Speed of Operator Answer

Definition: Average answering time on calls to toll and assistance operators.

Measurement Method: All traffic operator offices where this service is provided are measured. Two types of technology are currently used to measure speed of answer, one which averages the waiting times of all incoming calls and another which calculates the percentage of slow answers (e.g. over 10 seconds) on a sample of incoming calls. Depending on which system is installed at any given traffic operating office, a sample or universe of calls will be the basis for the data generated. Aggregations of data above the traffic office level are weighted to reflect the number of average business day calls.

Standard: 7.5 seconds.

b) Toll and Assistance: Courtesy and Accuracy

Definition: Percent of calls processed by the toll and assistance operators both accurately and in a courteous manner.

Measurement Method: An evaluation by service analysts in i) TOPS locations where calls are sampled in every office, and ii) cord board locations where calls are sampled in each office with a staff of forty or more operators; the sampled office must be within the range of the service analyst's equipment.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

c) Directory Assistance -Speed of Operator Answer

Definition: Average answering time on calls to directory assistance operators.

Measurement Method: As with the toll and assistance measure, data are gathered in traffic operating offices on a sample or universe basis depending on the technology involved at any given office. Of the 53 locations where directory assistance (DA) service is provided, 46 are measured covering more than 98.6% of the Company's customers. Aggregations to levels above traffic offices are weighted to reflect the number of average business day calls.

Standard: 7.5 seconds.

d) Directory Assistance Operator Courtesy and Accuracy

Definition: Percent of calls processed by the directory assistance operator both accurately and in a courteous manner

Measurement Method: Service analysts sample calls in every directory assistance office Which handles 2000 or more calls on an average business day.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

e) Directory Assistance - Promptness and Accuracy

Definition: The percentage of listings where the operator record has been posted promptly and accurately.

Measurement Method: The performance of promptness and accuracy in the provisioning of directory assistance information to the operator is assessed by interviewers who call directory assistance on a sample basis and request specific new or changed listing information. The information obtained is compared to the information contained on the completed service order. On a monthly basis, percent successful verifications are expressed as performance quality.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

f) Intercept Service -Speed of Operator Answer

Definition: operators.

Average answering time on calls to intercept

Measurement Method: As with the toll and assistance measure, data are gathered in traffic operating offices on a sample or universe basis depending on the technology involved at any given office. Of the 53 locations where DA service is provided, 46 are measured covering more than 98.6% of the Company's customers. Aggregations to levels above traffic offices are weighted to reflect the number of average business day calls.

Standard: 7.5 seconds

g) Intercept Service -Promptness and Accuracy

Definition: The percentage of intercepted numbers where the physical work has been completed correctly and the operator record has been posted accurately within one day of the due date.

Measurement Method: The performance of switching centres (which handle the necessary wiring aspects of this service) and of traffic operating offices (which handle the operator aspects) is assessed on the basis of a sample of service orders qualifying for intercept service. These can originate through Phonecentres or through the regular business offices. Performance data are aggregated at the district level.

Standard: The proposed standard of 90% is accepted in the interim. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

6. Directory Services
a) Accuracy

Definition: The percent of residence and small business customers' listings in the white pages of Bell directories published without errors or omissions.

Measurement Method: A random sample is taken from the Company's billing record file containing the names and addresses of customers. Using this file as a basis, 200 interviews per published directory are completed. The results are weighted to reflect the different sizes of directories and are reported on a quarterly basis only for each General Manager Entity.

Standard: 93.8%

7. Billing Service
a) Billing Accuracy - Residence and Business

Definition: a) The percentage of total residence accounts issued without adjustment and b) the percentage of total business accounts issued without adjustment.

Measurement Method: The method used in arriving at the percentage of total accounts issued without adjustment is as follows: The billing cycle comprises ten billing periods, spaced at three-day intervals throughout the month, ending on the 28th of every month. A measurement is taken at the end of each period and totalled to reflect the complete cycle.

Using the Companys mechanised billing process, which handles in excess of 99% of all accounts issued, every account is reviewed in order to identify those issued with an entry on line 3 of the bill (adjustment line). The sum of these entries represents the number of adjustments used to calculate "the percentage of total accounts issued without adjustment.

At present, the number of accounts being measured monthly in this manner is approximately 4.5 million residence accounts and 480,000 business accounts.

Note: Figures for monthly billing failures by type as a percentage of the dollar value of bills processed correctly and on time will be reported.

Standard: 95%.

b) Business Office: Customer Access

Definition: The percentage of customer calls to the business office, where customers reached the business office on the first attempt.

Measurement Method: Customers are canvassed after the service orders are completed. A sample of service orders is drawn from all eligible completed service orders on a daily basis. The sample size is such that approximately 50 customer interviews will be completed for each district entity for each month.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

8. Complaints
a) Customer Complaints Addressed to Officers and Department heads of Bell and to the CRTC Per l00,000 Accounts

Definition: The number of complaints addressed (in written or verbal form) to officers and department heads of Bell and to the CRTC (forwarded to Bell) per 100,000 accounts. A complaint is defined for the purposes of this measure as one which has failed to be resolved at the first level of contact between a customer and Bell staff which reaches the official "complaints" telephone number identified in telephone directories. In addition, the number of complaints in each category will be provided.

Measurement Method: All complaints received are aggregated at the customer services general manager entity level and the ratio to accounts is calculated. In addition to quarterly reports, information for each reporting entity and for the Company will be provided annually as follows with an inside/outside BRA breakdown in each case. The reports will include an analysis by: i) total number of complaints: ii) number of complaints in each category: iii) complaints in each category as a percentage of total complaints, and iv) percentage growth over previous year, by category.

B. British Columbia Telephone Company

1. Provision of Service
a) Percent of Installation Appointments Met

Definition: The percentage of appointments for the installation of both main stations and supplementary equipment met on the date and at the time arranged with the customer.

Measurement Method: The actual date and time at which an installation was initiated is compared with the date arranged with the customer to determine the percentage of appointments met. All installations are included. The report will include a breakdown by: i) residence requiring a field visit; ii) basic business (1-3 lines) requiring a field visit; iii) complex business (more than 3 lines) requiring a field visit and; iv) office connections not requiring a field visit.

Standard: The interim standard of "85% -90% of all installation appointments" is accepted. Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

b) Percent Installation Appointments Within Objective

Definition: The percentage of service order appointment dates (due date) promised to the customer within (objective to be determined) days of when the customer initiated a service request. This measure includes orders for new, change or removal of service. When a customer initiates an order requesting service beyond the objective date it will be considered as meeting the objective if the order is initiated on the customer's requested date.

Measurement Method: The Company will submit, within 12 months from the date of this decision, details of the measure to be implemented. B.C. Tel is required to report within two months on the feasibility of using a sampling method similar to Bell. The report will include a breakdown by: i) fielded basic orders (1-3 lines), urban (objective: 3-5 working days): ii) fielded basic orders (1-3 lines), rural (objective: 5-7 working days): iii) fielded complex orders (more than 3 lines) (information on objective will be provided within 1 month from the date of this decision), and iv) office reconnects (objective: 1 working day).

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator.

c) Main Held Orders Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: Applications for main telephone service in areas where there are presently no company services or facilities, and in areas where service is presently being provided but where the company is temporarily unable to provide service to new subscribers because of a lack of facilities.

Measurement Method: A count of main held orders is taken at the end of each month and is expressed as a ratio per 100 main inward movement. Measurement to include all unsatisfied customer requests on file.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

d) Upgrades Held Over 30 Days on File, Per 100 Upgrade Requests

Definition: The number of requests for higher grades of service (e.g. a request to upgrade from multi-party to two-party service), unfilled for more than 30 days.

Measurement Method: A count of held upgrades (e.g. unfilled requests for upgrades) is taken at the end of each month, and those held for over 30 days are expressed as a ratio per 100 requests for upgrades (new requests plus requests unfilled from previous months). Measurement to include all unsatisfied customer requests on file.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

e) Percent Customers Satisfied with Date Promised for Installation

Definition: Response 1) to TEL-CEL item, Was the date the representative gave for doing the work acceptable? and 2) to Phone Mart question "Were you satisfied with this date or time that you were given?".

Measurement Method: A sample is taken from service orders for customers who have recently had an installation or change in service; the sample consists of 25 service orders per district per month. Each sampled customer is contacted by telephone and the provisioning" questionnaire from the TEL-CEL series is administered. The report will include a breakdown by: i) service orders from business offices, and ii) service orders from Phone Mart.

Standard: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

2. Repair Service
a) Initial Trouble Reports Per 100 Stations Per Month

Definition: A report of trouble from a customer indicating improper functioning of, or a defective condition in a telephone, station or other telephone equipment or plant on which there are no outstanding trouble reports.

Measurement Method: The total number of initial trouble reports (including repeated reports) is expressed as a ratio per 100 stations in service each month.

Standard: The interim standard of 4.5 - 6.5 per 100 stations is accepted. A standard that satisfies at least 90% of subscribers will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

b) Repeated Repair Reports as a Percent of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: A report of trouble from a customer which is received within 30 days of a previous initial trouble report on the same telephone number,' line/trunk number, or station number. Repeated reports mayor may not involve the same problem 'as the previous request for repair service.

Measurement Method: The number of trouble reports found to be repeated reports is expressed as a percentage of total initial trouble reports. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) residence, and ii) business lines.

Standard: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures. The current standards of "10% -15% for residence and 15% -20% for business lines" are retained in the interim.

c) Subsequent Repair Reports as a Percent of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: A trouble report or inquiry from a customer on a particular telephone, station or other plant item for which a previous trouble report is on record and has not been cleared (all subsequent reports to be included).

Measurement Method: The number of all subsequent reports is expressed as a percentage of total initial trouble reports. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) residence, and ii) business lines will be reported.

The Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

d) Percent Out-of-Service Reports Cleared Within 24 Hours

Definition: The percentage of reports of out-of-service conditions .which are cleared within 24 hours of the cl1stomer reporting the condition.

Measurement Method: The clearing time for all out-of-service conditions is compared with the time of the initial customer trouble report to determine the percentage cleared within 24 hours. The report will include a breakdown by: i) residence/business, and ii) urban/non urban.

Standards: The interim standard of 75% - 85% is accepted. Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator.

e) Percent Experiencing no Difficulty in Contacting Repair Service

Definition: Responses to TEL-CEI~ items (referring to customers call to repair service) Was there any difficulty getting your call through to repair service?, and (If yes) What was the difficulty?.

Measurement Method: A sample is selected from recently completed repair tickets (e.g. representing customers who have recently reported a trouble to repair service): the sample consists of 25 repair tickets per district per month. Each sampled customer is contacted by telephone and the TEL-CI~L Repair questionnaire is administered.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

f) Percent Satisfied With Time Required to Correct Problem

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL item Are you satisfied with the time it took to correct the trouble from the time you reported it until it was corrected?"

Measurement Method: The above question is from the TEL-CEL Repair questionnaire. Sampling is as described in e) above.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

3. Local Service
a) Local Dial Service Analysis

Definition: Percentage of local calls which are not completed because of equipment failures or because the equipment is unable to handle the volume of calls.

Measurement Method: Service analysis operators observe a sample of local calls to calculate the percentage of local calls not properly completed because of a blockage (e.g. current demand by customers exceeds the capacity of the equipment) or because of an equipment failure (e.g. the caller does not reach the dialed number because of an equipment problem). Forty percent of the company's offices (representing 88.6% of total main stations) are measured offices of over 2,000 lines are measured each quarter, those of from 1,000 - 2,000 lines are measured every six months, and those under 1,000 lines are measured by special study.

Standard: The interim standard of 1% - 2% is accepted. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

b) Dial Tone Delay

Definition: The percentage of attempted calls during the busy hour experiencing dial tone delay of three seconds or less.

Measurement Method: Step-by-step offices (SXS) a scan of customer line serving equipment availability is made and the percentage of occasions on which all lines were busy (and thus dial tone delay is experienced by customers) is calculated. Linefinder all circuit busy data is used to determine dial tone delay. ESPC offices: external dial tone delay recorders are used. The report will include a breakdown by: i) SXS, and ii) ESPC.

Standards: SXS: 98%; ESPC: 98.5%

Status: New indicator

c) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Call Completion on First Attempt

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL items "Did you get an answer the first time you dialed the number?, and (If no) "What was the difficulty?.

Measurement Method: The customer master file is used to provide a sample of 25 customers per district, per month who have placed a local and/or a long distance call within the past month. Each sampled customer is then contacted by telephone and the "Dial" questionnaire from the TEL-CEL series is administered.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

d) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Trouble Hearing Calls

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL item "Remembering that last local call, did you have any trouble hearing during that conversation?".

Measurement Method: "Dial" questionnaire.

The above question is from the TEL-CEL Sampling is as described in c) above.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

e) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Trouble Being Heard on Local Calls

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL item "On that same call, did you have any trouble being heard?.

Measurement Method: The above question is from the TEL-CEL Sampling is as described in c) above.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

4. Long Distance Service
a) DDD Outgoing Service Analysis

Definition: The percent of calls not completed because of equipment failures or because the equipment is unable to handle the volume of calls.

Measurement Method: Service analysis operators observe a sample of long-distance calls to calculate the percentage not properly completed because of equipment irregularities (resulting in the subscriber reaching a number other than that which was dialed) or because of blockages (resulting in a "no circuit" signal, which indicates that the equipment is unable to handle the volume of calls presented to it). All 14 toll centres are measured each month.

Standard: The interim standard of 2% - 4% of long-distance calls is accepted. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

b) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Call Completion on First Attempt

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL items "Did you get an answer first time you dialed the number?", and (If no) "What was the difficulty?".

Measurement Method: The above question is from the "Dial" questionnaire. Sampling is as previously described.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

c) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Trouble Hearing on Long Distance Calls

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL item Remembering that last long-distance call, did you have any trouble hearing 'during your conversation?

Measurement Method: The above question is from the Dial questionnaire. Sampling is as previously described.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

d) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Trouble Being Heard on Long Distance Calls

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL items On that same call, did you have any trouble being heard?, and (If yes) What was the trouble?.

Measurement Method: The question is from the Dial questionnaire. Sampling is as previously described.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

5. Operator Services
a) Outward Toll and Assistance Answer

Definition: The average length of time in seconds taken to answer calls received by the long distance and assistance operators.

Measurement Method: All incoming calls to toll and assistance operators' switchboards are measured to determine the average length of time before each call is answered. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) non-mechanised switchboards, and ii) mechanised switchboards.

Standard: The interim standards of "7.9 seconds or less for non-mechanised switchboards, 3.1 seconds or less for mechanised switchboards" are accepted. Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator.

b) Directory Assistance and Intercept Answer

Definition: The average length of time in seconds taken to answer calls received by the directory assistance and intercept operators.

Measurement Method: All incoming calls to directory assistance and intercept operators' switchboards are measured to determine the average length of time before each call is answered.

Standard: The interim standard of 6.6 seconds or less is accepted. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

c) Outward Toll and Assistance Analysis Percent Errors

Definition: The percentage of calls to long distance and assistance operators which are found to have operator faults classified as errors.

Measurement Method: Service observers monitor a sample of calls to long distance and assistance and record the instances in which operators are found to have deviated from recommended operating procedures. Serious operating faults which affect the calling customer directly or which affect the billing or rating of the call under analysis (for example, cut-offs or incorrect dialing instructions) are classified as errors.

Standard: Interim standard of 1.2% or less of calls. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

d) Directory Assistance and Intercept Analysis - Percent Errors

Definition: The percentage of calls to directory assistance and intercept operators found to have operator faults classified as errors.

Measurement Method: A sample of calls to directory assistance and intercept operators is observed and operator errors are recorded.

Standard: Interim standard of "1.4% or less of calls". A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

e) Customer Evaluation of Toll and Assistance Operator Performance

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL item Overall, how would you rate the operator service you received on this call?.

Measurement Method: The customer master file is used to provide a sample of 25 customers (per district, per month) who have during the past month called a local D.A. operator and/or made an operator-assisted long distance call. Each sampled customer is then contacted by telephone and the Operator questionnaire from the TEL-CEL series is administered. The reports will include a breakdown by the following categories: i) poor, ii) fair, iii) good, iv) excellent, and v) no opinion.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

f) Customer Evaluation of Directory Assistance and Intercept Operator Performance

Definition: Response to TEL-CEL item "Then overall, how would you rate the directory assistance service you received on that last request?".

Measurement Method: As described in e) above

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

6. Directory Services
a) Directory Accuracy

Definition: The percent of residence and small business customers listings in the white pages of B.C. Tel directories published without errors or omissions.

Measurement Method: The Company should report to the Commission within two months from the date of this decision on the feasibility of employing a method similar to the one in use by Bell.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision

Status: New indicator. To be developed.

b) Listing Changes Available Within 48 Hours

Definition: The percentage of new and changed listings made available to directory assistance and intercept operators within 48 hours of the completion of a service order.

Measurement Method: Will be submitted to the Commission for approval within two months from the date of this decision. report will include a breakdown by: i) company, and ii) division.

The Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

7. Billing
a) Billing Accuracy and Timeliness Measurement Program

Definition: A measurement program which assesses the accuracy and the timeliness of relevant aspects of the billing process.

It measures the accuracy of service orders, credit charges, long distance calls, directory assistance charges and cash payments; and measures the timeliness of service orders, long distance calls, bill mailing and cash payments.

Measurement Method: Accuracy-Service Orders: The number of adjustments required after service order information is input into the billing system because of errors which would result in incorrect billing; the number of suc:'1 adjustments is expressed as a percentage of total service orders processed. Accuracy-Credit Charges: The number of occasions on which credit charges are rebated to customers is expressed as a percentage of the number of accounts charged. Accuracy-Long Distance Calls: The percentage of long distance calls requiring an adjustment because they have been denied and after investigation were found to be unbillable to the original subscriber. Accuracy-Directory Assistance Charges: The number of directory assistance charges refunded to customers is expressed as a percentage of total directory assistance charges billed. Accuracy-Cash Payments: The number of occasions on which cast. payments are applied to customer accounts incorrectly is expressed as a percentage of total accounts paid. Timeliness-Bill Mailing: The number of accounts requiring more than three working days for preparation and mailing expressed as a percentage of total accounts mailed. Timeliness-Service Orders: The percentage of billed service orders that are included in the next billing cycle given a six-calendar-day processing allowance. Timeliness-Long Distance Calls: The percentage of long distance calls that are included in the next billing cycle given a six-calendar-day processing allowance. Timeliness-Cash Processing: The percentage of cash payments processed in the billing data within three days of receipt. A breakdown of accuracy measured by base volume, customer adjustments, % of base volume, and of timeliness measures by base volume, billing elements over allowable processing time, % of base volume, % meeting allowable processing time are presently reported.

Standards: Separate standards for accuracy and timeliness measures will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

b) Frequency of Customers Experiencing Problems with Telephone Bill

Definition: The percentage of accounts issued without adjustments.

Measurement Method: A method similar to Bell's will be developed within three months from the date of this decision. The reports will include a breakdown by (i) residence, and (ii) business.

Standards: Separate standards that satisfy at least 90% of subscribers will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator. To be developed

c) Speed of answer to Calls to Business Offices

Definition: A measure of the time (expressed in seconds) required to reach customer contact personnel in the Company's business offices.

Measurement Method: To be developed.

Standard: To be developed

Status: New indicator. Feasibility report required within 3 months of this decision.

8. Complaints
a) Complaints Received by B.C. Tel

Definition: A summary of written and verbal complaints received by the Company and classified by category.

Measurement Method: All written and verb.3.l complaints received by district, division and headquarters customer service managers are classified into categories by the customer service manager - headquarters. The reports at the divisional corporate level will include a breakdown of: i) complaints by category, ii) complaints by categories as a percentage of total complaints, iii) total complaints, and iv) total complaints as a percentage of total accounts. In addition to quarterly data, annual reports are to be provided.

Standard: Not applicable.

Status: New indicator

C. NorthwesTel Inc.

1. Provision of Service
a) Main Held Orders Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: Orders for new or relocated main stations which cannot be filled because of a lack of facilities.

Measurement Method: On a specific date each month, all held orders are counted. Those which cannot be filled because of a lack of facilities are expressed as a ratio per 100 main inward movement over the month immediately preceding that date.

Standard: A. standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

b) Main Held Orders Over 30 Days, Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: Orders for new or relocated main stations which have been unfilled over 30 days from date of customer request because of a lack of facilities.

Measurement Method: On a specific date each month, all held orders on file over 30 days from date of customer request are counted. Those which cannot be filled because of a lack of facilities are expressed as a ratio per 100 main inward movement over the month immediately precel1ing that date.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

c) Outstanding Orders for Main Stations Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: Orders for new or relocated main stations which are not completed because of a lack of manpower.

Measurement Method: On a specific date each month, all outstanding orders are counted. Those which are not completed because of a lack of manpower are expressed as a ratio per 100 main inward movement over the month immediately preceding that date.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

d) Outstanding Orders for Main Stations Over 30 Days, Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: Orders for new or relocated main stations which have been uncompleted for more than 30 days from date of customers request because of a lack of manpower.

Measurement Method: On a specific date each month, all outstanding orders on file over 30 days from date of customer's request are counted. These which are not completed because of a lack of manpower are expressed as a ratio per 100 main inward movement over the month immediately preceding that date.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

e) Held Regrades Per 100 Regrade Requests

Definition: The number of requests for a change in class of service (e.g. from two-party to individual service) which cannot be filled because of a lack of NorthwesTel facilities expressed as a ratio of total requests for regrades (new requests plus requests unfilled from previous months).

Measurement Method: On a specific date each month, all held orders for regrades are counted. Those which cannot be filled because of a lack of NorthwesTel facilities are expressed as a ratio of total requests for regrades.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

2. Repair Service
a) Initial Trouble Reports Per 100 Stations Per Month

Definition: A measure of the reports the Company receives from customers about malfunctions in telephones, extensions, coin telephone, etc., or about the location or performance of the Company's plant or equipment.

Measurement Method: The total number of initial trouble reports (including repeated reports) is expressed as a ratio per 100 stations in service each month.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

b) Repeated Repair Reports as a Percent of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: A report of trouble from a customer which is received within 30 days of a previous initial trouble report on the same telephone number, line/trunk number or station number. Repeated reports mayor may not involve the same problem as the previous request for repair service.

Measurement Method: The number of trouble reports found to be repeated reports is expressed as a percentage of total initial trouble reports.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

c) Subsequent Repair Reports as a Percent of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: A trouble report or inquiry from a customer on a particular telephone, station or other plant item for which a previous trouble report is on record and has not been cleared. All subsequent reports are included.

Measurement Method: The total of all subsequent reports is expressed as a percentage of total initial trouble reports.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

d) Percent of Initial Out-of-Service Reports Cleared Within 24 Hours (Excluding Weekends and Holidays)

Definition: The percentage of initial reports of out-of-service conditions which are cleared within 24 hours (excluding week-ends and holidays) of the customer reporting the condition.

Measurement Method: The clearing time for all initial out-of-service conditions is compared with the time of the initial customer trouble report to determine the percentage cleared within 24 hours, excluding week-ends and holidays.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

3. Local Service
a) Dial Tone Delay

Definition: The percentage of calls experiencing a delay of more than three seconds before receiving dial tone.

Measurement Method: A mechanical device is used to simulate calls, and to calculate the percentage of such calls encountering a delay of more than three seconds before receiving dial tone. This information is collected in offices of 2,000 or more lines, which represent 70% of subscribers.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

b) Local Dial Line Analysis

Definition: The percentage of attempted local calls which encounter blockage or failures and transmission problems.

Measurement Method: In exchanges of 2,000 or more lines, equipment is used to make 300 test calls per month, recording the percentages of total attempted calls encountering blockage or failures and transmission problems.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

4. Long Distance Service
a) Analysis of Long Distance Service

Definition: The percentage of long distance calls encountering adverse conditions which can be classified as i) blockage or failures, and ii) transmission problems.

Measurement Method: A service analysis operator observes a sample of long distance calls and records whether the attempted call encountered i) blockage or failures, or ii) transmission problems. Calls encountering such conditions are expressed as percentages of total attempted calls. The measure will include the Whitehorse and Hay River toll centres and, commencing in the fourth quarter of 1983, the Fort Nelson toll centre will be added to the report. The report will include a breakdown by: i) blockage or failures, and ii) transmission problems.

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator.

5. Operator Services
a) Outward Toll and Assistance -Average Answer

Definition: The average time it takes for a long distance and assistance operator to answer a call from a customer.

Measurement Method: Incoming calls to toll and assistance operators are measured to determine the length of time before each call is answered. The answer time is expressed as average seconds before an operator answers the call.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

b) Directory Assistance Answer - Percent of Calls Answered Within 10 Seconds

Definition: Percent of calls to directory assistance operators answered within 10 seconds.

Measurement Method: A sample of incoming calls to directory assistance operators is measured; those answered within 10 seconds are expressed as a percentage of the total number of calls to directory assistance operators. All directory assistance calls in NorthwesTel territory are handled at Hay River.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

6. Directory Service
a) Directory Accuracy

Definition: The percent of residence and small business customer's listings in the white pages of NorthwesTel's directories published without errors or omissions.

Measurement Method: A random sample is taken from the Company's billing record file containing the names and addresses of customers. Using this file as a basis, 200 interviews per published directory are completed. The results are weighted to reflect the different sizes of directories.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

7. Billing

a) Billing Accuracy

Definition: The percent of subscriber bills issued without adjustment.

Measurement Method: A count is taken each month of the number of subscriber bills issued without adjustment, and is expressed as a percentage of the total bills issued that month. Adjustments include any change made on the bill, and not simply Company-caused errors. A breakdown by residence/business will be reported within six months of this decision.

Standards: Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator

8. Complaints

a) Customer Complaint Summary

Definition: All verbal and written complaints, classified by category.

Measurement Method: All written and verbal complaints received by the Company's five business offices and by the general manager's office are reported as a percentage of total accounts. The complaints are classified into the following categories: 1) provision of service, 2) repair, 3) local and long distance, 4) operator services, 5) directory, 6) personnel, 7) billing, 8) other. The other category will represent 5% or less of total complaints. The report will include a breakdown of: i) complaints by category; ii) complaints by category as a percentage of total complaints; iii) total complaints, and iv) total complaints as a percentage of total accounts. In addition to quarterly reports, annual reports are to be provided.

Status: New indicator.

D. Terra Nova Telecommunications Inc.

1. Provision of Service
a) Held Orders Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: The number of orders for main telephone installations which have not been complied with by the Company on a specific count date each month due to lack of facilities. It is expressed as a percentage of the main telephones installed since the count date in the preceding month.

Measurement Method: On the last working day of each month the held orders in each exchange are counted and the ratio calculated for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

b) Outstanding Orders Per 100 Main Inward Movement

Definition: The number of orders for main telephone installations which have not been complied with by the Company on a specific count date each month for manpower reasons. It is expressed as a percentage of the main telephones installed since the count date in the preceding month.

Measurement Method: On the last working day of each month the outstanding orders in each exchange are counted and the ratio calculated for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

c) Held Regrades Per 100 Regrade Requests

Definition: The total number of orders- for upgrades of main station telephone service (e.g. from two-party to individual) which have not been complied with by the Company as of a specific count date each month due to lack of facilities. It is expressed as a percentage of the total requests for upgrades (new requests plus requests unfilled from previous months).

Measurement Method: On the last working day of each month the held regrades in each exchange are counted and the ratio calculated for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

d) Outstanding Regrades Per 100 Regrade Requests

Definition: The total number of orders for upgrades of main station telephone service (e.g. from two-party to individual) which have not been complied with by the Company as of a specific count date for manpower reasons. It is expressed as a percentage of the total requests for upgrades (new requests plus requests unfilled from previous months).

Measurement Method: On the last working day of each month the outstanding regrades in each exchange are counted and the ratio calculated for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

2. Repair Service
a) Initial Trouble Reports per 100 Stations

Definition: The number of first reports the Company receives from customers experiencing difficulty or dissatisfaction with telephone equipment, including improper functioning or dissatisfaction with appearance, location or physical condition of telephone plant. These are expressed as a ratio per 100 stations.

Measurement r1ethod: The total number of initial reports (including repeat reports) received within the month is expressed as a ratio per 100 stations in service at the end of each month for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: Interim standard of less than 6.5%. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

b) Subsequent Trouble Reports as a Percentage of Initial Reports

Definition: The number of reports the Company receives following receipt of initial reports and prior to corrective action having been taken by the Company, expressed as a percentage of initial trouble reports.

Measurement Method: The number of all subsequent reports, received within the month, is tabulated at the end of each month and, expressed as a percentage of the total initial trouble reports received within the month, for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

c) Repeated Reports as a Percentage of Initial Trouble Reports

Definition: The percentage of initial trouble reports for which a further report is received within one month of receipt of tl1e previous report, and after corrective action has been taken on the previous report. The repeated report may not involve the same precise problem but involves the same line, trunk, circuit or station.

Measurement Method: The number of repeated reports, received within the month, is tabulated at the end of each month and expressed as a percentage of the total initial trouble reports received within the month, for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: Interim standard of less than 15%. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator.

d) Percent of Initial Out-of-Service Trouble Reports Cleared Within 24 Hours (Excluding Weekends and Holidays)

Definition: The percentage of initial reports of out-of-service conditions which are cleared within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).

Measurement Method: The number of initial trouble reports cleared in 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) is tabulated at the end of each month and expressed as a percentage of the total initial out-of-service reports for all exchanges in each of four separate geographic areas and as a company total.

Standard: Interim standard of more than 60%. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: New indicator

3. Local Service
a) Percentage Dial Tone Delay

Definition: The percentage of telephone calls experiencing a dial tone delay of more than three seconds.

Measurement Method: Permanent dial tone delay recorders are installed at Gander, Clarenville and Lewisporte. Portable dial tone recorders are used in other step and common control exchanges. Total attempts and total delays of more than three seconds are recorded and a percentage delay calculated. Digital exchanges at Springdale, Bonavista, Catalina, Birchy Bay and Kings Cove provide dial tone delay measurements on demand based on subscribers lines being monitored on a continuous basis. The number of dial tone delays in excess of three seconds expressed as a percentage of total attempts is calculated by a program resident in memory. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) permanent-digital dial tone, and ii) portable dial tone.

The percent customer coverage achieved will accompany every report, and the exchanges measured by portable equipment will be identified. For the exchanges equipped with permanent recorders and digital exchanges, monthly data will be reported on a quarterly basis. For smaller exchanges results will be provided on a sample basis.

Standard: Interim standard of "not more than 2%". A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

b) Local Dial Line Observations

Definition: The percentage of local calls switched without equipment blockage or failures, or transmission problems.

Measurement Method: Calls are made on a random sample (20% of the smaller exchanges) to individual subscribers, by designated employees on a per visit basis to various exchanges. Unsatisfactory calls are recorded and the reason for the failure (e.g. equipment blockage or failures, or transmission problems such as noise or high losses) is indicated.

For each of the four largest exchanges, e.g. Gander, Lewisporte, Clarenville and Bonavista, 300 calls per quarter will be tabulated. The results will be reported quarterly with a breakdown by: i) equipment blockage or failures, and ii) transmission problems. The exchanges measured by portable equipment will be identified.

Standard: Aggregated interim standard of "more than 90% of the calls to be switched without encountering adverse conditions". Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator.

4. Long Distance
a) Percent DDD Completion

Definition: The percentage of direct distance dialed (DDD) customers' calls (excluding calls to operators) that were switched successfully without encountering equipment blockage or failures, or transmission problems.

Measurement Method: A random sample of 300 customer-dialed calls per month through the Gander toll switching machine are observed by experienced toll supervisory staff for a maximum of 15 seconds per call at a service analysis position. Observations are taken between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. on selected weekdays, weekends and holidays except for Mother's Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Calls that encounter equipment blockage or failures, or transmission problems, such as noise, cross-talk, echo or hollowness that affect the ability of the parties involved to hear each other, are recorded as failures. The percent of calls switched successfully without encountering problems is tabulated and recorded monthly. The reports will include a breakdown by: i) blockage or failures, and ii) transmission problems.

Standards: Interim standard of "more than 90% of calls switched without problems". Separate standards will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision for each of the above measures.

Status: New indicator

5. Operator Services
a) Outward Toll and Assistance Speed of Answer

Definition: The average answer time in seconds for calls to long distance operators. In Terra Nova's operation, calls other than long distance calls also reach these operators and are passed to the appropriate contact person. All such calls are included in this measure.

Measurement Method: Data are produced electronically every half hour showing the average time for all calls received at Terra Nova Tel's only toll centre at Gander between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. The results are tabulated monthly.

Standard: Interim standard of five seconds. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

b) Directory Assistance -Speed of Answer

Definition: The percentage of calls. to directory assistance operators answered within 10 seconds.

Measurement Method: A measure of the speed of answer by directory assistance operators is made at the Gander operator centre where an answer-time recorder counts on a monthly sample basis the incoming calls which have been waiting for over 10 seconds before being answered.

Standard: Interim standard of "not less than 83% of calls answered within 10 seconds". A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

6. Directory Services
a) Directory Accuracy

Definition: The number of listing errors in the white pages discovered by the Company or reported by customers in each month following publication of the directory in May of each year.

Measurement Method: The number of errors discovered by the Company, or reported to the Company by subscribers, is reported on a monthly basis. Cumulative data are expressed as a percentage of total white page listings.

Standard: Interim standard "not exceeding 2% of total white page directory listings". A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

Status: Interim indicator pending report within three 'months of this decision on alternate measurement method.

7. Billing
a) Billing Acsuracy

Definition: The percentage of customer bills issued without adjustment. Adjustments are defined as any change to a previously billed amount reflected on the current statement of a subscriber. These include adjustments to billed amounts for toll, rentals, late payment charges and miscellaneous adjustments, not necessarily caused by the Company.

Measurement Method: The number of customer bills adjusted and the number of customer bills issued are processed on a monthly basis and provided in a statement from the computerised billing file. The total number of customer bills adjusted is deducted from the total number of customer bills issued and the result stated as a percentage of the total customer bills issued. A breakdown by residence/business is to be reported.

Standard: Interim standard of 94%. A standard will be developed within 15 months from the date of this decision.

8. Complaints
a) Customer Complaint Summary

Definition: Complaints which have failed to be resolved through regular channels and referred to a complaints number listed in the telephone directory, are recorded. These and other complaints, both verbal and written, are tabulated by the complaints position and divided into several categories, namely billing errors, directory errors, delay in obtaining service, delay in repair, local and long distance service quality and miscellaneous.

Measurement Method: Complaints are sorted and tabulated by various categories on a monthly basis and recorded as: i) total number of complaints; ii) total complaints as a percentage of total accounts, iii) number of complaints in each category, and iv) complaints in each category as a percentage of total complaints. In addition to quarterly data, annual reports are to be provided.

J.G. Patenaude
Secretary General

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