ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 85-1310

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Ottawa, 27 December 1985
Decision CRTC 85-1310
Vidéotron Ltée Montreal, Laval, Beloeil, La Prairie, Châteauguay, Saint-Jean, Saint-Jérôme and Sainte-Thérèse, Quebec - 852098300 - 852099100 - 852100700 - 852101500 - 852095900 - 852096700 - 852093400 - 852102300 - 852105600 - 852106400 - 852107200
CF Câble TV Inc. Parts of Montreal and of Laval, Quebec - 850551300 - 850552100Télécâble des Mille-lles Inc. Terrebonne, Mascouche, Lachenaie and part of Saint-Louis-de-Terrebonne, Quebec - 852456300Transvision Rive-Sud Inc. Boucherville and Varennes, Quebec - 852091800
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1985-234 dated 28 October 1985 the Commission approves the applications to amend the licences of the broadcasting receiving undertakings serving the communities noted above by granting them exemption, by condition of licence, from Paragraph 6(1)c) of the Cable Television Regulations with respect to the priority designation of CFTU-TV (CANAL) Montreal; and to change the authorized distribution of their television services, by adding CFTU-TV available by converter on the primary service tier.
In Decision CRTC 85-24 dated 18 January 1985, which authorized the operation of a new educational television station in Montreal (CFTU-TV), the Commission noted the statement made by CANAL at the 27 November 1984 public hearing in Hull, Quebec that it would not object to cable television undertakings in the Montreal region using the mid band or super band portion of their primary service tiers for the distribution of its signal, in order to avoid displacing a signal currently offered on the basic band.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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